Features and types of bed toppers

Mattresses and sofas are what people sleep on for most of their lives. Therefore, they fall into disrepair much faster than anything else. In such cases, people try to find an alternative. Toppers are perfect for this. In the article, we will consider what it is, what are their main differences with a mattress, as well as the main points of choosing for a berth.

What it is?
The name "topper" came to the Russian language from English, top in translation means "above", that is, what is on top. In the Russian-language adaptation, the word has changed slightly. It turns out that a topper is something that is placed on top of something. This word can mean anything: a blanket, a cape, a bedspread, but in this case it is an upper mattress. To put it more simply, a topper is a thin mattress, the height of which varies from 2 to 12 cm, it is not subdivided into a large number of layers, as in a large mattress, and it also has no springs, only a kind of imitation.
What is the main difference, for example, from the mattress topper? The thing is that the topper is bought for a specific purpose, namely: to level the surface, to smooth out all the drops. For example, if the main mattress begins to squeeze, or you need to add softness to a hard sofa. The mattress topper in its meaning performs only a decorative function and does not carry any additional points. Another important factor is that the toppers cannot be washed. Although they are small in thickness and even in length, they simply will not fit into the drum of a standard typewriter.
In addition, there are a number of fillers that should never be wet or washed.

The main tasks of the topper.
- For sofas it is bought to smooth out irregularities and differences, as well as the gap between the backrest and the main seat. Add softness to the sofa surface.
- For beds it is used as a second mattress. This is done for several reasons. First of all, in order for the main mattress to last much longer, because thanks to the top layer, the mattress will be pressed less quickly. To enhance orthopedic performance. Many cannot afford an overly expensive orthopedic mattress, buying cheaper counterparts, and thanks to the topper, the main points of the difference are smoothed out.
- Toppers can be used for sleeping on the floor, yoga or gymnastics classes, as well as organize a play space for children.

Description of species
The mattress topper has its own characteristics and features. They vary in content and size. Knowing all the main points will help not only to choose the right mattress, but also to use it for a long time afterwards. For example, you need to be aware that not all toppers have the ability to twist or fold. Basically, the difference will come from the content as well as the size.

By product type
Any product is divided into several types, which are selected from preferences, age characteristics, as well as the recommendations of doctors. There are only three types: soft, medium hard and hard. The main task of soft toppers is to make the hard base softer and more elastic. Ideal for children, people with low weight and for those who prefer to sleep on their side.
Hard mattress toppers are responsible for the opposite characteristics.... Such models should "remove" excessive softness, adding rigidity to the main product. Recommended for people with poor posture. Products with medium hardness can be used not only for a berth, but also perform a number of other functions. They are suitable for most people, do not have any restrictions in their choice, adapt to all curves and features of the body and quickly regain their shape.

By material of manufacture
Various materials are used to fill the toppers. Consider which ones are most common.
- Natural latex. The material is made from a rubber tree, more precisely, from its sap, this process is carried out using a secret technology. A distinctive feature is that natural latex has excellent orthopedic properties, good firmness and elasticity.
- Synthetic latex. A budget option, with characteristics similar to natural. It is just as resilient, but stiffer, less resilient and more durable. According to the indicators, it does not belong to hypoallergenic.
- Coconut coir. Made from processed walnut fibers. Very tough and firm, ideal for people with posture problems. Latex is used to smooth out the stiffness.
- PPU or polyurethane foam. Artificial filler refers to the budget option. It is not elastic, has rapid wear. The positive features include the fact that it is lightweight, elastic and breathable well.
- Wool as filler is rare, as many people are allergic to wool. This is one of the warmest options.
- Holofiber... Porous filler made entirely of synthetics. Perfectly keeps its shape, hypoallergenic.
- Structofiber... The main difference from the previous filler is that in the struttofiber the fibers are arranged vertically, and they are interconnected with the help of hot air. It has an average stiffness and volume, because of this, the effect of springs is created. It keeps heat well and is durable.
To avoid slipping or knocking down the mattresses during sleep, use a special connecting elastic band or silicone backing in the corners.

Dimensions (edit)
The selection of toppers is based not only on preferences, but also on the choice of sizes and shapes. Overhead mattresses are divided into two categories: rectangular and round.Rectangular is a classic option that will fit most beds or sofas. It is in great demand among consumers and has a very diverse size grid. Although round mattresses are becoming popular nowadays, they are still considered something non-standard, and belong to more exotic and daring design solutions.
As for the size grid for rectangular mattresses, sizes 90x190 cm are suitable for a single bed.For one and a half sleeping places - 120x190 or 140x200 cm.For double models, the sizes are 160x200 and 180x200 cm.It is better to take sizes 60x120, 60x140 cm for a crib, for teenagers it is more suitable models 70x140 cm. For each manufacturer, the step for increasing the mattress varies - it can be either 5 or 10 cm.For round models, there is a product diameter of 200, 220 and 230 cm.

Top brands
There are a large number of models on the market that will suit every taste. There are also ratings to look out for. The Lonax company produces mattress toppers. The filler is usually polyurethane foam, padding polyester cover. The peculiarity is that such models can be twisted... Mr. Mattress presents Japanese futons, which are made of natural materials, as well as polyurethane foam. Can be twisted.
Softy plus produces toppers for sofas, armchairs and folding beds. The products keep their shape perfectly, because they are designed for folding models. Therefore, when it is necessary to fill a sofa or a folding bed, the mattresses do not need to be removed from the surface. Askona is famous for its mattresses, but the company also produces toppers with different fillings.

Secrets of choice
It is always necessary to select products wisely. And this should be taken into account for the correct choice of toppers.
- Height... The best option is 5-7 cm.
- Case... Since the mattress covers cannot be washed, the best option would be to purchase a cover.
- Filler... If you need to fold a mattress or topper, then you can choose any filler, except for a hard coir.
- Topper only facilitates a number of functions, it will not be able to fully replace the mattress.

Care rules
There is nothing difficult in caring for the product. Foldable models can be stored in a bag, in a closet, in a laundry drawer, while coconut models can only be stored vertically or horizontally.
It is worth drying the topper once every two weeks, as moisture can accumulate in it. And also vacuum or knock out excess dust.