Rating of the best orthopedic mattresses

A good eight-hour sleep plays an important role in a person's life. Therefore, when decorating a bedroom, it is very important to pay attention to the choice of a good mattress.

Top manufacturers
High quality products can be found in the assortment of both domestic and foreign companies. There are three main manufacturers of mattresses in Russia.
- "Promtex-Orient". This Russian company produces high-quality mattresses from hypoallergenic natural materials. In the process of their creation, coconut coir, high-quality latex and holcon are used.
- Ormatek. This is one of the largest companies involved in the production of spring blocks. They are used to create mattresses from most domestic companies. The price of goods from this brand is always slightly lower than that of competitors. This attracts many buyers.
- Ascona. This brand is also known to all connoisseurs of quality sleep equipment. The domestic plant now produces more than a thousand mattresses a day. The assortment of this company includes products for adults and children. All of them are of high quality and long service life.

When it comes to imported mattresses, the most popular are the products produced by the companies. Hästens and Vispring.
The first company is engaged in the production of bedding for members of the Swedish royal family. All their products are of high quality and attractive appearance. It should be noted, however, that mattresses from this brand are the most expensive in the world.

Brand name Vispring also has an excellent reputation.As a filler for mattresses, wool, mohair, cashmere and other quality materials are usually used. Products from this brand are distinguished by a long service life. The manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty for their mattresses.

Products from brands are popular among ordinary buyers. Sealy, Simmons and Sleeepeezee.

Rating of popular models with a spring block
Modern spring mattresses are softer than springless ones. They are great for adults and seniors... In addition, they are recommended for people who often cannot sleep. The list of the best spring products includes the following models.
Corretto semplice
This is a great option for both a healthy person and someone who suffers from back pain. Both sides of the mattress are of medium firmness. Therefore, the mattress can easily provide good back support.
Comfortable mattresses can serve their owners for 5-6 years.
During this time, they do not change shape and do not lose their attractiveness. Reliable and durable mattresses are inexpensive. Therefore, even a person with a small income can buy such a model.

Lineaflex Viola
This orthopedic spring mattress easily adjusts to the shape of the human body. Therefore, it is convenient to sleep on it in any position. The mattress restores its shape in just a couple of minutes. It is of high quality, durable and has a long service life.
There are practically no drawbacks to this product. But many buyers are not satisfied with the lack of handles, which usually provide convenience when flipping.

Balance Extra from Ascona
This spring mattress is also included in the list of inexpensive and high quality. Therefore, when arranging a bed, you should pay special attention to this product. It has several main advantages:
- long service life;
- the ability to provide the body with good support during sleep;
- low cost;
- use of high-quality filler.
The product has received a large number of positive reviews from both ordinary buyers and independent experts. But many believe that its cost is too high.

Top orthopedic mattresses without springs
Springless products are more rigid than spring-loaded products. Therefore, they are not suitable for all people. As a rule, they are bought for newborns or adolescents. The model for adults is also quite easy to find. Pay attention to the following springless mattresses.
Comfort Line Roll Classic
This classic mattress is of high quality and long service life. When used correctly it will be able to serve its owner for more than ten years. A mattress filled with quality artificial latex is ideal for people who suffer from insomnia or lead a passive lifestyle.
The main disadvantage of such a product is its high cost. But since the mattress will not have to be replaced in the next few years, its purchase is fully justified.

Magniflex merino
The mattress from the Italian manufacturer has two sides: winter and summer. Moreover, it is equally rigid on both sides. The product is great for people who have back problems. It can withstand a load of up to 200 kg. The disadvantage of this product is that during transportation, creases and dents appear on the surface of the mattress. In addition, it, like the previous one, is quite expensive.
To extend the life of the product, you need to follow the rules of its operation. The mattress should be regularly turned over, ventilated and cleaned as needed.
All rules for using the product are usually written on the packaging.

Flex from the Sonum company
Mattresses from a domestic manufacturer are also pleasantly pleasing with their quality and long service life.... Each such product is treated with a special impregnation. Therefore, over time, mold does not appear on it. Such a thing can serve its owners from 5 to 10 years. It is worth buying it for people leading a very passive lifestyle or suffering from chronic back pain.
It comes with a high-quality removable cover. It can be easily removed and washed if necessary.

"Ascona" Compact New
This model is sold in the form of a dense roll, packed in a sealed film.... The hypoallergenic mattress with a raised surface is of high quality and has a long shelf life. Manufacturers claim that it can last 12 to 15 years for its owners.
This mattress from a domestic manufacturer is suitable for people with sleep problems. This model has no downsides.

Ormatek Ocean Soft
This springless memory foam mattress is ideal for a comfortable stay. It comes with a natural fabric cover. This helps to significantly extend the life of the product. Such material is quite expensive. But most buyers consider such a cost to be quite justified.

The best models for children
When arranging a children's bedroom, you should pay attention to high-quality orthopedic mattresses for children. They adapt specifically to the body of babies who grow and develop rapidly.
Beautyson baby queen
The product from this brand is the perfect combination of high quality and affordable prices. It fits easily into a small baby cot. The product is small in height. Therefore, the child will feel comfortable resting in his bed.
All materials used to create the mattress are hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is ideal for toddlers.

Baby Sweet by Ryton
This mattress is equipped with a high-quality springless unit. Polyurethane foam is used as a filler during its creation. This material is safe for children. Manufacturers claim that such a mattress can serve its owners for 8-10 years. It is ideal for fast growing children.
The disadvantages of this product include the fact that it comes complete with a non-removable calico cover. Therefore, it is quite difficult to take care of him. But, if you use the product correctly, it will be able to serve its owners for more than one year.

"Comfort-Elite" from Plitex
This mattress is ideal for most cots. It is of high quality and retains its shape while sleeping. A mixture of coir and anatomical latex is used to create the mattress. They make it elastic, hypoallergenic and durable. The mattress is suitable for fast growing children.
Unlike the previous product, this one comes with a removable antiseptic cotton cover. Therefore, if the mattress gets dirty, it will be easy to clean.
The product from the Plitex brand is inexpensive. In addition, it has a long service life. The model is ideal for children up to three years old. In the first months of a baby's life, it is worth laying on the hard side of the product. As soon as he grows up, the mattress can be turned over. On the soft side of the product, it will be much easier for the child to fall asleep.

How to choose the right one?
When choosing the perfect mattress for sleeping, you should pay attention to what kind of filler was used to create it. The most popular are the following.
- Polyurethane foam... This synthetic material is used to create mattresses of various thicknesses. A product with such a filler easily restores its shape. The material is hypoallergenic. There are no toxic substances in it.

- Coconut coir. Coconut fibers are used for the production of this filler. Coir is used to make hard orthopedic mattresses. Very often, this filler is used to create baby bedding. Unfortunately, mattresses with coconut coir can be used for no more than 5-6 years.

- Latex... This natural filler is made from lightweight foam rubber. Latex mattresses easily regain their shape. They are durable and very durable.

- Structofiber... This is another popular artificial filler. Its structure resembles wool. Most often this material is used when creating springless models.

- Filler with memory effect. Mattresses with such fillers easily adapt to the shape of the human body. Therefore, it is very convenient to sleep on them. On a bed with such a mattress, a person can relax and forget about back pain in just a couple of minutes.

When choosing a mattress for an adult or a child, you should pay attention to other important points.
- Age... Hard mattresses filled with coconut coir are best for children and adults up to 21-25 years old. Older people should pay attention to softer products.
- The weight... Soft models are recommended for those who weigh no more than 60 kg. For people weighing up to 90 kilos, products of medium hardness with latex and coir filler are suitable. Those weighing more than 90 kg are advised to pay attention to the more rigid models.
- Individual characteristics of the organism. If a person suffers from insomnia, he should pay attention to soft and comfortable mattresses. For people who often cannot sleep due to back pain, harder products are suitable. The same applies to those who lead a passive lifestyle and move too little. If the buyer has any serious health problems, when choosing a mattress, he should take into account the advice of a doctor.
- Bed size... When choosing, it is important to take into account the size of your berth. If the product is too small or too large, it will deform over time.
- Case... You also need to pay attention to what material the cover is made of. For everyday use, models made from breathable natural fabrics are best suited. Mattresses in covers with moisture resistant and antibacterial impregnation are suitable for children. It is best if the cover you choose is removable. In this case, it will be possible to wash it from time to time, cleaning it from various dirt.
- Height... Spring products are thicker than springless products. It is worth choosing the right model, focusing on your needs and the characteristics of the bed.

Reviews of specialists and ordinary buyers will also help to make the right choice.
It is also important to focus on personal feelings.
It is recommended to buy a mattress in a regular store.... In this case, the person will have the opportunity to test the product. With these key points in mind, choosing a quality, durable mattress will be very easy.