Which mattress is better: spring or springless?

Despite the more than a wide selection of modern bed models, many people wake up tired and uncomfortable in the morning. The most common cause of problems is the wrong mattress. It is worth considering that now manufacturers offer a potential consumer a rich list of options with different performance characteristics.
It is important to understand which mattress is better: spring or springless. It should be remembered that comfort, and often the state of health, will directly depend on the correct choice of a specific model.

Comparison by main characteristics
When choosing one or another mattress for an adult or a child (especially for a child 2, 3, 4 years old or an elderly person), it is necessary to take into account the key parameters of each type. First of all, it should be noted that both spring and models without spring blocks are single and double-sided. Another important point is the degree of rigidity. It is customary to divide mattresses into very soft, soft, medium hard, hard, and also having increased hardness.
By the way, the latter cannot be found in the catalogs of spring options because of their design features. Such models, of course, differ from each other in this characteristic, and this is to some extent determined by the type of filler of the top layer.
It is important to take into account that their middle part will always be a spring block, which can be of two types: dependent or independent.

As noted, one of the main parameters of all mattresses is its rigidity, and in situations with spring models, it will depend mainly on the characteristics of the block. The softness of springless mattresses is directly determined by the filler, which, in turn, is natural and artificial. In addition, you can often find combined options.
All materials used by manufacturers differ significantly from each other in terms of performance. And in this case, we are not only talking about ensuring maximum comfort. This also refers to such important points as orthopedic properties, hypoallergenicity and durability. Mattresses that do not have spring blocks in their design are divided into monolithic and type-setting, and most often they become fillers:
- coconut fiber;
- polyurethane foam;
- natural latex;
- "Memorix".

Coconut fiber or coir is used by manufacturers to create surfaces with increased rigidity. Such models are recommended for children from newborns to 5-7 years old and adolescents. They will also be relevant for people with back problems. The main competitive advantages of this material include:
- naturalness;
- hypoallergenic;
- good ventilation;
- hygroscopic properties.
As you know, nothing is perfect, and therefore coconut fiber has its drawbacks. The most significant is that such mattresses are strongly discouraged from twisting, since the material is not resistant to kinks.

The next version of the filler is polyurethane foam (polyurethane foam). We are talking, of course, about artificial material. Analyzing its main characteristics, the following most important points can be distinguished.
- Good orthopedic properties compared to most other fillers. As practice shows, such mattresses provide back support in the correct position and accurately follow the contours of the human body during sleep.
- PPU does not cause allergic reactions.
- Good allows moisture and air to pass through.
- Affordable price made these mattresses one of the most popular on the market today.
Speaking about the shortcomings, it is necessary to point out that the natural filler will be much more durable than polyurethane foam.

Latex is a material that has a foamy structure and is obtained exclusively from natural raw materials. This filler differs from most of its competitors in its moderate elasticity. Also noteworthy are the following latex performance characteristics:
- due to the ability to follow the contours of the body, its comfortable and correct position is ensured;
- the material does not cause any allergic reactions, including skin irritation;
- there is no moisture absorption;
- due to the peculiarities of the porous structure, good airflow is ensured;
- dust does not accumulate in the filler, which in itself prevents the appearance and reproduction of dust mites.
The most significant disadvantage of natural latex is its relatively high cost. However, it should be noted that it is fully justified.

Taking into account the main characteristics of other filler options, the most significant disadvantage of "memorix" can be called a relatively high price.
"Memorix" or Memory Foam is today a very popular artificial filler. By the name in English, you can understand that this means material with a memory effect. Its key advantages:
- the contours of the body are clearly repeated and are preserved for a certain time;
- the material has high orthopedic qualities;
- there is no risk of allergic reactions;
- effective ventilation is ensured;
- moisture absorption is completely excluded, which prevents the appearance of mold.

Maximum load
The choice of this or that mattress model depends not only on the filler material. An equally important parameter is the weight of the person for whom the product is being purchased. That is, we are talking about the maximum load on the surface of the berth. So, in a situation with spring models for full ones, the Bonnel block may be the only way out.
Judging by user reviews and taking into account the opinion of experts, it is recommended for people with a large weight to buy mattresses equipped with independent springs. In this case, the blocks must be reinforced due to the corresponding wire diameter and an increased number of the elements themselves.
The so-called zone mattresses deserve special attention. In these versions, the load is automatically distributed over 7 separate spring blocks.

Manufacturers also offer springless devices designed for increased loads. In such mattresses, the densest foam is used as a filler. Naturally, such models will no longer belong to the budget price category. In the overwhelming majority of cases, springless products are designed for a weight in the range from 110 to 150 kg. However, manufacturers of mattresses, due to the competent selection of the layout of the layers and the density of their fixation, successfully manage to raise the upper limit to the level of 200 kg.
Naturally, the ability to withstand a load is directly determined by the stiffness of the material. It is also important to consider that when buying a particular type of mattress, it is strongly recommended to make a margin of safety. For example, for a person weighing 90 kg, the best option would be a product designed for 110 kg.

Life time
It is rather difficult to unequivocally answer the question concerning which mattress lasts longer. As practice shows, the lowest wear resistance is characteristic of products with Bonnel-type springs. Under constant loads, they can very quickly deform, sag and begin to creak. Taking into account such nuances, such mattresses are suitable mainly for rare use, for example, in the country.
Independent spring blocks are much more reliable in operation. It is important to take into account that in case of serious wear and even failure of one element of the system, the rest continue to perform their functions to the fullest. In this case, the load is distributed between the working blocks. In accordance with the statements of manufacturers and numerous reviews of the owners, the service life of such models can reach 10-15 years, including at maximum loads.

In situations with springless devices, the determining factors are the type and quality of the filler, as well as the modification of the product. The material with the shortest service life - it is cotton wool. She usually falls into lumps after a couple of years of using the mattress. Models made of polyurethane foam will last from 2 to 7 years on average (it all depends on the quality and density). The record holders are products with natural fiber fillers with increased rigidity. Thus, the service life of latex, sisal and coconut fiber (coir) reaches 15 years or more.
It should not be forgotten that the duration of operation of any mattress will be determined by its conditions.... To extend the life of the product as much as possible, it will be protected from mechanical damage, as well as moisture and dust ingress.
It is important to take into account that point loads are highly undesirable for spring modifications. Among other things, it is recommended that you turn the mattress at least once a month.

Which mattress is more comfortable?
It is undeniable that comfort is a key ingredient in healthy sleep.... In many respects, it depends on how correctly and comfortable the mattress is, whether a person gets enough sleep and how he will feel. According to some experts, most often a rather thin (16-18 cm) product.However, at the same time, the statement remains true that tall models create more comfortable conditions. It is rather difficult to compare the considered categories of mattresses with each other in terms of the degree of comfort. This is due to more than a wide range of models on the market by modern manufacturers.
For example, on sale there are premium springless mattresses with a height of up to 30 cm.At the same time, potential buyers are offered products with spring blocks no thicker than 16 cm.However, on average, spring mattresses (23-30 cm) are higher than their direct competitors (15- 20 cm). Among other things, it should be borne in mind that it may not be convenient to sleep on a spring spring on its entire surface. It is about reinforcing the edges of the product. In situations with Bonnel units designed for a double bed, certain problems are also possible. During sleep, people can corny roll into the middle, like in a hammock. But, despite all the nuances, lying on mattresses with springs, as a rule, is more comfortable.

How else are they different?
To determine which mattress is better, it is worth comparing spring products and springless ones, not only according to the parameters described above. This will be much easier if the following important points are taken into account when identifying differences.
- In the process of use, spring mattresses accumulate a lot of dust, since the springs themselves are hollow inside. Such problems do not arise with springless models. It is also worth considering that dust mites will not start in latex and coir.
- Due to the presence of metal elements in structures, the risk of encountering such an unpleasant phenomenon as static electricity increases.... In the same context, attention should be paid to the cover, since synthetic materials tend to electrify.
- For spring blocks of any modification, it is extremely undesirable to get even a minimal amount of moisture. This leads to the appearance of foci of corrosion with the subsequent destruction of the springs. Moisture will gradually evaporate from the springless ones, especially since many models are perforated.
- From a security point of view, both options under consideration are undeniable. An exception may in some cases be made by Bonnel constructions. Modern spring blocks are reliably protected by durable fabric, which minimizes the risk of injury or damage to things and bed linen.
- When comparing two types of products in the context of hygiene and hypoallergenicity, it is worth considering a wide range of both the models themselves and the materials used in production. It is important to remember that the belief that artificial fillers are more likely to cause negative reactions is a misconception.
- In terms of the latitude of the range of hardness / softness the clear leaders will be springless mattresses.
- Ease of use and maintenance. In this case, it should be remembered that most mattresses with box springs are quite weighty. This significantly complicates the process of changing covers and cleaning the product itself.
- Human health benefits... Orthopedic mattresses can often be found in the model lines of springless ones. At the same time, not all of these models are capable of boasting an anatomical effect (most important for products with maximum rigidity). By definition, the ideal and suitable anatomical mattress for most people should be relatively soft and firm. Such, as a rule, are representatives of the spring family.

In addition to all of the above, one of the important criteria for comparison will be cost. If we consider the so-called top of the market, that is, the elite segment, then in it both types of mattresses will have almost the same performance. In both cases, the price fluctuates around 100 thousand rubles and above.
The difference will be more tangible when considering budget options. Here, box-spring mattresses tend to be cheaper. And the thicker the compared models, the greater the price runoff.

What is the best choice?
First of all, it is worth figuring out what is better to take for a child, since the most stringent requirements are imposed on children's mattresses. All parents know well how important healthy sleep is for a growing and actively developing organism. In many respects, it is the properties of the mattress that determine comfort, and most importantly, the correct position of the body during sleep. Posture directly depends on how competently the sleeping place will be arranged.
It is categorically impossible to save on such an acquisition. But it's important to remember that the surface of a child's bed must be resilient, elastic and as safe as possible. One of the best options is a mattress filled with natural latex. The material fully meets the most stringent requirements and currently relevant standards.
However, it is important to take into account that each child is different, and therefore you should not be guided solely by general recommendations. The most rational solution would be to consult an experienced orthopedist.

Today, one of the most popular materials for the production of children's mattresses has become coconut fiber. Coira is in demand due to its natural properties. If we consider spring models, then it must be borne in mind that vibrations are possible under load. They, in turn, can negatively affect the health of the baby, namely the spine. When choosing a mattress for an older child, you should take a closer look at models with independent spring blocks. In this case, the key point will be the orthopedic properties of the products. But you can't jump on mattresses like this, otherwise, wear will accelerate significantly and the service life will be shortened.
When choosing a children's mattress, one should take into account not only the material of the filler, the quality, hardness / softness and the age of the child. The size of the product will be equally important. So, if the choice fell on a springless one, then it should correspond as much as possible to the dimensions of the bed. The discrepancy here does not exceed two centimeters. If the mattress is noticeably smaller than the sleeping space, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to create comfortable conditions for sleeping.

The next significant criterion is the material from which the cover is made, which is the most vulnerable element during operation. Experts recommend purchasing mattresses with removable covers, which, among other things, should be as durable as possible. At the moment, a lot of positive reviews are left about jacquard products. The popularity of the fabric is due to the fact that it practically does not wash out, and is also durable and aesthetic.
When choosing a mattress for an adult, you should consider a number of factors, the list of which includes, first of all, height, weight, health status and age. Of course, in an adult, the skeleton has completely gone through the process of formation, but there are a number of other points that affect the choice. In this case, the nuances, as a rule, are individual, on the basis of which the recommendations will be personal in each specific case.

It is important to consider such points.
- When choosing a mattress model for a person who has problems with joints and / or spine, a prerequisite is consultation with a doctor. In such cases, both too soft and excessively hard surfaces of the sleeping place are contraindicated.
- If there are no health problems, then it is quite possible to be guided solely by personal preferences and habits.... Here comfort will be the key criterion.
- Cheap models with spring blocks are the best option for temporary and rare use... As practice shows, for permanent operation, it is better to give preference to springless ones or models with independent springs.
As with baby mattresses, attention must be paid to size. Too great a discrepancy will inevitably cause discomfort. If the bed has non-standard dimensions, then it is worth, even overpaying, to purchase a custom-made product.
If we are talking about arranging a double bed, then you can choose mattresses of different hardness for each of the halves.