
All about memory foam mattresses

All about memory foam mattresses
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Species overview
  3. Dimensions (edit)
  4. Popular manufacturers
  5. Selection Tips
  6. Review overview

Memory foam mattresses are ideal for a comfortable sleep. Many manufacturers are now engaged in the release of such modern products. Therefore, everyone can choose the right model for themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Memory Foam was created in the second half of the 20th century. Memory foam was developed by NASA. They wanted to use this product in order to reduce the load on the astronaut's body. Unfortunately, this material was never applied in practice.

But the Swedes became interested in the development of the American company. They were the first to create a filler with a memory function. Nowadays it is used quite often in the creation of mattresses. Such products have a lot of advantages. They can:

  • quickly take the shape of the human body;

  • withstand weight up to 200 kg;

  • keep warm and allow air to pass through.

Mattresses are ideal for sleeping together. In addition, it should be noted that such a filler is completely hypoallergenic. Over time, fungi and bugs will not start in it.

This filler also has disadvantages. But they are insignificant.

  1. Bad smell. Many buyers report that new mattresses with this filling smell bad. But the chemical odor usually disappears after 1-2 weeks of use.

  2. Rigidity. People who are accustomed to sleeping on ordinary mattresses find that products with memory function are too hard. But this situation can be quickly corrected. To do this, after the purchase, the mattress must be gently kneaded.

  3. Price. High-quality products with such a filler are quite expensive. It also turns off many buyers. But since a good mattress can serve its owners for 8-12 years, such a purchase is fully justified.

Separately, it should be noted that a large number of low-quality products are currently being sold. In order not to stumble upon such products, mattresses should be bought from well-known trusted manufacturers.

Species overview

There are two large groups of products with memorix filler.

Spring loaded

Such models are based on either a block of strong independent springs or a bonnel-type mesh.... This base is surrounded on both sides by high-quality filler that can remember the shape of the body. These are the products that most of the consumers buy.


Mattresses on this basis are entirely composed of layers of soft foam. They are firm and provide excellent back support. The disadvantages of such models include their high cost and high weight.

Dimensions (edit)

The size of the mattress plays a very important role in choosing a mattress. A properly selected product will not slide off the bed or lose its shape after prolonged use.

The most popular mattress sizes are 160x200 and 140x200 cm. They are great for large beds. But now models of unusual sizes are becoming more and more popular. Manufacturers make them to order according to customers' measurements.

Before buying a new mattress, you need to measure the bed, and not the old product that you plan to replace. Indeed, over the years of operation, it can deform.

The height of the mattress depends on whether it has a spring block or not. It is desirable that it rise slightly above the bed frame. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for a person to lie down on it. The average height of a full mattress is 15-30 cm. Thin models are used only as mattress toppers. Such toppers are bought much less often than classic products.

Popular manufacturers

To buy a quality mattress, you should pay attention to the products of manufacturers who are included in the rating of the best.


This company is engaged in the production of quality orthopedic mattresses. They are based on blocks of independent springs. Products like these are great for sleeping.

Products of this brand are durable. They retain their elasticity for many years. All that is needed for this is to adhere to the rules for the operation of such products. The average cost of a mattress from this company is 10 thousand rubles.


This is another Russian manufacturer that produces high-quality mattresses for adults and children. These products perfectly cope with heavy loads and are characterized by high wear resistance.

In the process of manufacturing products from this brand, only hypoallergenic and safe materials are used. Therefore, mattresses of this company are perfect for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. The average cost of products of this brand is 8-15 thousand rubles.


The composition of the products of this brand includes only proven high quality materials. This means that such products can be safely used by both young people and the elderly. Perrino mattresses can handle heavy loads... They are perfect for sleeping together.

The average cost of products of this brand varies between 10-12 thousand rubles. The service life of the products is 5-10 years.


This company manufactures products for people with different incomes. Therefore, almost everyone can choose the right model for themselves. Separately, it should be said that the company's specialists can make a product according to individual measurements.... Such mattresses, like the rest of the products of this brand, are guaranteed.


This domestic manufacturer has been producing quality mattresses since 2008. All products are made from high quality raw materials. Therefore, they have a long service life and are perfect for both adults and children.

You can buy a good mattress of this brand for 10-12 thousand rubles. The finished product will serve its owners for several years in a row.


The Swedish company has been producing quality mattresses for many years. The assortment of this brand also includes products with a memory effect. The price of Ikea mattresses starts at 15 thousand rubles. They are distinguished by their attractive appearance and durability.

Among the products of popular manufacturers, there are several models that have earned special love from customers.

Askona serta dorsey

A spring mattress with modern filling can be used for 8-10 years. The reversible model has no weight restrictions. It is great for spacious double beds.

The advantages of this model include the fact that the surface of the product has a slight massage effect. It is very comfortable to sleep on such a mattress.

Skyroll from the Ormatek company

This springless mattress is inexpensive and can carry up to 110 kg. One side is stiffer, the other moderately soft. Mattress wearers can use both sides of the mattress, turning it over if necessary... But such a product also has a significant disadvantage - it is a non-removable cover. It is quite difficult to care for such a product.

Blue sleep hybrid

The height of this innerspring mattress is 25 centimeters. At its base is a spring block and memory foam. This makes it versatile for most buyers. In order to prolong the life of such a mattress, it must be turned over regularly. The only drawback of this product is its high price.

Serta kilimanjaro

At the base of this mattress there is a block of independent springs. It is complemented by quality memory foam and latex. The height of the model is 29 centimeters. The product can easily withstand a load of up to 180 kg.

But it also has several drawbacks. The first is the high cost of the product. The second is the ability to use only one side of the mattress. This makes the product not as durable as other models.

Promtex Middle Memory

This model is sold in a quality case made of natural fabric. At its base there is a block of independent springs. The height of this mattress is 20 centimeters. The product is capable of withstanding heavy loads... Therefore, it is great for overweight people.

Its main drawback is its short warranty period. But the product is still distinguished by its durability and high quality. Therefore, you shouldn't worry about it.

Selection Tips

When choosing a mattress, you need to pay attention to several parameters.

  1. Rigidity... When choosing a mattress, you should focus only on your preferences. After all, some people like soft models, while others like harder ones. If possible, it is recommended to test the product before purchasing.

  2. Case... An important role is played by what material the cover is made of. Most of all, buyers like products made from natural materials. Manufacturers recommend paying attention to removable covers. The choice of such models greatly facilitates the process of caring for the mattress.

  3. Foam type... Two types of memory foam are used to create mattresses. It can be thermoelastic or viscoelastic. The first option is more often used by domestic manufacturers. Models with this foam are cheap. They are recommended for use in warm rooms. If the room is constantly cold, the product will not be able to fully reveal its properties. On the other hand, models with viscoelastic foam do not harden. They can be used at any time of the year. This filler is found in premium products. Most European manufacturers use it.

Focusing on these parameters, it is easy to find the right product for both the bed and the sofa or couch. It is recommended to buy the same pillow together with a quality memory foam mattress. This will help to significantly improve the quality of the shopper's sleep.

To extend the life of such a product, you need to properly care for it. Bedding manufacturers and sellers recommend the following guidelines.

  1. Turn the mattress over and change its position every six months. This is done so that the product does not lose its shape over time.

  2. It is worth using such a mattress for a bed with a flat and rigid substrate. It is not recommended to put it on a mesh or spring bed.

  3. If the mattress is temporarily not in use, it should not be stored in a room that is too cold. This will also deform the product. You shouldn't buy such a mattress for a room in which the temperature is constantly changing.

If you adhere to these simple rules, the service life of the selected product can be extended by several years.

Review overview

Both ordinary buyers and doctors note the high quality of memory foam mattresses. Such products help to improve the blood circulation process and reduce the load on the spine. It is recommended to use them:

  • people with joint problems;

  • those who are involved in sports and dancing;

  • elderly people who need a comfortable sleeping environment.

Models with memory effect help to restore all strength and relax as quickly as possible.

But there are also categories of people for whom such products are absolutely not suitable. So, mattresses of this type are not recommended for small children and those who suffer from excessive sweating.

Most buyers who have been using mattresses for 2-3 years leave positive reviews about products with memory effect. Therefore, when choosing a suitable orthopedic model for yourself, you should definitely pay attention to a good mattress with a soft filler.

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