What can be made from an old mattress?

Throwing away old things was once considered fashionable. But common sense dictates that not all items that have served their time must be thrown away. One such item is a mattress.

How to make a pouf, armchair or ottoman?
You can make small furniture from an old mattress with your own hands. For example, an ottoman or sofa is made not only of elastic padding. Since the back is absent here, the ottoman is easy to make. To do this, do the following.
- Prepare a pallet base (Euro pallets are used when delivering bricks, paving slabs or timber). Just three pallets are enough - they are 2 m long. Connect them using a 10x10 or 15x15 cm timber, or 4x12 boards, often used in the construction and decoration of country houses. Only 3 or 4 pieces are required to connect the pallets.
- Transfer the foundation made to the place where the future ottoman will stand, and attach the spring frame from the old mattress with staples or small nails.
- Using staples, also attach a new padding of thick woolen cloth, folded several times. Do not forget to close the spring-loaded (inter-spring) space on the sides with its help, for which measure in advance a piece of fabric with a margin.
- If necessary, if the new stock feels harsh, you can attach foam rubber.
- Cover the upholstery with a cloth - such as from a colored old duvet cover, bedspread, etc.

The ottoman is almost ready. To refine the product, wooden components from the front sides are pre-planed with an electric planer or grinder, then covered with antiseptic and non-combustible impregnation. Further, the structure is painted over with varnish or paint.

To make a pouf, the mattress will have to be carefully cut into equal parts. - and tie it with wire so that you get a cube of half a meter in each of the three dimensions. Sharp edges are folded and / or turned. Further, the upper part is upholstered in the same way as an ottoman. To make it convenient and comfortable for a person sitting on a pouf to put on shoes, the upper and at least one of the lateral sides facing the shins are upholstered.

To make a chair, you need a base - a large chair with a back. Do the following:
- Make and reinforce the armrests on the chair. They are usually fixed from the sides.
- Cut the desired segment from the spring frame of the mattress. The back and seat must be firm, not rigid.
- Attach this piece to the chair. Fold over and grind sharp and protruding areas.
- Cover the resulting chair with upholstery made according to one of the previous instructions. The chair is ready.

The following video details one way to make a piece of furniture from an old mattress.
Frame application
The mattress frame is used as the following components and items:
- Wine rack holder. This thing is an indispensable attribute of a wine cellar: all bottles are in plain sight in a suspended state.
- As a base for a canopy over the bed.
- As a planter for flower pots.
- As a substitute for dish shelves in the kitchen - mugs, pots and bowls with handles, kettles can be hung on springs, the ends of which are bent accordingly.
- As an elastic component for suspended swing, made in the form of a hammock.
- Several old spring frames will serve as a fence, or even a section of fence, separating your property from your neighbor's territory. However, it is not suitable as a fence from the side of the street - it is easy to climb over it.
- As a base for hedges or trellises.

How to use springs?
Separate springs are used as elements for luminaires. On their basis, decorative shades are made for LED lamps with a socket.
By attaching one or more springs, you can get an open-type bird feeder.
A bottle is individually placed on each of the springs. In general, a spring is a reliable holder for elongated objects, suitable in diameter for its smallest, narrowed coil. One ideal option is an electrically welded holder for two to three flower pots.