Classic sofas: views and beautiful examples in the interior

The very term "classic sofas" can confuse many people. Such furniture is really diverse and is really used on different occasions. But still, you can isolate certain types of such products and pick up beautiful examples in the interior.

Furniture in the classic style is respectability, respectability and again respectability. This approach is chosen by calm and self-confident people who do not pursue fashion too much. Classic sofas embody unshakable reliability, stability and material well-being. Additionally, there are notes of conservatism and even some stagnation, as if degradation - unless everything is done very correctly and accurately. For this reason, by the way, classic furniture style deserves careful selection and careful handling.

Unlike modern stylistics, it is extremely poorly combined with dynamic motives and bright inclusions. First of all, it is necessary to demonstrate external luxury and solidity, an impressive appearance. Classic style furniture is suitable for any room. But its diversity is especially great for the guest area. It is important to understand that only the look is traditional in such models - in terms of technical performance and the fillers used, they are uncompromisingly modern.

Some part of the market is occupied by stylizations that fully reproduce old samples. After all, there are people who are ready to pay for a sofa made of genuine leather, on a frame made of expensive types of wood. The main typical properties of the classics are:
- obligatory rectangular execution of the sitting area (without experimenting with all sorts of other forms);
- back with a slight rounding or bend;
- the use of graceful armrests;
- harmoniously looking legs;
- preference for restrained, laconic colors;
- retro-style prints;
- sometimes (to add special splendor) expressive decorative details.

But it is important to understand that the general characteristic of the "classical style" can hide several more particular directions at once. Lovers of the classics prefer only one of these versions. Imitation of the Baroque means the use of massive furniture with smooth, unsharp contours. Lush decor is not used. But wood carving is even welcome.

Rococo, on the other hand, is expressed in the use of the most abundant design additions. Besides carving, you can use all kinds of patterns. Most often, light colors predominate. But this is left to the discretion of the home owners.

The Gothic branch of the classics is characterized primarily by austere luxury. The Gothic sofa is decorated in dark colors. Upholstery with sophisticated textures is used for it. Velvet is often used, various types of tapestry. Forged elements can also be used.

The Empire style also deserves attention. A sofa in this spirit is pompous and monumental. A luxurious look is created using expensive fabrics and metal inserts. Typical colors are:
- Ivory;
- silver;
- light varieties of wood.

It should be borne in mind that in a pure form, sofas of one direction or another are rarely sold. They can be bought mainly from specialized firms. Also, such models can be included in thematic lines. The assortment of large stores is dominated by neoclassicism, which combines the features of the 5 main branches of the classical style.
The prototypes are the developments of English and Italian designers of the first half and mid-twentieth century.

It is extremely difficult to accurately reproduce a classic setting in its entirety. Rather, if you have the necessary funds, you can even turn the whole room into a semblance of premises of royal palaces or bedrooms of medieval castles. However, sofas so scrupulously repeating the origins of the classics are not very comfortable. In addition, the Empire and Rococo styles prohibit the use of folding mechanisms. Therefore, the sofa cannot or almost cannot be used for sleeping.

Species overview
This type of sofa is called a true classic in all descriptions. And despite some already stereotyped, this statement is quite correct. In past centuries, upholstered furniture frames could only be made of wood. And it is not particularly flexible - and therefore straight boards do not leave a choice. The length of a straight sofa can be very different; among them there are both double and more capacious samples.
But very long specimens sometimes create problems when bringing furniture into the house or moving between rooms. A variety of transformation methods can be used. However, the transformer needs free space for full disclosure.
A straight sofa is available with or without armrests.

Additional advantages of such furniture are:
- the ability to use for both landing and sleeping;
- suitability for any interior;
- relative cheapness.

This is a more practical group. These sofas take up less space than direct counterparts. However, they can be fully used only where it is possible to put them in a corner. The corner sofa is made in both solid and modular versions. Important: if you plan to frequently rearrange and / or actively lay out furniture, it must be made using stable fasteners.

The angles are visually different, and for ease of classification, the most massive options are likened to the letters G and P. The corner sofa is most often unfolded (this is especially characteristic of the products of self-respecting world-class manufacturers).
The folding mechanism can be selected to your liking. Furniture, regardless of it, will allow you to close problem areas of the premises. Classic style fold-out sofas can be equipped with roll-out mechanisms. The number of boxes in each case, the developers select individually.

Varieties of transformation mechanisms
The simplest and at the same time the most reliable sofas are of the type "Eurobook"... Disassembling such a structure, its front segment is rolled out, and after the release of its previous place, the back is put there. The scheme works a little more complicatedly "Dolphin"... But it is easier to use it: after pulling out a special textile loop, the desired section will go out on the rails. Important: the "dolphin" format is usually practiced on corner models, and if such a mechanism is used on straight furniture, you need to carefully evaluate the length of the berth.

On American and Belgian sofas, the thickness of mattresses is over 0.1 m. On French sofas - up to 0.06 m. Metal transforming mechanisms can have a three-fold or two-fold design. All the listed models will be disassembled in the same way as the models produced in the 1980s in our country. True, the design has been slightly improved.

Lovers of maximum comfort need to choose models of the recliner type. The very definition of "leans back" does not fully reflect all the features of such a device. Some models may have additional settings, for example:
- changing the position of the back to strictly specified angles;
- adjustable footrest;
- smooth change of configuration;
- internal pillows.

The roll-out sofa also has the so-called high-roll-out subspecies. Thanks to a specially thought-out set of rollers and brackets, the total area of the furniture triples when laid out. Despite the technical complication, it will be quite simple to use such a sofa. Roll-out sofas are in great demand due to their durability. Note: mechanisms of this kind can also be installed on furniture that was not originally equipped with them.

Materials and design
Flawlessly traditional furniture with dark colors is most often placed in home offices or libraries. A very good choice in this case would be a leather sofa. But it should be combined with other parts of the decor in the same way. Designers recommend using light wall decoration and lush, weighty curtains to combine with a sofa. Also in such an interior wide tables, secretaries, large armchairs will be appropriate.

A classic sofa, oddly enough, can be put into a modern-style room. True, this will require the unity of the color scheme and scrupulous calculation of all design details. However, if everything is done correctly, you will get an amazingly beautiful and harmonious performance. It is quite appropriate to use classic sofas in a room furnished in the spirit of Art Nouveau - this is the modern interpretation of the classics recommended by many designers.

The combination of empire style and classics is considered not quite unambiguous. But such a combination of styles will add variety. If done correctly, the appearance will be brilliant. The restrained natural color of classic sofas will perfectly fit into the surroundings of chic textured walls. However, it is required in any case to observe the fundamental rule: one of the combined styles should be the key, and the second should be given a secondary role.

For the manufacture of a classic sofa are used:
- nut;

- birch;

- oak;

- yew;

- ash;

- cherries;

- beech.

Some models have a metal or plywood frame. At the same time, valuable redwood is taken on the back and armrests.You can decorate the surface of the product using bronze, ivory, gilding, brass and even a tortoiseshell. True, the corresponding models can be very expensive. Options with decoration with semiprecious minerals and rocks are even more expensive.

The most modern fillers are used - these are foamed latex and blocks with divorced springs. Polyurethane foam and holofiber are now rarely used. Natural leather is usually used to cover the seated area. For upholstery - satin, brocade, tapestry, velvet and so on. Synthetic upholstery is absolutely unacceptable!

Dimensions (edit)
Selection according to aesthetic characteristics is very important, but you need to focus on quantitative parameters as well. When deciding on the size, you will have to take into account both the folded and the unfolded state. In a small room, it is extremely important to think about free passage. In general, the larger the room, the larger the sofa in it should be.
The compact two-seater sofa is used both in homes and in solid offices. Its typical dimensions are 1.7 m in length and 0.8-1 m in width. For three-seater models, these dimensions will be 2-2.5 and 0.8-1 m, respectively. One and a half, it is also for children, the sofa is 0.9-2 m long.
The width is then determined by the folding mechanism.

Popular manufacturers
The opinion that Russian-made upholstered furniture is bad, widespread by inertia, has long been untrue. In the 2010s, the domestic industry significantly increased its output and improved its products.
Products deservedly have an excellent reputation. Moon Trade brands... This brand has been known for a long time and is very expensive. We can recommend modification 044. It is readily purchased and appreciated for its unfolding. But it must be borne in mind that for such a sofa you will need a lot of free space. For a spacious living room, however, 4 berths are quite acceptable.
All unnecessary accessories for the day are removed in the built-in drawer. There are many color options, but systematic maintenance is required.

Less expensive classic sofas are also made in Russia. A striking example of this is model "Economy 120 PPU" from the Mebeltron factory... The structure is equipped with a sturdy folding mechanism. The backrest is comfortable enough, and the armrests are not too stiff. The use of non-marking resistant materials is provided.

You can choose and model "Benedict" from Anderssen factory... This is almost the perfect transforming option. This Russian factory has no equal in the perfection of its products. The particular model described can be expanded without damaging the floor covering. Capacious linen baskets are built inside.

Among the products made in China, it is worth taking a closer look at Barlow models 5136-60... The height of the structure is 0.73 m. It is made of solid wood and painted in ivory. The own weight of a 3-seater sofa is 61 kg. Brown upholstery looks attractive.

How to choose the interior?
When decorating a room in a classic spirit, you need to achieve absolute symmetry. Therefore, the sofa should be such that, for example, bedside tables and armchairs would harmoniously stand around it. Or lamps were suspended just as harmoniously. A classic living room is usually light and complacent, so you should choose gentle calm colors. But in a gothic or baroque room, you can introduce elements of more saturated colors.

An experienced buyer will estimate in advance where the sofa should stand and will take the records with all the necessary dimensions to the store. Be sure to study the material and check what its quality is. Leather upholstery will not work if you plan to use the furniture on hot days. When it is conceived to make a sofa a true decoration of the room, you need to imagine how it will look in the interior.

For teenagers and children, choose furniture with upholstery in neutral colors. The pretentiously trimmed legs would also be a bad idea in this case. They try to select modifications upholstered with jacquard or brocade in the living room or a large hallway. In the kitchen, natural leather trim is more acceptable. The sofa should be such that it looks beautiful in the most advantageous place in the room.

Beautiful examples
This is how a classic sofa looks flawlessly. Moreover, it is lush and extremely colorful, inspiring confidence. Despite the seeming variegation of colors, this solution looks very good. The combination with the painting on the wall and the emphatically old-fashioned lamps on the sides is aesthetically flawless. The graceful lines are fully consistent with the overall concept.

This photo shows a different type of classic sofa. It is almost pure white and comes complete with soft pillows. The lack of a special play of shape and color is quite justified. After all, other components of the interior completely take over this design function. The combination with bright red walls and a rich wood cabinet looks brilliant. Even the most inveterate aesthetes cannot accuse designers of incompetence.

But you can do it differently. Choose a sofa in a rich dark chocolate color. In combination with the exact same chair, it looks even more expressive than the previous version. And against the background of a dark gray wall, such furniture will not be lost. And even the relatively light wood floor makes a good contrast to the soft areas.

How to choose a sofa, see the video below.