Bunk beds with a sofa: varieties and selection criteria

For a small apartment in which a family of several people lives, the question of free space can be quite relevant. Experts recommend taking a closer look at the option of a bunk bed with a sofa located below. In this case, it will turn out to combine several functional areas.

Features, pros and cons
These beds can be a real lifesaver for families living in small apartments and having one or more children. Their main feature is the design of the product. It is at her expense it turns out to combine several interior items at once without using free space.
For a long time, such options have been quite popular for children's rooms. However, manufacturers do not stop there, and today you can choose combined options that can meet the needs of each family member. Most often, the sofa below performs several functions at once, being a full-fledged sleeping place at night and turning into a comfortable area for relaxing during the day.

A bunk bed has a number of advantages, which should be discussed in more detail. Users note that this product is as comfortable to use as possible... The bed most often assumes the presence of an orthopedic mattress, on which it is very comfortable to sleep. You can choose a model, focusing on your own requests, since the assortment presented in stores is very wide. You can choose a suitable design, material of manufacture, colors and additional functions.

With all the positive aspects, one cannot but mention the product's shortcomings.Many consider the main disadvantage lack of security. Parents are afraid that a child, especially at a very tender age, may fall from the second tier and be injured. However, experts believe that this problem is very easy to solve. If necessary, a secure fence should be installed not only in the sleeping area, but also on the stairs.
The use of bunk beds began a long time ago. They were a real salvation when a large number of people were required to sleep in a confined space. Examples of these include barracks and children's camps. However, as time went on, modern models were increasingly purchased for installation in ordinary apartments. To date, these beds and sofas are transformers completely revamped construction, design and materials of workmanship.

The bunk bed can be made in different versions. In the usual sense, this is a comfortable sleeping place at the top, as well as a comfortable folding sofa at the bottom. However, the relevance of items is determined by the place of their use.
For example, when it comes to the selection of furniture for the nursery, manufacturers can offer a model with a bed upstairs, and from below, in addition to a sofa, there is also a desk, where the owner will be comfortable doing his business or doing his homework.
Such furniture can have drawers, sliding and regular shelves, compartments for storing bed linen and other items.

There are also designs that are perfect for two small family members. Downstairs there is a sofa that turns into a full-fledged sleeping place for the night. Such a model is also relevant for a family living in a one-room apartment as a place to sleep for both parents and a child.

In general, these beds can be divided according to their purpose. There are models for children, adults and adolescents.
For kids
To organize the space in the children's room as conveniently as possible, parents need to think about arranging several zones. The kid will be able to comfortably play, read books, do homework or sleep. In the case of a limited space, placing a full bed here along with a play area and a sofa for relaxation is quite problematic. That's why the two-tier design is great for this.
However, when organizing a nursery, one must not forget about the age of the little owner. Experts do not recommend purchasing such beds for children under 6 years old. They are still too small and cannot give full account of their actions, which threatens to get injured through negligence. Falling from the second tier can be very painful and dangerous.

For adults
Manufacturers offer special options for adults. They are perfect, for example, for a young family who lives in a small one-room apartment or studio. With this design, you can effectively divide the room into zones.
It should be noted that this choice is usually made by creative people. The sleeping area gains additional intimacy. The fold-out sofa can be used for relaxation or friendly gatherings, and guests can also be laid here for the night.

For teenagers
The choice of a bunk bed is most often enjoyed by adolescents from 12 to 18 years old. The issue of room zoning is also solved in this case. Sleep will be comfortable and strong on the second floor, while the first is used during the day. The child will have the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Materials (edit)
The materials for making a bunk bed can be very diverse. Solid wood products are in great demand. The most commonly used are oak, beech and birch. Their popularity is due to the fact that such structures are environmentally friendly and durable. They are great for various interiors, look very stylish and expensive.However, not everyone can afford them, since their cost is quite high, therefore most often, users purchase models made of laminated chipboard.

This material is made from natural wood and its waste.
But at the same time, there is a binder component in the composition, which reduces the environmental friendliness and strength of the furniture. In the modern market, models from laminated chipboard are presented in a wide range. For kids, you can choose products in the form of cars or houses. Older kids will love bright and unusual designs. Adults, on the other hand, can always choose a stylish option for themselves in a calm color scheme.

The beds can be metal or iron. However, experts do not recommend purchasing such models. However, they are considered obsolete. In addition, metal products can be called traumatic, for this reason, you should refrain from installing them in the nursery.

Regardless of whether the choice is made in favor of a wooden, metal or chipboard bed, it is important to ask the store for a hygienic certificate for the furniture.
This document specifies the formaldehyde content of the material and other characteristics. It is also very good if the product is not covered with ordinary paint, but with hypoallergenic varnish. It is quite persistent and at the same time as safe as possible for health.

Dimensions (edit)
When choosing furniture, one of the main points is its dimensions. However, if we are talking about a children's room, we must not forget that children grow up very quickly. The standard design measures 2275 x 965 x 1180 millimeters.
As for the sides, they must be selected in accordance with the age of the child. If he is 6-10 years old, it is better to stick with 30-centimeter wide options. For a teenager over 10 years old, 15 centimeters high sides are enough.

The berth also has its own parameters. Its width can be on average 60 to 80 centimeters. The length of the bed is from 140 to 200 centimeters. Sizing should be done depending on the age of the child. The size of the sofas depends on which model is used. Corner structures are usually wider and can accommodate 2 people.

As for the stairs, experts recommend stopping not on vertical, but on inclined versions. It is very convenient if it is equipped with handrails. A comfortable width for operation should be more than 40 centimeters.

Colors and designs
When choosing a bunk bed for a child, you must take into account its gender. Let's talk about girls first. The color of such a significant construction will create the general atmosphere of the room and the mood. Popular white options... Also, many people opt for the peach upholstery of the sofa and the light body. The main thing is for the owner of the room to express her own preferences.

In the case when 2 girls live in a room, contradictions may arise. To satisfy the wishes of both as much as possible, it makes sense to stop on calm pastel options. But everyone can equip the sleeping area to their liking, adding cute trinkets and little things, made in certain colors.

When it comes to a boy's bedroom, his needs must also be taken into account. There is no shortage of choice, so it is possible to choose the most optimal bed option. As practice shows, in a boy's room, usually dominated by blue and blue tones, however, this is not required. Can be used saturated yellow, purple or green.

There are universal models. They are more popular if the furniture is selected for children of different sexes or adults. A neutral color scheme is recommended in this case. Bunk beds in beige, green, purple tones will look great.
Models made under natural wood are always in fashion. They can be used in any room design, they look expensive and elegant.

We must not forget that such constructions are quite functional. Accordingly, many of them have a set of additional elements. These can be storage systems. Drawers and shelves can be located under the upper and lower tiers, in the stairs or on the sides. A small wardrobe may also be present.

Selection Tips
Today, furniture manufacturing companies offer these designs of various designs, among which everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves. However, in order for the purchase to leave only positive emotions, it is recommended to adhere to some recommendations. They pay attention to the really important things.
So, first of all, you need to check, so that the product is durable and reliable... The base must be very strong. A sleeping place, even in a children's bed, must support the weight of an adult.
Check for bumpers on the top tier. They are a very important element for ensuring the safety of a person while sleeping.
Also, the structure should not have sharp edges, protruding fasteners, about which you can accidentally injure yourself.

The ladder should have comfortable handrails, especially when it comes to children's models... At the same time, the bed itself and the sofa should fit appropriately into the room and be combined with its interior.
Manufacturers offer a wide variety of designs. If the child is still small or is simply afraid of heights, you can purchase a model with a double bed for adults upstairs and a sofa for the baby below.
As for the sleeping areas, they can be placed perpendicularly, one above the other and parallel. The first option can be chosen by people whose plans include placing a small table or cabinet under the upper tier. The same is true in the second case.

A compact option would be furniture, where the lower berth is retractable.
The surfaces are parallel to each other, and a kind of transformer is obtained. When there is no need for the lower bed, it simply slides in, freeing up space.
Also when choosing a bunk bed with a sofa you need to take into account the general style of the room. For small apartments, it is better to stay on compact and laconic options. In the case when the room itself is made in muted colors, too bright a design may look inappropriate. However, this statement does not apply to the nursery environment.
When buying a bed for children it is recommended to take into account their wishes regarding color and design... Models can be very diverse, some are produced in a rather original design, for example, in the form of a typewriter. This also applies to teenagers, as they may want to change a lot in their room as they age.

Beautiful examples in the interior
The bunk bed is eye-catching. The appearance of the whole room depends on what this piece of furniture will be.

Two-level loft bed. Suitable for a children's room. The unassembled sofa will be an excellent sleeping place.

A bunk bed will look great in a children's room. Has an interesting bright colors.

Bunk bed with a straight sofa bed. Made in calm colors. Suitable for both children and adults.

Bunk bed. The sofa downstairs is a great place to sleep.

A bunk bed with a small sofa and a wardrobe for storing things. Will look great in the nursery.

Bunk bed. Above, a full bed for 2 adults.

An overview of a bunk bed with a sofa in the video.