All about polyurethane mattresses

In the manufacture of mattresses, modern manufacturers use a variety of fillers to ensure maximum comfort for vacationers. Batting used to be the most popular bedding content, but over time, shortcomings in the form of odor absorption, moisture retention and fragility have made the product less in demand.
At present, more modern, safe mattresses with polyurethane filling have replaced wadded items. From this article, you will learn what polyurethane foam is, what its main characteristics are, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

What it is?
Polyurethane foam (PPU) Is a gas-filled material made of polyurethane-based plastics. Depending on the manufacturing method, there are two types of products: rigid and elastic. For the production of mattresses, elastic polyurethane is used, which is better known as "foam rubber". Surely everyone is familiar with foam rubber, because it is used not only to fill sleeping attributes, but also in the production of furniture, car seats, children's toys, bath and kitchen sponges, filters and other routine things.
The gas-filled material is very soft, flexes easily under pressure and returns to its original shape due to its fine mesh structure. All tiny cells are filled with carbon dioxide, the level of its content in PUF can reach 85–90%.

Manufacturers produce foam material of various shapes depending on the parameters of the products being manufactured. When making fillings for mattresses, factories create polyurethane blocks of different sizes, heights and densities. Foam mattresses are characterized by such characteristics as breathability, softness and elasticity. When polyurethane foam first entered the mass market, its properties were not very good - the finished material was short-lived and deteriorated from contact with air. During the creation of a gas-filled material using modern technologies, special catalysts are added to the substance.
Admixture of new elements significantly increases the service life of PU foam products in comparison with those that were previously manufactured.

Advantages and disadvantages
The polyurethane filler is mainly made from petrochemical products, so many people are wary of such products. Sometimes mattresses are made from natural ingredients, such as sunflower, soy or rapeseed oils. However, creating such products is not economically viable, and the finished products are incredibly expensive. Components of natural origin were not used for mass production due to their high cost.
When choosing a foam rubber sleeping attribute from components of artificial origin, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Make a decision to buy a mattress only after familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of PU foam. We propose to consider in more detail the positive and negative aspects of using mattresses with polyurethane filling.

Many people choose foam bedding based on the following criteria:
- dense material comfortably supports the body of a sleeping person;
- a soft cellular mattress allows the spine and muscles to relax, following the curves of the body;
- the filler substance is hypoallergenic;
- no harmful microorganisms or mites can develop inside the cells;
- gas-filled products do not accumulate dust;
- the weight of the product is very small;
- foam rubber easily rolls up, so it is easy to transport;
- long service life;
- affordable cost;
- ease of care.

Buyers may dislike polyurethane-filled mattresses for the following reasons:
- artificial material;
- a new mattress may have an unpleasant (“chemical”) odor in the first few days after purchase;
- retains moisture;
- fire hazardous;
- under constant exposure to sunlight, the gas-filled material dries out and crumbles.
Some disadvantages can be ironed out. For example, put on a special cover on the mattress, which prevents the ingress of sunlight and ensures safety from light inflammation.
However, before making a purchase, be sure to evaluate all the pros and cons of PPU goods so that there are no unpleasant surprises during operation.

Comparison with other fillers
Having familiarized yourself with the properties of polyurethane foam filler, it is necessary to compare them with the characteristics of other materials. In terms of knowledge about several types of fillers, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of a bed attribute. The advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam are described above, we propose to consider the properties of materials such as holcon, holofiber and batting.
- Holofiber... Synthetic non-woven fabric, durable and safe for human health. The hypoallergenic holofiber has a long service life: if used correctly, it can last up to 30 years. A product with such a filler dries quickly after washing, does not grow moldy, and harmful microorganisms do not start in it. It is considered safe for people of any age and belongs to the middle price category. During operation, holofiber gets knocked into lumps, but this problem can be easily solved by washing or manually distributing the filler.
- Holcon... This material is made from holofiber by heat treatment and twisting of fibers.Holcon is non-allergenic, odorless and absorbs moisture well. Unlike polyurethane foam, products made from holcon easily tolerate exposure to sunlight. However, the material has its drawbacks: it does not absorb moisture and is too expensive.
- Batting... The cotton mattress has a rather low price, it is easy to roll it up, it is not afraid of exposure to sunlight. However, it cannot be said that it is better than polyurethane foam products, because batting is a favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms, therefore it requires proper care. In addition, it is not capable of repeating the curves of a sleeping person's body and has a rather short service life.
You can compare the above characteristics with the description of the advantages and disadvantages of PU foam filler. Studying the properties of different bedding sets will help you make your own choice of a suitable mattress.

What are they?
The mattresses in question are divided into types depending on the degree of firmness, and are also produced in a large assortment of sizes. To purchase a bedding that suits you in terms of density and size, you need to familiarize yourself with these parameters before buying. Let us consider in more detail the types of mattresses according to the degree of hardness and the classification of the sizes of bed attributes.

By density level
To improve the properties of bedding, many businesses produce mattresses with multiple fillings. A product with two or more fillers is called multilayer. A polyurethane foam mattress is often supplemented with coconut coir material. The soft polyurethane foam mattress enhances sleep comfort, while the rigid coconut coir supports the spine for an orthopedic effect. A sleeping bag containing layers of polyurethane foam and blocks of independent springs also has a large number of positive properties.
The factories create mattresses, the filler of which consists only of polyurethane - such products are called single-layer. Sleeping accessories of this type are divided into several levels of density: the stiffer the filler, the more pronounced its orthopedic properties.
In addition, the density of the material directly depends on how long the mattress will last.

Let's take a closer look at the density levels of products with PUF filler.
- Density - 22-25 kg / m3. The softest mattress made of polyurethane foam. It is mainly used for the production of children's sleeping supplies or inexpensive adult products. Such foam rubber is marked with the abbreviation "ST" and has a rather short service life. All PU foam materials with a density level below 22 kg / m3 are not used for the production of mattresses.
- Density - 28-30 kg / m3. Quite durable material that supports the spine well. Foam rubber of this density is marked with the mark "EL", and its service life is on average 5-6 years.
- Density - 40–45 kg / m3. A tough material used to make premium furniture. Mattresses with this density level are marked with “HR” or “VE” marks. High orthopedic properties are maintained for 10-15 years from the date of purchase.
When choosing a product with foam filling, carefully check the labeling. Some manufacturers indicate the parameter in question not in kg / m3, but in kg / m2, so the numbers can be misleading about the quality of the material.

To size
The assortment of mattress sizes really deserves special attention, because the choice is quite large. In the size of the product, the first number indicates the width, and the second indicates the length. Conventionally, the sizes of products are divided into four main types: children's, single, one-and-a-half and double. Let's take a closer look at each type of sleeping product.
- Baby... The smallest size of a polyurethane foam mattress is 60x120 cm - such a product is ideal for a standard bed.For a newborn, it is better to choose a thin mattress, because children need to sleep on a hard surface for the spine to form correctly.

- One-bed... Long and narrow models designed for standard single beds. The most popular sizes are 70x200 cm, 80x200 cm and 90x200 cm.

- One and a half... Mattresses of medium size, parameters can vary from 120x200 cm to 140x200 cm. Products 140x200 cm are in greatest demand in families with adolescent children.

- Double... Large models, the standard parameters of which are 160x200 cm, 180x200 cm and 200x200 cm. The density of large products must be selected based on the weight of the person. The more the latter weighs, the thicker and tougher the mattress should be.
The variety of the considered parameters of the products is complemented by the height, which varies from 4 to 10 cm in children's mattresses and from 10 to 25 cm in products for adults.

Popular models
Modern technologies are used in the production of mattresses by many manufacturers. We suggest considering several popular models from reliable manufacturers.
- Foam bedding from the Ivanovo factory. In the assortment of the company there are three types of polyurethane foam products, differing in height: 6, 8 and 10 cm. Ivanovo mattresses also differ in parameters - you can choose the size that suits your bed without unnecessary problems. The cost of products also varies greatly - in the variety of products there are both simple and inexpensive options, as well as models with high cost and quality.

- Polyurethane foam mattress from the Malvik company. The company creates a wide range of polyurethane bedding sets of high quality and orthopedic properties. The main advantage of the models from the "Malvik" factory is the presence of a removable cover with a zipper. Thanks to such a convenient detail, caring for a comfortable attribute of the bedroom will be as simple as possible. Products from "Malvik" belong to the middle price category.

- PU foam mattress with memory effect from the firm "Matrand". The products of this company are made from two layers of polyurethane. The lower layer is wide, of medium density material, the upper layer is thinner, but made of high density foam rubber. The material with a high level of density has a memory effect, therefore, provides maximum comfort for a sleeping person. The soft bottom layer provides elasticity and provides sufficient support for a pleasant sleep. Thanks to the removable cover, the bedding is easy to keep clean. Products from the company "Matrand" are expensive samples.

How to choose?
In order to choose the right bedding, several important factors must be taken into account: the height and weight of a person, the height of the product, the level of rigidity of the filler. Let's take a closer look at each selection criterion.
- The degree of hardness. There are three levels of PUF density: low, medium and high. The low stiffness provided by the latex foam layer is most often chosen for a child aged 6-14 years or an elderly person. Goods with an average density are in greatest demand, because they are the best option for any person. Products with a high degree of rigidity are made for those people who have spinal diseases or osteochondrosis. Hard mattresses are very specific: they are only suitable for those who are used to sleeping on a hard surface and who have been prescribed it in the hospital.
- Height and weight of a person. How the load from the body will be distributed over the mattress depends on the characteristics of the human figure. On bedding, it is usually noted what the maximum weight the PPU can withstand. It is not recommended to exceed the indicator - it is better to leave a margin of 10–20 kg. A mattress designed for people weighing 70–90 kg will be too soft for overweight people (from 100 kg), and for thin people (40–50 kg) it will be too hard.Height is also very important when choosing - the distribution of the load on the bed depends on it. The taller the person, the softer the mattress should be.
- Height... For babies, it should be no more than 4–5 cm so as not to negatively affect the unformed spine. When the baby reaches 4 years old, it is necessary to change the thin children's mattress to a higher model.
Adult polyurethane-filled products must be at least 14 cm high, especially if they are not equipped with a spring block.

How to care?
In order for the polyurethane foam product to last as long as possible, you must follow the rules for the care and storage of the accessory. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with useful tips for caring for your mattress.
- To prevent the appearance of dirt, wear a special mattress cover on the bedding.
- The temperature from direct sunlight spoils the structure of the cellular material, so the mattress must be stored in a cover or constantly covered with a thick sheet. In the event that water gets on the surface of the product, it must be removed immediately using napkins, a sponge or starch.
- A couple of times a month it is necessary to vacuum the mattress to remove any dirt.
- If you buy a mattress to put on a sofa, give preference to models of medium firmness. They are quite tough to maintain their shape for a long time, and not too fragile, like high-density models.
- Keep everything near the mattress clean: the floor under the bed, the bedside table, the bed frame. This will help you maintain the original appearance of your bedding for longer.
- Change your bedding regularly and clean your pillows several times a year.

Review overview
Most buyers agree that polyurethane foam mattresses are affordable, comfortable and easy to transport. The foam is easily rolled into a neat roll that can be transported in the car. Many people emphasize that models with polyurethane filling are great for children, in addition, the low cost allows you to change the product as soon as the child grows up.
Some people leave reviews that in the first few days after the purchase, the mattress exudes an unpleasant chemical odor for some time. For this reason, it is best to purchase bedding in the summer so that you can ventilate the room.