Sofas with French folding bed mechanism

Sofas with the French folding bed transformation mechanism are very popular among consumers. They not only make it possible to comfortably accommodate a late guest, but also often act as a central element of the interior.

The main differences of the "French" design from other folding mechanisms are compactness, practicality and ease of use. The folding part of such models consists of three modules, connected in series with each other and forming a full-fledged one and a half or double bed when unfolded.
The frame of the movable elements of "French clamshells" is made of metal, which gives the items special strength and durability. However, children are not recommended to lay out such sofas on their own, due to the presence of springs and metal joints, which can lead to injury if unskilled.

It is quite easy for an adult to expand a "French folding bed". To do this, remove the decorative cover, remove the pillows (in some models, the armrests are shifted), raise the upper module and slightly pull it towards you. For the convenience of transformation, most frames have a leather or fabric loop. The sections obediently leave the body of the sofa and smoothly unfold. The main thing in this case is to check the correct position of the metal legs and prevent them from accidentally bending.
In order to fold the sofa, proceed in the reverse order, making sure that linen and other foreign objects do not fall into the joints of the structure.In this case, one should act smoothly and carefully, since the hinge joints are quite vulnerable to angular loads, which is why they quickly fail if handled carelessly.

Advantages and disadvantages
Stable consumer demand for "French clamshells" due to a number of important advantages of these simple and convenient models.
- In comparison with other transformation mechanisms, the "French" options are notable for their low cost, due to the simple and unpretentious design of folding modules. This allows you to purchase a beautiful and functional sofa with a spare sleeping place for guests for little money.
- Sofas with such a mechanism are available in a wide range, which allows you to choose a model for every taste and color. Most of them are equipped with large soft cushions, have comfortable armrests and are available in straight and angled versions.
- "French clamshells" ideal for both large spaces and small spaces. A full sleeping place for two people is completely hidden in the sofa body and saves space in the room.
- Some types of folding structures allow placing orthopedic mattresses on them and are capable of withstanding weight loads up to 200 kg.
- The floor covering retains its original appearance longer and does not deteriorate.

Among the disadvantages of sofas with a transformation mechanism "French clamshell" can be noted the absence of a linen box, in place of which there are folding modules, as well as a not too long berth, not exceeding 187 cm. In addition, the mechanism is not designed for daily use, which makes sofas more suitable for seating and cannot be considered a permanent place to sleep.
But as a guest option, they are perfect, allowing you to organize a full bed. It should also be noted that most models are equipped with thin mattresses up to 6 cm thick, made of foam rubber or a slightly more advanced modification of it - polyurethane foam, which also does not allow them to be used for constant sleep.

Judging by the reviews of the owners of "French folding beds", with regular use of the sofa as a berth, their service life is usually limited to five years.
Although lately there have been sturdy models designed for daily unfolding... They are produced on a reinforced frame and are much more expensive than the "guest" samples.
Among other disadvantages of "French clamshells" one can highlight their creakiness, which is due to the friction of the metal joints under the influence of the weight load, as well as sagging berth at the tent bases.

Species overview
Classification of sofas with French folding bed mechanism is made according to the structure of the transformation mechanism and has 4 types.
- Tilt or mesh base belongs to the category of economy class and consists of a metal frame and high-strength polypropylene awning or braided metal mesh. The design resembles the clamshells of the Soviet era, it starts to creak almost immediately, quickly stretches and sags. The maximum weight load on such a base is 80 kg.

- Tento-lat clamshell It also consists of a metal frame and is reinforced with lamellas, which are made by pressing glued birch or beech veneer. An awning is stretched over the battens, which, thanks to them, does not sag and allows for a more even distribution of the weight load. The design can easily support weight up to 120-130 kg.

- Lattice structures equipped with a much larger number of slats than the previous version, but do not have an awning. The models are designed for weight up to 150 kg and have a pronounced orthopedic effect.

- Welded or point-welded grating is the most reliable French folding bed design and allows you to use the sofa for daily sleep. The metal mesh is fixed with springs and is designed for a weight load of up to 200 kg. The welded structures are designed for storing 15-18 cm thick orthopedic spring mattresses.
With careful use and regular lubrication of metal joints, these models will last over 7 years.

Materials (edit)
For the manufacture of sofas with the transformation mechanism "French folding bed" different materials are used.
This part of the sofa is made of hardwood (pine, spruce), impregnated with an antibacterial compound, chipboard or plywood. The wood base is environmentally friendly, but when using low-quality wood it can cause a lot of problems... For example, some manufacturers forget to soak wood with an antifungal agent, which can cause fungus to attack the wood when the sofa is in a damp room.
In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers often use not very high-quality wood with knots and cavities. Elements with such defects often do not withstand high loads and burst along a knot or along a crevice.
As for plywood, it does not absorb moisture, does not have internal voids and is not susceptible to fungus, however, it is not ideally safe from the environmental point of view. This is due to the use of synthetic resins, which are used to glue thin plywood sheets and emit harmful substances into the surrounding space.
Chipboard is used for the manufacture of budget models, which are characterized by low reliability and short service life.

Used as filling for sofa cushions foam rubber, furniture polyurethane foam and synthetic winterizer. The first is notable for its low cost, but it crumples very quickly and loses its shape. Polyurethane foam is a more modern material and is a foam sponge-like mass, more durable and elastic than ordinary foam rubber. The synthetic winterizer consists of polyester fibers and gives the cushions and armrests volume and elasticity. Its use significantly reduces the cost of the product, but has a bad effect on its durability.
In addition to padding polyester, sometimes holofiber is used, which, in terms of its performance properties, is similar to natural down and feather. In expensive models, struttofiber is used - a synthetic material that gives the soft elements of the sofa a large volume and quickly takes on its original shape after compression. Synthetic materials are environmentally friendly and approved for use by allergy sufferers.

Synthetic fabrics, natural and artificial leather and textile materials are used as upholstery. The most common upholstery fabrics are tapestry, matting, microfiber and jacquard. They have good performance, abrasion resistance and good cleaning properties. Models made of leather and eco-leather look very solid and quite easy to clean.

Styles and design
The modern market of upholstered furniture offers a wide range of sofas with a French folding bed mechanism. A wide variety of colors and designs makes the choice much easier and allows you to choose a model for any interior style. So, for classical direction models with leather or velor cover, graceful legs and decorative elements made of noble wood species are suitable.
Into modern minimalism a small sofa without armrests and unnecessary details, decorated with plain textiles, will fit well. For ecological or Scandinavian style a good option would be a model with the maximum number of parts made of natural wood, and upholstery made of matting in a large cage or with an ornament.
For an ethnic African theme, a small sofa of bright colors, decorated with mahogany elements, is suitable.

Dimensions (edit)
The width of the French folding bed sofa usually varies from 140 to 160 cm, which allows the models to be used as a full-fledged double bed. Along with the full-size options, there are also small sofas, which are only 130 cm wide. Such specimens are very convenient for small rooms and kitchens, where they are used for a large amount of time as seating places and are rarely laid out for guests.
As for the length, for "French" models it is quite constant and is 180-187 cm. The exception is some Italian samples, the length of which does not exceed 160 cm. Such mini-sofas are intended for daytime rest, watching TV, reading books and at night. sleep is not calculated.

Criterias of choice
When buying a sofa with a French folding bed mechanism it is necessary to pay attention to a number of important details.
- If the sofa is planned to be used as the main berth, then the only acceptable option would be a welded mesh clamshell.
- When buying a model for a bedroom it is better to stay on products with upholstery made of leather or textured fabrics, such as tapestry or jacquard. For the kitchen, models made of eco-leather are suitable, which is easy to clean and does not absorb odors.
- Pay attention to the manufacturer and not to buy too cheap models of unknown firms. The service life of such products, even with rare use, does not exceed 2-3 years.
- When buying, you must carefully inspect the movable elements of the clamshell and make sure there is no backlash and distortions. If the structure unfolds too tightly or creaks, then it is better to refuse to buy such a sofa.

Beautiful examples in the interior
Sofas with the "French folding bed" mechanism are able to harmoniously fit into any interior, and in some cases play the role of its central element. The main thing is to correctly choose the colors and successfully combine them with the colors of the walls, home textiles and the rest of the furniture.
- Sofa with orthopedic mattress looks great in a modern bedroom.

- "French clamshell" with eco-leather upholstery - rich and functional.

- Corner model in a traditional interior.

- Pull-out sofa with reinforced frame able to replace a full bed.

- Light leather set - a spectacular decoration of the living room.

For information on how the mechanism of this type of sofa unfolds, see the next video.