How to choose a sofa bed for daily use?

Due to the variety of popular models of sofa beds existing on the modern market, almost everyone has the opportunity to purchase this key piece of home furnishings both as a guest option (in case of a sudden arrival of relatives or as a place to sleep for overdue friends), and for daily use.

In the latter case, a folding sofa bed must meet more stringent requirements for its strength and durability, because when purchasing such an expensive item, we usually expect to use it without problems for many years.

In this article we will talk about the features of sofa beds, consider how to choose a sofa bed for daily use, and also give a short overview of the best models of this important household item.

The features of modern sofa beds are as follows:
- varied design, thanks to which this piece of upholstered furniture will organically fit into any interior style;
- opportunity to pick up affordable model, because now there are many different materials for the manufacture of sofas that can both reduce the cost of a specific model and create exclusive luxury sofas;
- variety of sizes, from children's mini-sofas to large office corner and modular options;
- a sofa bed for daily use is a must supplied with a mechanism for its transformation, which differs in design and purpose;
- in a small apartment, such sofas are the same well suited for the bedroom, living room, nursery and in some cases even for the kitchen;
- for a good night's sleep are provided modern models with an orthopedic mattress, which is a big plus for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Materials (edit)
When choosing a sofa bed for daily use, you need to be guided by such an important criterion as the quality of the materials from which the main structural elements are made.

Let's see what categories of upholstery materials for upholstered furniture are the most practical and reliable. The generally accepted classification is as follows:
- 0 - fragile natural or synthetic fabrics, the most affordable, unpretentious in care, such as cotton and others;
- 1 - this category has the same properties as the previous one, but such fabrics are more durable and resistant; this includes flock and corduroy;
- 2 - even denser and more durable fabrics belonging to the middle price category are distinguished by a more interesting design and a variety of shades and patterns;
- 3 - heavier fabrics, difficult to manufacture, requiring special care; these include nubuck, textured fabrics and others;
- 4 - a category of materials of special strength, such as chenille, tapestry, suede and others; starting from this category, we can really talk about the optimal quality of upholstery materials corresponding to the optimal price;
- 5 - natural materials with increased durability, soft and pleasant to the touch; here you will find a wide variety of patterns; fabrics in this category need constant care;
- 6 - expensive wear-resistant materials designed for daily use;
- 7-8 - premium materials, such as genuine leather.
Sofa beds for daily use must have at least category 3 upholstery materials. Such materials are characterized by sufficient wear resistance. For offices, sofas with upholstery material of 6 or 7-8 categories are chosen.

The filler of your sleeping couch also has a significant impact on how much you enjoy the purchase later on. The advantages of sofa beds include the fact that there is no need to buy a mattress, after all, the design of the sofas has already provided for a mattress. It is good if it is a mattress with orthopedic properties, which will protect against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The cheapest models of sofa beds are equipped with foam or padding polyester mattresses. Such sofas quickly lose their original qualities, since these materials are easily deformed.
A good option for a sofa filler is polyurethane foam or latex. Both of these materials are hypoallergenic and have sufficient elasticity, so sleeping on a bed made of these materials will have a beneficial effect on your health. Sofas with such fillings are also quite affordable.

The most healthy sofa fillers are considered spring blocks. However, there are also some nuances here. Dependent spring block mattresses are a more budget option when compared to mattresses filled with independent spring blocks. And here the price is also directly related to quality: dependent blocks do not protect the sofa from sagging, the spine bends in an arc while lying on such a sofa, which leads to health problems. In addition, over time, such a mattress forms something like a hammock in the middle, since the springs wear out and weaken rather quickly, and such a mattress cannot be repaired.
Independent box springs are the best filling for sofa beds suitable for daily use. These blocks are not connected with each other, each spring is placed in a special case, so it is possible to replace the failed mattress elements.
Such a mattress is orthopedic, it repeats all the bends of the body lying on it, supporting the spine in an optimal position and relieving the load from it during sleep.

The properties of the frame also directly affect the durability and orthopedic suitability of your sofa. The best frame material is hardwoods such as beech, oak or alder. Wooden sofas can last a very long time, besides, this material is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. However, the prices for these sofas are quite high, so as a compromise, you can choose a sofa with a birch or pine frame... These materials are cheaper because these types of trees are widespread.
Sofas are highly durable on a metal frame, but although they are very strong, they are at the same time very cumbersome and heavy. You can choose an intermediate option - combined frame. It includes metal, wooden parts, as well as chipboard elements. This is quite a budget option, but furniture on such a frame will fail after several years of intensive use.

The quality of a sofa bed is also influenced by which transformation mechanism is installed on a particular model. A mechanism for daily use must combine the reliable operation of all its components, as well as ease of use.... Since such sofas have to be laid out and assembled twice a day, it is necessary that all parts are durable and reliable.
There are several types of mechanisms. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Folding transformation mechanisms are installed on the simplest and rather outdated models of sofa beds. Let's consider in more detail the known solutions.
- "Book". To unfold such a sofa, you need to raise the seat 90 degrees, after which a click should be heard - you can lower the seat back. A rather wide berth is formed with a gap in the middle between the two halves of the sofa. This design is the simplest, but not very reliable.

- "Click-gag" - the name of the structure is given for the sound that the transformation mechanism makes when the sofas are unfolded. This is an improved model of the "book", its peculiarity lies in the fact that the back can take an intermediate position between "sitting" and "lying". In addition, these sofa beds are equipped with reversible sidewalls and reclining armrests.
These functional changes make this model more comfortable, but even less reliable in operation.

These mechanisms also include retractable ones. Consider popular and well-known solutions among the widest segments of the population.
- "Eurobook". Despite the similarity in the names, the transformation mechanism of such sofas works quite differently than that of folding "books". To turn the "Eurobook" into a full-fledged place for a night's sleep, you need to pull the seat forward, and it will roll out to the required distance on special rollers. In the resulting empty space, we lower the back of the sofa, under which there are spacious boxes for storing various things, and a completely comfortable bed is ready.

- "Accordion" - a very well-proven transformation mechanism. The process of unfolding such a sofa resembles the stretching movement of accordion bellows: you just have to pull the seat by the loop specially designed for this purpose, and it will slide forward, dragging the back, which was originally folded in half, which straightens out and forms an even bed, without joints. These sofas are often equipped with an orthopedic mattress.

- "Dolphin" Is another popular pull-out mechanism for sofas, which is usually installed on corner models.Like a dolphin diving out of the water, the seat is pushed forward with one movement of the hand and, with the help of a lifting mechanism, is set flush with the main surface of the sofa. The bed is very spacious and even.
This design puts a load on the frame, therefore, when choosing a sofa with such a transformation mechanism, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the materials used.

- "Folding beds" French and American are also equipped with a roll-out mechanism, but their design is such that these models are more suitable as a guest option. The American "clamshell" is equipped with a steel frame and a metal grill, due to which it is more durable than the French version, so it can be used on a daily basis. Neither one nor the other "clamshell" does not provide for the presence of a box for storing bedding.

Swivel mechanisms are mainly used for modular upholstered furniture, but since such sofas are usually not used for sleeping - they are placed in large rooms, where it is convenient to highlight different zones and equip them in a single style - we will not consider such transformation mechanisms in detail.

With lifting elements
Folding mechanisms with lifting element or walking mechanisms are also quite popular.
- Tick-tock or pantograph. The difference with this model is that the seat does not move forward on wheels, often damaging the laminate or fluffy carpet, but at the initial stage it rises, then extends to the desired distance and is installed on special supports. Then everything happens in the same way as in the case of the "Eurobook" - the seat or pillows go down, and the sleeping place is at your service.

- "Puma" - silent mechanism for transforming sofas. It is installed on expensive models of this upholstered furniture.
Important! The most convenient in terms of daily use of a sofa bed are the options "eurobook", "accordion" and "dolphin". You can also opt for the budget version of the "book", but in this case it is better to buy a sofa from trusted manufacturers.

Dimensions (edit)
There are certain standards for the size of the sofa bed for daily use. For a full night's rest, it is necessary to have free space of at least 140 cm in width and 200 cm in length per person. Accordingly, for two, the width of the sofa bed is considered optimal from 180 cm, although a small straight sofa designed for a small apartment may deviate from these rules and be 115–120 cm wide and even less when it comes to a folding children's mini sofa ...

Top Models
Let's take a closer look at the top three best models of sofa beds in Russia, of the highest quality.
- Moon trade - a very democratic and at the same time high quality model with an orthopedic mattress. Mechanism - "Eurobook", filler - spring block. This model is durable and reliable.

- "Ascona Family" - a very reliable and durable option. The sofa is presented on a combined metal and birch frame. Matting is used as an upholstery material.
The filling for the mattress is elastic foam, which also determines the excellent orthopedic properties of the model.

- Montreal Hoff - the spring block ensures healthy sleep and even load on the spine. The model is distinguished by ease of folding, stylish design and soft velor upholstery.

Selection criteria
To choose the right sofa bed for every day, you need to carefully read all the characteristics of the model you like. You need to make sure that it fits well into the space of your room, so before going to the store it is imperative to make all the necessary measurements and add an extra 10-15 cm on each side.

If you are the owner of a small room, we suggest paying attention to straight sofa models, which are distinguished by their compactness, while at night they fold out into a very comfortable bed. In order for this option of upholstered furniture to bring the greatest possible benefit, it is better to choose a model with an orthopedic mattress with anatomical properties.

It is necessary to choose a quality material for upholstery. Leather will add seriousness and respectability to your room, but for every day it is better to choose a less expensive and more pleasant to the touch version of upholstery, for example, from mixed fabrics. It is advisable to purchase a plain sofa for the bedroom, since such a color is calmer, which ideally harmonizes with the atmosphere of the night rest room, and more brand, which makes it unsuitable for placement in a nursery or living room. It is also worth considering that fabric with a pattern makes light dirt invisible, therefore it is the most practical.
Important! If you have pets in your home, you should opt for a vandal-resistant sofa.

Before buying this expensive item, make sure that the mechanism of its transformation works "like clockwork" - there should be no jamming or excessive effort on your part. In the future, these problems will only get worse, no matter what sellers say about this, who are interested in selling low-quality goods. Try to lie down on the sofa bed you like, appreciate how comfortable, roomy and suitable for a constant night's sleep.

Pay attention to the seams - if the thread is thick and strong, the seam is even and without loops, then you have a high quality item. If this is not the case, it is highly likely that this model is a handicraft product. Inquire about the additional features of the sofa bed - whether it is equipped with wide wooden armrests or tabletops, as well as boxes for storing linen, because this is a completely useful and very functional element.

Beautiful examples
Let's see some beautiful pictures of sofa beds for sleeping, harmoniously fit into any interior style - from classics to high-tech.
- Sofa with the mechanism "Eurosof" in the interior under the classics.

- American classic style sofa.

- Sofa-couch in art deco style.

- Dark sofa in Scandinavian style.

- Corner sofa in the living room in a loft style.

- Small sofa in high-tech style.

For information on how to choose a sofa transformation mechanism, see the next video.