Sofa sofas: varieties, tips for choosing

The purchase of upholstered furniture is a responsible event that requires significant financial investments, so each housewife tries to maximize the life of interior items. Special fabric capes - sofa decks can help in solving this problem. Popular textiles are made by both Turkish and European manufacturers. Let's take a closer look at the varieties and tips for choosing sofas for a sofa.

Divandek is a special cover for sofas and armchairs that protects their surface from dirt and mechanical damage. Thanks to a wide range of products, customers can choose a product of various textures, colors and sizes. Like any thing, sofa decks have their positive and negative characteristics.
Their advantages are as follows:
- aesthetic decoration of the room;
- wide range of colors and textures;
- attractive appearance;
- wide price range;
- the presence of additional decor;
- manufacturing using various techniques;
- the possibility of manufacturing according to an individual order.

Like any piece of furniture, sofa decks also have negative sides that are directly related to the type of material.
Cloths made from artificial fabrics accumulate static electricity, and pellets form on their surface. Divandeks made from natural materials have a short lifespan and can change their colors after washing or under the influence of the sun.

Despite the wide range of this type of textile, manufacturers produce models in two forms.
- Straight. Straight products are the most popular models that are produced in accordance with the standard sizes of upholstered furniture. This product can be purchased both as individual items and in sets consisting of covers for a sofa and for two armchairs. Advantages - availability of purchase, wide range of sizes and colors. Classic sofas can cover both a three-seater sofa and furniture without armrests.
- Corner. Such sofa decks are a non-standard product that can consist of one or several parts. It is very difficult for the owners of exclusive soft corners to choose the exact size, so designers recommend making capes on their own or ordering them in special sewing workshops.

Particular attention must be paid to models with a fixing elastic band, which provide the most snug fit, which guarantees a hollow protection against the penetration of dust and dirt.
Advantages - exact match with the parameters of the furniture, stylish and effective appearance, extended period of operation, reliable fixation, ease of maintenance, a wide range of models.

Materials and colors
The material of manufacture is one of the most important indicators on which the style, appearance and durability of the product depend. Taking into account the increased demand for textile capes, as well as various customer requirements, manufacturers make sofa decks from a wide range of textile materials. Let's consider the most popular and demanded material.
- Carpets - a fabric made of cotton and polyester. Advantages - ease of maintenance, absence of static electricity, soft texture, high level of air exchange, minimal accumulation of dirt. The disadvantage is a short period of operation.

- Velours - the most common material, which can be either looped (dense and velvety) or split (two-sided). Advantages - a pleasant fleecy structure, ease of maintenance, the ability to dry clean, no accumulation of dirt and dust, elasticity, long-term retention of shape, no allergic components, a wide range of colors. Disadvantages - the need to wash the entire product, even if a small stain appears. The most popular are velor sofas with fringes.

- Natural fur - expensive material that is used only to create exclusive models. To reduce the cost of the product, manufacturers often replace natural fur with artificial one. Advantages - long-term preservation of cleanliness, soft texture, long period of operation, visual increase in the surface of furniture, emphasizing status, wide assortment, various colors. Disadvantages - possible allergy to synthetic fibers.

- Acrylic - the most common material that has a number of advantages. Advantages - shape retention after repeated cleaning, abrasion resistance, the possibility of automatic washing, a wide range of colors, the absence of allergic components, a pleasant texture, a warming effect, resistance to fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Disadvantages - the appearance of pellets, the accumulation of static electricity, a change in shape during prolonged use.

- Chenille - fabric, which consists of both artificial and natural threads. It has a structure similar to corduroy. Advantages - resistance to friction, high level of density, ease of maintenance, the ability to clean with a vacuum cleaner and wash in an automatic washing machine with the addition of various detergents, resistance to fading, long-term preservation of color and brightness, no pellets, delicate and pleasant texture. Disadvantages - the appearance of mechanical damage, low resistance to moisture.

- Microfiber - a new type of material that is gaining more and more popularity.Advantages - long period of operation, practicality, lack of pellets, color and brightness retention, does not cause allergic rashes, pleasant texture, warming effect. Disadvantages - the need for regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner to remove dangerous microorganisms.

- Plush - soft tissue that can provoke allergic rashes. Advantages - strength, durability, spectacular appearance, ease of maintenance.

- Jacquard - an exquisite and spectacular material that has a dense and textured weave. Advantages - hiding mechanical defects of furniture, long-term preservation of shape, natural composition, durability, resistance to friction. Disadvantages - high price.

- Cotton - a natural material that is absolutely hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Advantages - pleasant tactile effect, absence of static electricity, unhindered circulation of air currents, the ability to wash in a washing machine. The disadvantage is fragility, low resistance to friction.

- Tapestry - dense expensive material that is used to decorate rooms in retro, modern and empire styles. Advantages - durability, expensive appearance, natural composition, strength, wide range. Disadvantages - Burnout tendency.

Modern equipment and innovative technologies have allowed manufacturers to produce sofa decks in a wide range of colors. The following shades are the most popular:
- lilac;
- green;
- light green;
- turquoise;
- Orange;
- yellow;
- burgundy;
- blue;
- beige;
- blue;
- Gray.
Most of the products have a multi-colored color and graphic design. Despite the wide range of colors, the chosen product should be in harmony with the general style of the room and its purpose (bedroom, living room, children's room).

Divandeks are a popular group of textiles produced by manufacturers from around the world. In retail chains you can see European, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Turkish and Belarusian goods, which differ in color, quality and price range. Designers recommend paying attention to the following brands:
- VLADI (Russia);
- Cleo, Tango (China);
- Arya (Turkey);
- Runo (Ukraine);
- Luxberry (Russia);
- TOGAS (Greece);
- Valtery (China).

The list of manufacturers is incomplete and is constantly updated with new brands.
Care Tips
In order for the purchased product to serve for more than one year, as well as to maintain an attractive and well-groomed appearance throughout the entire period of operation, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its choice, but also to operation and maintenance.
Manufacturers indicate complete information on cleaning methods and temperature conditions on special labels.

Experienced housewives recommend observing the following recommendations:
- regularly shaking out and knocking out microfiber products;
- washing synthetic fabrics at a temperature not higher than +30 degrees;
- the use of detergents and stain removers in strict accordance with the type of fabric;
- cleaning fur blankets only in a professional dry-cleaner;
- wash in an automatic washing machine only in a delicate mode;
- for washing large sofas, it is better to use the manual method;
- to prevent deformation, automatic spinning should be at minimum speed, and manual unscrewing should be avoided altogether;
- drying of products should be carried out on a flat horizontal surface;
- to preserve the color and saturation of the colors during drying, avoid direct sunlight.

Beautiful examples
Due to the wide range of colors of the sofa, designers are happy to use them when decorating a room, and its material should match the style of the room.
- A plain gray cotton cape will harmoniously fit into a minimalist eco-interior.

- Soft ivy of a beige shade on a light sofa will not only protect the furniture, but also add sophistication and comfort to the room.

- A fur set of capes will help create a comfortable environment in the winter and will add sophistication and high cost to the room.

How to sew a sofa cover with your own hands, see below.