
Mattresses with different hardness of the halves

Mattresses with different hardness of the halves
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Appointment
  3. Manufacturers
  4. Selection rules

Mattresses with different firmness are the solution for couples who do not have constant compromises. After all, as you know, one is comfortable, then another is a ban, in particular, for medical reasons.


Sleeping places organized using mattresses with variable hardness within the same product are, in fact, versatile in their characteristics. Two halves or both sides have zones that differ in hardness, which are used according to the situation. A person living alone can also choose such a mattress: for example, after a busy day at work, he relaxes, straightens his back, the muscles of which have worked hard. So, on weekdays, he uses a predominantly rigid base. As for the weekend, then, having discovered that there was no intense physical labor on a particular day, on the night, say, from Saturday to Sunday, he will sleep on the soft side.

Such turning of the mattress allows the user not only to adapt to the specific rhythm of the past day, but also to disperse the load on the product itself, extending at least twice the life of the mattress.

A double-sided mattress, if it is made on springs, has springs of reduced stiffness from one half - here we mean the division in the middle. The second half hides in itself stiffer springs than the first. This configuration is absent on products with an interdependent structure of the spring frame - the rigidity here is general, given by the steel edging of the product itself along its perimeter.

Springless mattresses take a different approach. Thus, a product filled with layers of coconut fiber and latex has the following features: coconut is harder than a latex layer.The total number of layers must be even: coconut fiber alternates with latex. The thickness of each layer, for example, is 5 cm, and there are 4 such layers in a mattress - a pair for each type of material. This "multi-layer" buffer exhibits its own properties on each side.

Of course, in a particular case, there may be only two layers, but then the difference in stiffness between coconut and latex is very different, since these layers in stiffness do not complement each other.


In addition to settling preferences in a pair (who likes to sleep on a harder one more), a multilayer mattress with variable firmness solves a number of other problems. For example, if the user is an elderly person whose musculoskeletal system is not so dynamic, a soft mattress will provide the best level of comfort. If the mattress is used by several people in turn, then each may need its own level of firmness. The purpose of the "multi-hard" mattress is to solve the problem of sleep without buying two or three different products, which take up 2-3 times more space.


Different companies, despite the abundance of padding material, upholstery and sizes, offer an almost complete range of mattress products. They are united by a common task - to satisfy the needs of clients of all categories and ages, with different physiological characteristics and possible contraindications. Among the leading manufacturers of mattresses, the following stand out:

  • Askona;

  • Ormatek;

  • Dimax;

  • Comfort Line;

  • Dreamline;

  • Vegas;

  • Promtex-Orient and dozens of others.

Most of the models are produced in China, but the brand of the Moscow Mattress Plant - purely Russian, which switched to foreign technologies. Products on it are produced from domestic, not imported raw materials.

Selection rules

You should choose the options you like based on specific recommendations.

  1. Check the garments for possible unevenness, divergence and loosening of the fabric from which the upholstery is made.

  2. Make sure the firmness of both sides / halves of the mattress is as stated. There should be no failures, punching, springs and folds.

  3. The mattress should not give off a strong or unpleasant odor. A sleeping place where there is, for example, the smell of plastic or the composition with which the product was processed, can cause headaches.

  4. Make sure that you have in front of you a product of the exact category and stiffness parameters. A product of the same rigidity over the entire area, coinciding on both sides, with a high degree of probability, will not be what you came to a particular store for.

Remember that it is better to detect possible inconsistencies in safety requirements before purchasing, than to issue a return of defective or unsafe goods after a day or two. If the rigidity of the product turned out to be not the same, and you made the wrong choice, not taking into account the (opposite) testimony of the doctor, the seller may refuse to return the goods, citing the non-warranty of a particular case.

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