How to choose a sofa bed?

The sofa bed belongs to the category of furnishing items that are in great consumer demand. The products are distinguished by increased functionality, are suitable for daily use and vary by the transformation mechanism. The material in this article will help you decide on the best option, mark the main purchase criteria and tell you about the types of sofas with a berth.
Sofa beds can be classified according to several criteria. For example, models are divided into options with and without armrests, models with and without support legs, with and without built-in storage systems. By design, sofa beds are stationary and built-in. The first type is a traditional sofa set along walls, near windows and niches, and in the center of rooms.

Other analogs may have a complex design, and therefore have their own gradation. Some of them represent two-level options. Outwardly, they can resemble bunk beds for children. The difference is the fact that on one level there is a bed with sides, on the other - a functional sofa. In this case, the design can provide the sofa has built-in storage systems, which can be both small shelves and roomy lower boxes located under the seat. Depending on their size and quantity, inside you can store bedding or oversized items.
Built-in products are 3-in-1 and 4-in-1 transformers... In fact, this is multifunctional furniture in the form of a furniture wall with a different appearance.The 3-in-1 options combine the functions of a sofa, bed and wardrobe. Their counterparts of enhanced functionality, depending on the design idea, can be complemented by a work table or a console shelf.
The multifunctional model transforms from a sofa to a bed in different ways. When assembled, the furniture ensemble is a wall-cabinet with open and closed shelves, a cantilever tabletop, a sofa and a compact armchair (table). Its table top can be used as a writing and working table. You can place a lamp on it, however, some models already have a built-in point-type backlight.

Built-in furniture that retracts into the wall is very extraordinary. Sometimes its transformation involves placing the sleeping block on the sofa while simultaneously transforming the tabletop into reliable structural supports. In other cases, to fold the bed into a full-fledged berth, you have to remove individual sofa modules. When assembled, such structures are very compact, since the sleeping unit is raised perpendicular to the wall.
By the type of rigidity, products are frame and frameless.
The modifications of the first line have a rigid base and a reliable transformation mechanism.

Products of the second group vary in design and printing, have different levels of rigidity, however, there is no frame inside them. Their main advantage is the comfort of the user, but they cannot provide proper support for the spine. It is undesirable to use them instead of a bed every day.
According to the type of execution, modifications are straight, angular, round and modular. Each model range of a certain group has its own characteristic features, advantages and advantages. Products vary in level of functionality, transformation mechanism, and are made from different raw materials.

Straight or linear sofa bed - traditional furniture, which is chosen for arranging large and small rooms for various purposes. Depending on the design, such products can be very diverse, up to creative execution. For example, on sale there are model cars, houses, compact couches, as well as products with an asymmetric shape of the back and armrests, wheel supports, pallets from boxes. Modifications differ in width, length, seat depth, height, backrest angle and shape.

Angular counterparts are divided into 2 groups: L-shaped and U-shaped. The options of the first type are considered a good choice for small rooms, since they stand as tightly as possible in the corner, which saves the usable area of the available space.
In addition, they perfectly zone the space, clearly indicating the boundaries of the equipped functional zone of any room.
These sofa beds can have armrests, they come with or without a backrest, with or without legs.

Analogs of the U-shape are acquired to create a comfortable guest area in large rooms and open-plan dwellings. They can be typical and sectional, consisting of a set of separate modules.

Products of this type are nothing more than a set of upholstered furniture for furnishing the interior. As a rule, such furniture can have a different type of performance. Moreover, it can consist of a different number of blocks of the same or different shapes. By the type of fixation, it can have rigid fasteners, in this case it is assembled according to the customer's sketch, who has chosen a specific number and shape of individual modules. In another case, the mount is not rigid, the blocks may not be fixed at all.
The advantage of this furniture is variability of the form. You can create straight, angular, U-shaped and even radius structures from blocks. This furniture is a versatile means of furnishing large living rooms and studio apartments. It can be multifunctional: sets are often equipped with spacious boxes for storing bedding, all kinds of tables, bars, shelves, shelves.

The shape of the sofa bed can be non-standard. The assortment of brands includes models of round and radius shapes. And if the radius products are made in the form of a part of a circle, the assembled round modifications make a figure in half a circle. They become a full circle after transformation. The sizes of such products vary, as does the shape of their back. Functionality is added to them by storage compartments for bedding, located under the seat. Products of this type can be standard and low, filled with a small or thick layer of padding.

Systems for transforming sofa beds can be very diverse: sliding, roll-out, folding, swivel, folding, lifting. Wherein depending on the choice of one type or another, the transformation can be habitual or lateral. In fact, some models fold forward, others turn into a bed due to the transformation of armrests or side modules. The transformation system affects the ergonomics and ease of use of the product.
One of the simplest options is the so-called "book", which unfolds by raising and further lowering the backrest simultaneously with the seat.

The improved mechanism is "Eurobook", the mechanism is triggered after the backrest is tilted and the berth is extended. Such systems are convenient not only for adults: even children can cope with them, which makes it possible to buy sofas of this type for arranging children's and teenage rooms.

The most popular folding transformation mechanism is considered "Dolphin", moreover, it is used both in models of direct and angle type. An additional berth block in such modifications is located in an inner box located under the seat. During the transformation, the block is first rolled out, then it is lifted.

Sliding system "accordion" folds out forward, these sofa beds have a storage compartment for bedding. The seat rises above them, the body is pulled forward according to the principle of an accordion.
Such systems allow this furniture to be used in long and narrow spaces.

American "clamshell" has its own differences, such a folding transformation system is used in luxury furniture and is often equipped with an orthopedic mattress.

Dimensions (edit)
The parameters of the sofas transformable into a bed can be very diverse. Conventionally, they are miniature, standard and comfortable. Products of the first group are designed for 1 berth. When assembled, such sofas rarely exceed 200 cm in length.Sometimes they are even less and more like armchairs, being 120-130 cm long.
Such furniture is made for adults and children. In view of this, the length of her berth can be from 150 to 180 cm.Products for adults are slightly larger: the dimensions of such a sleeping block can be from 180 to 200-210 cm in length.Among such products, there are options with narrow seats, the width of which is assembled. the form does not exceed 45 cm.
The height of the modifications depends on the type of structure. The distance from the floor to the seat in the standard versions is 45 cm, however, in the lines there are low models with unfolding on the floor. In addition, there are mattress options, and their height is usually equal to the thickness of the sleeping block.
As for the number of berths, in addition to single modifications, the manufacturers' product lines have models designed for two or even three users.

The parameters of large sofas vary, which is explained by their appearance and shape. Models can be not only two- or three-seater, but also one-and-a-half. The largest are modular models. Their length can reach several meters, while each individual module can, on average, be about 1 m wide or deep.
Sectional type analogs consist of blocks for different purposes, and therefore can have modules of different lengths and widths. For example, the average length of an ottoman is 180 cm.The dimensions of round sofa beds can be 226 cm in length with armrests, with a width from the protruding edge of the back to the middle of the circle of 220 cm.At the same time, the length of a full-fledged berth for such models is on average 210 cm .Other modifications have a circle radius of 125 cm.

In addition, on sale you can find products with bed parameters equal to 160x200, 120x200, 140x200, 180x200, 200x200 cm.The dimensions of large sofas can be 230, 300, 310, 290 cm in length.The width of the bed for these modifications varies, it varies from 140 to 160-170 cm. The height of the product together with the backrest often exceeds 85 cm, reaching 95-100 cm. The average height of the armrests is 60 cm.

Materials (edit)
Sofa beds are made from different raw materials. Therefore, the characteristics of the products differ. For example, frameless furniture is based on different types of fillers. It can be both polyurethane foam layers and small synthetic balls. Wherein artificial latex can be different, which determines the life of the products.
The frame is the basis of the structure, it determines its durability and is made of solid wood (beech, birch, oak) or metal. In budget options, wood is replaced by multi-layer plywood, MDF and chipboard.
Despite the reasonable cost, such furniture has a shorter service life.
Analogues on a wooden and metal frame are durable and reliable. The size and thickness of the lamellas may vary, as well as their number.

Storage boxes for bedding or sleeping blocks are made from plywood or wood derivatives. Transformation mechanisms are made of metal. There are also metal armrests, supports, as well as backrest elements. The frame of models with a bar or table is made of wood. Rack armrests or structures with folding shelves are made of plywood.

The filling of the sofa can be spring and springless. Products without metal springs are softer, while among them there are models with soft anatomical padding that takes the shape of the body of a seated or lighter person. Among these products are sofa beds with orthopedic effect (made of latex or polyurethane foam). However, choosing such furniture is not so easy, since not every customer understands the intricacies of filling.

Among analogs with a metal spring block, there are also models with an orthopedic effect. However, not everything that is advertised and presented on store shelves as orthopedic furniture is in fact such. Springs in sofas are dependent and independent, in addition, they differ in shape and size. Addicts do not have the proper orthopedic effect.

Sleeper structures with independent springs arranged differently. When the body is loaded on the mat, only those springs that are under pressure are included in the work. The rest do not bend, so the curvature of the spine remains correct.
In this case, a characteristic feature: the smaller the size of the springs, the firmer the sleeping block. Their number can exceed 1000 per sq. m.
Independent springs have individual covers. If such a sofa breaks down, the broken element is removed and replaced with a new one. This allows you to extend the life of the product. However, you need to buy such furniture correctly, since the number of springs is designed for a certain weight and number of users.

The upholstery materials of sofa beds vary, which affects the price of the models and their practicality. The most durable and reliable upholstery material is genuine leather. This material is not afraid of exposure to water and moisture. It is resistant to dirt, easy to clean and retains its attractive appearance for a long time.
An equally high-quality and practical upholstery option is artificial leather.

Textile upholstery materials are not as practical and durable... They are more difficult to clean, they are water permeable and are often not abrasion resistant. From the entire line of materials, furniture tapestry, jacquard and flock are considered the best. Wherein flock is also an anti-vandal coatingbecause the texture of the material is resistant to claws of pets.

The design execution of the product amazes with a variety of forms. Models can be strict linear and laconic or extraordinary. Unusual options with a berth loft style may have metal wheels instead of legs. Their armrests sometimes look like the sides of metal shelves. Such furniture is perfect for furnishing rooms in a youth style. Other designs, on the contrary, are distinguished by luxury and an abundance of decor.
The colors of the models differ, while the more popular options are products with white, black, graphite monochromatic upholstery.
They fit perfectly into a modern interior, can become its key focus.

Worthy of attention and models in classic style, which are distinguished by the original crown-like shape of the headboard. The classics can be represented by options in light colors, decorated with a carriage coupler.

Selection criteria
Choosing a functional and stylish sofa bed option for decorating your home, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances, the key ones of which are:
- the parameters of a specific model and the space reserved for it in the house;
- reliability, practicality and durability of the transformation mechanism;
- quality of the frame material, thickness, number of lamellas;
- user friendliness, bed capacity;
- the type of filling, its practicality and resistance to weight loads;
- environmental friendliness of upholstery and filler, breathable type of raw materials used;
- lack of visible and invisible marriage;
- smooth running of the unfolding system, metal strength;
- acceptable cost of the product, the correct choice of its color scheme.

It is not difficult to choose the right upholstered furniture with a transformation system. Moreover, regardless of its purpose, it must be durable, designed for every day of transformation. At the request of the buyer, you can choose an option with cushions on a metal backrest, additional seat mats, decorative rectangular pads and bolsters. In this case, pillows can be not only a decor, but also headrests and armrests (in products without armrests).
A sofa bed should be comfortable, the type of filling can be anatomical or spring-loaded, as well as combined, when a spring block with dependent or independent springs around the perimeter is supplemented with a layer of artificial latex or polyurethane foam. When choosing an option for daily sleep, you need to consider the practicality of the color of the upholstery.... If possible, it is better to immediately purchase capes or bedspreads, they will prolong the aesthetics of the appearance of the product.

Beautiful examples
We offer 10 examples of a successful choice of a sofa bed for arranging different rooms.
- Model with the "accordion" system in the interior of a small room in a modern style.

- A transforming sofa with a sleeping place, upholstered in natural leather, as a solid accent in the interior of a bright living room.

- A lilac round sofa bed chosen for the spacious living room.

- Corner-type design with folding bed, designed for 2 users.

- Large modular sofa that can become a comfortable seating area for 3 family members.

- A sofa bed with a roller-shaped back, chosen for the neutral tones of the living room.

- Model of a transformable sofa with a functional armrest-table, complemented by round ottomans.

- Corner model of a modular type, chosen for the decoration of the hall of an apartment with a studio layout.

- A sofa for arranging a summer cottage, as a stylish element of the attic interior.

- The choice of a product with soft filling for a children's room, a good color scheme, the absence of hard parts.

How to choose a sofa bed is shown in the video below.