Bunk beds with a sofa below for parents: types and selection rules

Currently, the reality is that many people opt for small apartments. When it comes to a family with children, placing in a small room can cause certain difficulties. However, progress does not stand still, and modern technologies have begun to successfully cope with this problem. The purchase of a bunk bed with a sofa downstairs will help to accommodate both parents and children at night.

Advantages and disadvantages
Such an acquisition becomes an excellent solution for parents with one child. In this case, the baby is placed upstairs to sleep, and from below the parents are comfortably settled on a double sofa. In the daytime, the lower tier can be collected, using it as a gathering place for the whole family. This piece of furniture has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, let's talk about the pros.
- The main advantage, without a doubt, is the ability to save free space.... This option is often used by families living in three in a one-room apartment. The range of products is wide enough, so it becomes possible to choose a model that will be convenient and appropriate in each specific case, depending on the size, location and interior.
- It must be said that modern and high-quality materials are used for the manufacture of bunk beds with a sofa for the parents below. They provide good, healthy sleep in a comfortable environment. A number of models are equipped with an orthopedic mattress.
- In addition, one cannot fail to say about the cost of such a product. Considering that instead of two pieces of furniture, you will have to purchase only one, significant savings can be noted.

At the same time, disadvantages should be noted.Many parents are worried about the safety of the child, placed to sleep on the upper tier. However, manufacturers point out that modern designs are thought out as much as possible, which allows you to solve this problem.
You should choose only high-quality goods that will be convenient for all family members.

The designs of such products can be divided into several varieties. Among them standard sofa, mechanisms "eurobook" and "book", as well as a sofa-transformer.
The first type includes a sofa on the lower tier, which cannot be disassembled. For this reason, it cannot be used as a sleeping place for parents. However, on such a sofa, you can gather in a small company, watch TV and arrange gatherings. If necessary, it can be used as a guest bed for one person.

The folded sofas look the same as the previous version. The difference is that they can disassemble at night, turning into a full-fledged sleeping place for two people. This option is especially relevant if both parents and a child need to sleep in the same room.
However, this mechanism also has its drawbacks. For example, users report quite frequent breakdowns when the quality of the product is not at a very high level.

Sofa bed by principle "Eurobook" it is also quite convenient and recognized as reliable in operation. The seat rolls out forward and the backrest falls into place. It must be said that, according to the principle of operation, such sofas are very similar to the previous version, however, their height is much lower, and this feature turns out to be undesirable for some consumers.

A number of buyers prefer to opt for a convertible bed. This model is also quite comfortable. During the daytime, family members can use the sofa in its standard form. Parsing is not difficult and does not require significant physical effort. At night, users get a comfortable place upstairs and no less comfortable downstairs. However, this option is suitable for a family that has only two people, since the sleeping places in both cases are single.

Selection rules
Before you buy a bunk bed with a sofa downstairs, you need to evaluate the various nuances. Without taking them into account, you can choose a product that you will soon regret buying. Let's consider all these points in more detail.

This indicator is very important. Most often, such structures are made made of metal, wood or pressed plywood. For wooden products, it is taken oak, pine, birch or beech. Such options cannot be cheap, but they are distinguished by their reliability and environmental friendliness. Plywood, of course, has a lower cost, but at the same time, the service life will be much shorter. Consumers are most often satisfied with the metal base.

Dimensions (edit)
Only a properly sized bed will look appropriate indoors. To calculate the dimensions, you should take into account the age of family members, their height, as well as the layout of the room. Be sure to take measurements at home, as well as in the store. Moreover, you need to measure the sofa both assembled and disassembled so that it fits in the place prepared for it.

To choose a sofa, you also need to calculate its dimensions. The unassembled length must exceed the height of the person who uses it by at least 20 centimeters. The distance to the top tier should be sufficient so as not to hit it with your head. For children under 14 years old, located on top, the length of the berth should be 170 centimeters or more.

Most parents will agree that this criterion should be considered the main one in this situation. It is necessary to make sure that the sides at the upper tier are high enough. In this case, the sleeping child will be protected from falling. The height of the sides must be at least 20 centimeters.
It is also important to inspect the structure. If there are bolts protruding there and other elements that can cause injury during operation, the purchase should be discarded. Fasteners must be covered with special overlays.
It is also worth choosing models without sharp corners.

It is impossible to ignore such an important element as a staircase. It must be made of a very reliable material. Models are often equipped with this element made of chrome-plated metal. However, this coating can be quite slippery, so a safer option should be chosen for younger children. Wood products are perfect.
The height of the steps also matters. The most convenient option is where the baby does not have to climb up, but he can calmly walk up the steps. It is also important the presence of convenient handrails.

The choice of upholstery is another rather serious point. In the case when it is not planned to use the sofa for sleeping, you can choose leather, best of all natural. This is a kind of guarantee for the long-term operation of the product. However, the price should not be overlooked, as the artificial material will definitely be cheaper.
In the case when the sofa is still planned to be used as a berth, leather will not be a particularly good choice. The fact is that the bed linen will begin to slip, thereby creating inconvenience. Fabric upholstery is much more preferable. You can stop your attention, for example, on velor.

Functionality should not be forgotten either. It will not necessarily significantly affect the cost. Consumers believe that budget options can be found that have elements such as drawers and shelves.
Usually they are built into the steps, into the sofa or located on the sides, respectively, the structure looks very compact.

How such a design looks most often determines the appearance of the entire room. It is better if the stairs and the upper tier are made in the same color scheme, this will emphasize the area intended for the baby. It is important that the product fits into the overall design of the room. For this reason, shades should be combined with other furnishings.

Bright colors will look spectacular. There is no need to use models with pretentious elements. Non-standard designs can also be not very convenient and useful to use. In this case, a violation of safety requirements is possible.

When choosing, it is best to give your preference to trusted manufacturers. Imported products may differ in price, but at the same time they can boast of high quality. The goods of domestic companies are suitable for people who want to save a little.

Examples in the interior
The main feature of such structures, as mentioned above, is compactness. Manufacturing materials and models are presented in a wide range. Products can be placed at different points in the room, depending on preference.
- Bunk bed with a metal frame. The legs are made of wood. The sofa can be used for sleeping both assembled and disassembled.

- Bunk bed made of pressed plywood... Has a pleasant light color. Great for placement in a children's room.

- This bunk bed has a small sofa at the bottom, which is very convenient for sleeping in disassembled form. Made of wood. In place of the ladder, there are two drawers for small items.

- This bunk bed has a non-separable design. The frame is made of chromed metal and the steps are made of wood. Very comfortable as a sleeping place for two people.

For an overview of a bunk bed with an Ikea sofa, see the video.