Children's orthopedic sofas: features, varieties and selection

Parents always design a children's bedroom so that it is suitable for games, and for study, and for relaxation at the same time. An orthopedic sofa will definitely look appropriate in such a multifunctional room.

Features, advantages and disadvantages
Today there are a large number of different models of sofas for children. Their shape and size can be selected based on the hobbies and needs of your child. After all, modern manufacturers are trying to take into account all the features of the child's body when making furniture. Children's orthopedic sofas have many advantages.
- First of all it is the opportunity to save space in the children's room. Indeed, in the assembled state, the size of the sofa is such that it looks neat and does not take up much space.
- Such furniture is often used. as a child's play area, which is very convenient.
- These sofas have reinforced mechanisms, which allows them to withstand significant loads.
- If the design of such sofas is simple, then this makes it possible for the child independently prepare it for bed, and, if necessary, assemble it.
- Orthopedic models most often have strong frames, which allows you to use them for a long time. However, with frequent unfolding, the service life will decrease.
- This design allows relieve muscle fatigue during sleep.
- The selection of orthopedic sofas is quite large, which allows you to choose a model for yourself by color.

However, it is worth considering the disadvantages of such designs.
- First of all, this is a high price. This applies to high quality models.
- The child simply cannot decompose complex structures on his own. Therefore, the help of adults is required.
- When buying, be sure to take into account the weight of the child. Otherwise, the sofa will wear out quickly.
- You will need to spend time cleaning bed linen every day.
- It is impossible to replace the orthopedic mattress.

There are several types of sofa designs, each of which has its own characteristics.
This sofa is considered classic. Most often, it is installed near a wall, which saves a little space in the room. However, such a model is more suitable for adolescents, because it will simply not be possible for a small child to decompose it.

With a retractable mechanism
This design usually differs from others in its compactness and versatility. You can place it anywhere in the nursery. In addition, usually these models of sofas have removable mattresses, which makes it possible to replace them in case of breakdown.
In such sofas, most often there is a box under the seat, into which not only bed linen, but also the child's toys can be folded. They buy such models for babies from 6 years old.

Typically, these sofas are chosen in houses decorated in a modern style. Such designs are complemented by a topper (thin orthopedic mattress), which allows the child to rest in comfort.

Sofa ottoman
This model has a lifting folding mechanism. Moreover, it does not have a back. Most often they are bought if the family has two children at once.

These products are considered the most popular. After all, they can be used both in small and rather spacious rooms. This design frees up a lot of space in the room that can be used for games.

Transformation mechanisms
A sofa bed equipped with a mattress with an orthopedic base usually has a folding mechanism. Moreover, all models differ from each other in the way of transformation. Therefore, in order to choose the most comfortable sofa, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.
- "Book". This model unfolds like an ordinary book. And in order to fold it, you need to slightly raise the seat up, after which a characteristic click should occur, after hearing which you can lower it. The only thing that you need to pay attention to when buying is that after folding the sofa, you need to move it against the wall every time, which is not very convenient.

- "Click-gag"... This design is an improved model of the fold-out sofa. It differs from the previous version in that it can be turned into a bed, into an ordinary sofa, and also put in a semi-sitting position. In addition, in this version, when unfolding, the sides of the structure can turn into headrests or armrests.

- "Accordion"... The design of such a model is quite simple. The sleeping place is divided into three sections. One of them is the backrest, and the other two are the seats. The sofa is unfolded by extending the seats into the back area.

- "Dolphin"... In such a sofa, under the seat there is a special block that must be pulled out in order to turn the model into a full-fledged sleeping place. Then you need to pull the second fragment of this structure towards yourself.

- "Eurobook". This design is complemented by built-in linen drawers. It is comfortable and very easy to unfold.

- "Puma"... The front of such a sofa slides out very smoothly, and then stands on a specially made support. In the freed up space, you must install the second part of the sofa. The transforming mechanism is quite durable, so even daily use is not afraid of it.

- "Telescope". This sofa received this name because of its transformation mechanism. It is enough just to pull the seat over and put the back in the same plane.

- "Pantograph"... It resembles a little eurobook model, but unlike it, it is additionally equipped with rollers. A light movement is enough - and the sleeping place, even without touching the floor, will move out.

- "Cot". The transforming mechanism is a scroll that unfolds.

Upholstery materials and colors
Most often, when choosing upholstery, parents are guided by the age of their child. A sofa covered with natural fabric is perfect for babies.
Since all children are quite mobile, then it is best to buy sofas with stain-resistant upholstery. This will make it easy to clean them.
In the event that the orthopedic sofa is intended for girls, then it is best to choose upholstery with more delicate shades. It can be pink, orange or red. And also the product can be complemented by various decorations, for example, rhinestones or embroidery elements.

For girls, you can purchase a sofa in the shape of a royal throne or a carriage. In this case, the little lady can feel like a real princess.
If furniture is chosen for boys, you can choose a sofa model in the form of a racing car or a pirate schooner. In addition, this furniture should be chosen. with more durable mechanisms.

Selection Tips
Most often, in sofas for children, mattresses made on the basis of a spring block or ordinary springless mattresses are used. Both options are good, but still differ in the degree of rigidity. A preschool child will love the springless mattress made by made of polyurethane foam.
But those who are over 7 years old should buy a sofa equipped with a mattress with a spring block. It will perfectly complement the children's room for daily use.
For a student, the best option is a sofa with a hard mattress. A soft mattress will not properly support your spine while you sleep.

If there are two children in the family, it will suit them double sofa. In this case, there will be enough space for both children to sleep.
When choosing, you should pay attention to the filler. It must be hypoallergenic and breathable. A filler made from seaweed or coconut coir is suitable for this.
When buying, be sure to test the purchased model of the sofa. If it is uncomfortable to lie on it, you should not buy it.

Examples in the interior
Our photo gallery shows examples of using sofas for a nursery.
With drawers
The model will be able to fit into the modern interior of the children's room. At night, the structure turns into a bed, and during the day it serves as a sofa on which you can play. In one compartment of the drawer, you can store bedding, and in the second, you can fold toys.

For babies
A small bright sofa will be a great addition to any children's room. The painted upholstery will immediately attract the attention of the baby, and he will be happy not only to sleep, but also to play on it. Since the size of this model is very small, there is a lot of space in the room that you can use at your own discretion.

Orthopedic sofas for children are no worse, and sometimes even better than regular beds. Therefore, when equipping a child's room, you should not forget about them.
An overview of the West orthopedic baby sofa is presented in the video below.