How to clean a sofa from grease at home?

A home for everyone is a place where you can relax, unwind, and feel like you are in your home environment. To create the most optimal living conditions, it is worth furnishing the house or apartment so that you have everything you need. One of the most needed and frequently used pieces of furniture is a sofa, therefore, over time, its appearance becomes unpresentable, and it becomes necessary to solve this problem.
To get rid of grease, you can use different tools and techniques, but for each specific case, they may be different.
Store funds
Since the sofa is the furniture on which all family members, guests, and pets can sit, its appearance deteriorates very quickly, and stains begin to appear on the surface of the seat, and sometimes the back.

You can clean the sofa from grease in an apartment or house by using various chemicals.
- Vanish - on sale you can find shampoos, powders, as well as antibacterial compounds. Each product is intended for specific materials, therefore, you should read the instructions before buying.
- Marseilles soap - this product contains olive oil and soda. This option is suitable for small dirt and the same rubbing.
- Denkmit - a product that resembles a foam. This option can be used for carpets and silk or tapestry sofa surfaces.
- Sama - means for effective removal of old stains and grease.
- Bagi "Shtihonit" - you can safely use it as a stain remover or use it as a detergent for any surfaces.
Chemical compositions effectively remove dirt from the upholstery of the sofa, restoring the former beauty of the furniture. When choosing a composition, you need to take into account what fabric the upholstery is made of, whether it can be washed, or a different processing method should be used. The disadvantages include the risk of stains on the upholstery of the sofa.
If you have time and desire, you should postpone the use of chemicals, and try to get rid of the old wear with alternative options.

Folk recipes
To get rid of greasy stains on the upholstery of your sofa or to freshen up the places where you used to sit, you need to use the right products and support materials. At home, there may be household chemicals that can help in such matters, but it is better to use alternative options, the components for which are available in almost every kitchen. When planning to clean the sofa, you need to not only wipe the armrests, but also pay attention to the upholstery, which suffers most from active use.
In order to properly care for your furniture, you need to choose the right products that can help you easily deal with pollution.

Salt is an effective treatment for both fresh and stubborn stains. To remove light dirt, it is necessary to sprinkle the problem area with salt and leave it there for 17–20 minutes, then vacuum it. If there is a need to clean the sofa from grease or heavy dirt, you need to make a saline solution. To prepare it, take a liter of warm water and stir two tablespoons of salt in it. The resulting composition is applied to the stained area for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with a damp sponge.

An equally effective remedy in this case is soda. There are three ways to clean the surface.
- Soda is poured onto the moistened problem area and left for half an hour, then everything is cleaned with a brush. As soon as the surface is completely dry, it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
- To combat old stains, you need to use gruel, for which water is mixed with soda in a ratio of 1: 1. The composition is applied to the upholstery with a soft brush. When it dries, the baking soda can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
- To remove very heavy contaminants, a solution of water with soda and dishwashing liquid is used. Two tablespoons of soda are poured into a liter of water and detergent is poured, all components are mixed. The ready-made solution is applied for 15–20 minutes to problem areas, after which it is removed with a damp cloth.
The choice of how to clean the sofa with baking soda depends on how dirty it is.

Vinegar and soda
Use a 9% vinegar solution and baking soda to clean your sofa upholstery and restore it to its original appearance and vibrancy. For the process, you will need to prepare a spray bottle, into which you should pour at least a liter of water, 100 ml of vinegar and add a tablespoon of soda. The resulting composition is applied to the problem area of the sofa upholstery and left for 10 minutes, after which it is removed with a rag or washcloth.
If necessary, the procedure can be repeated if it was not possible to remove the stain in one go.

Laundry soap
You can also remove stubborn stains from the sofa with laundry soap.
The bar is grated and added to a container with water, after which the contents are whipped until a copious foam is obtained, which is applied to the contaminated area for 10 minutes, after which it is wiped off with a rag.

Ammonia is a good product for removing stains and grease from sofa upholstery. To use it you need:
- dilute the composition with water in a 1: 1 ratio;
- apply the product to the problem area with a cotton pad or rag;
- wipe the surface with any clean cloth to remove stains and the product itself from the sofa.
Contaminated areas should be handled carefully, working towards the pile and thoroughly cleaning the upholstery surface.

Shaving foam
A very interesting tool for cleaning a sofa is shaving foam, which is applied to a stain or grease, left on it for half an hour, and then removed with a damp washcloth. Once the foam is completely removed, the sofa should be wiped clean with a dry microfiber cloth.
Useful Tips
Removing stains and greases is a difficult process that must be done correctly, otherwise, instead of a clean and renewed sofa, you may end up with damaged upholstered furniture. To prevent this from happening, you can use additional tips.
- For working with leather upholstery, a soap-soda or alcohol solution is the best option.
- Lint-free upholstery must be cleaned with brushes, using soap compositions for this. Complete drying of the surface after the procedure is an obligatory step.
- Pile upholstery is cleaned with a washcloth. The use of a brush in this case is highly undesirable.
- Only dry clean is suitable for tapestry upholstery. When a large amount of liquid enters the surface, the color and structure of the material changes.

When choosing store-bought products for cleaning the sofa, you should be careful, since there are compounds that will not bring any result, time and money will be wasted. These means include "Carpet", "My family", "Cinderella". For the selection of folk remedies, it is worth assessing the severity of the pollution and choosing the composition depending on the type of material.
With the correct application and the execution of the treatment technique, very good results can be obtained after the first treatment.
See below for how to clean your sofa.