How to choose a convertible sofa bed for a small apartment?

When the question of buying a transforming sofa arises, many owners of tiny apartments get lost among the large assortment. After all, it is necessary to choose a compact model with maximum functionality and acceptable dimensions of a berth. The material in this article will tell you about the types of multifunctional sofas, will help you decide on their choice.

Features, advantages and disadvantages
Convertible sofas purchased for small apartments have a number of their own characteristics. They are compact when assembled, have different levels of functionality, save usable space and create the effect of visible spaciousness.

This furniture has many advantages. It is different:
- aesthetic appeal;
- a variety of shapes and sizes;
- wide color palette and design;
- the presence of storage systems;
- a variety of transformation mechanisms;
- the possibility of placement in the corners;
- the ability to zoning space;
- the material of the frame, upholstery and filling;
- the variability of the unit price.

Along with the advantages, convertible sofas for arranging small rooms have several disadvantages. For example, multifunctional sofas are not always compact. Only the simplest of them are able to successfully fit into a small space.
Options 3 in 1, as well as 4 in 1 are not suitable for every room, since this is often hampered by the layout of a small apartment.

Convertible sofas are a necessary measure in confined spaces.
In comparison with analogs of the traditional type, they wear out faster due to constant transformation.If you lay them out daily, the transformation mechanisms loosen the frame. In addition, sofas are designed for different maximum permissible loads, they are not at all universal.

These products are original, but not combined with any furniture.
In order for them to look harmonious in a particular room, you need to select furniture elements that are appropriate in style and design. Moreover, they are not suitable for every interior style. If they look appropriate in modern style, then they are not suitable for retro interiors, vintage styles.

The furniture market is replete with offers for every taste and budget. The entire existing assortment can be classified according to various criteria. For example, according to the type of execution, the models are straight and angular. According to the folding mechanism, the products differ in manual, spring, roll-out, lifting, swivel and folding transformation options.

Depending on the modification, convertible sofas are distinguished by vertical pull-out or horizontal roll-out. Structurally, the models consist of a frame, a mattress, a headboard, a transformation device, retractable supports, a pencil case with shelves or boxes for linen. Furniture can combine the following functions:
- sofa and bed;
- sofa, bed and table;
- sofa, table and cabinet.

Sofa bed
This piece of furniture differs in different configurations, sizes and shapes. A sofa bed is great for arranging a small apartment. When unfolded, it turns into a full-fledged bed with a berth for 1-2 people. At the same time, modifications are traditional and built-in.

Traditional products for small rooms can have a different transformation mechanism. Since in small rooms, furniture is often installed end-to-end, the folding mechanisms must imply rolling out or turning forward. Moreover, they can be both retractable, folding, and lifting.

Side-converting sofas are not suitable for small spaces.
Built-in analogs can be part of a furniture set. As a rule, they are built into niches. The transformation mechanism of such furniture is lifting or roll-out, as well as folding. Such sofas are compact and comfortable, often have a low back and soft armrests.

4 in 1
4-in-1 transforming models are nothing more than multifunctional products that combine several items: a sofa, a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. In fact, these are built-in furniture, the appearance of which when assembled is different. For example, some products look like sofas installed close to the wall, others look like an armchair with a table built into a furniture set.

There are some that when folded look like an ottoman with pillows built into a niche with a console shelf. The transformation of these products varies, but more often the sleeping block is located above the sofa. Its back can be decorated with some kind of print. When unfolding occurs, the sleeping block with the mattress is lowered onto the sofa.

If the sofa has soft modular seat cushions, a headboard can be created from them if desired. If not necessary, they are stowed in internal compartments or bedding boxes. The shelves of this furniture are small and not wide.

The size of the table top is sufficient to use the transformer as a work or desk.

Sofa table
Products in this group are different. Laconic options have a berth-seat and 2 armchairs-sidewalls. When assembled, they are no different from ordinary sofas. When unfolded, in addition to the bed, they form a table with armchairs and even poufs.

The main part of the modifications is a complex structure with a table and its supports, which, when assembled, serve as armrests and a back of the sofa. The configuration of the models can be different: the support-armrests are hard, soft, straight, curly, monolithic, bifurcated from top to bottom. Depending on the modification, the backrest can be supplemented with soft pillows of various shapes.

The table top of these products is narrow and wide, it differs in length and shape. You can install sofa tables in the kitchen, living room and a small one-room apartment with a tiny kitchen.

Their key disadvantage is the impossibility of placing them close to the wall. However, by themselves, they are very functional and can fit at the table not only the owners of the house, but also their guests.

Sofa bunk bed
Modifications of this type differ from traditional counterparts. Outwardly, these products resemble bunk beds.

However, unlike them, the lower tier has comfortable soft backs and armrests. In addition, two-level sofa beds can have spacious drawers for storing bedding.

As a rule, they are equipped with stairs that can be located from the facade or from the side. One of the sidewalls can be equipped with a rack or compact shelves in order to increase functionality. The bed, located on the upper level, is equipped with side boards.
The advantage of such furniture is space saving.

It can be used in rooms for children and teenagers. The furniture is suitable for small nurseries where same-sex children live... The mechanism for transforming such products is usually roll-out, folding or lifting. Products vary in shape, have walls of different configurations, and are often equipped with supports, which simplifies cleaning under the sofa.

This furniture is a structure consisting of a sofa built into a wardrobe. The transformation system in this case provides for forward folding. Depending on the model, the product may have legs and armrests.
Other options are equipped with spacious storage boxes for bedding.

Like the 4 in 1 model, some modifications have a wall panel or a sleeping block located above the sofa... Other options are equipped with shelves, which, depending on the design of the structure can be located both above the sofa, and on either side of it. As they unfold, the shelves can become supports for the sleeping block of the bed.

Models of such products differ in design and storage capacity. Cabinet shelves can be open, closed, combined. Some models are equipped with a built-in spot or other type of illumination to improve user convenience.
Such furniture is used most often in small living rooms.

Dimensions (edit)
The sizes of transforming sofas can be very diverse. It depends on the type of construction. For example, less space is taken up by compact sofas that can be folded into a bed. They can often be installed close to a wall or even a window sill. Their average length is 2 m, excluding the width of the armrests. Together with them, the product occupies 2.3 m of usable area in length.

The average parameters of the assembled compact sofa-table are 85 cm in height, 1.35 m in depth, 105 cm in width.
At the same time, the width of the table top is 60 cm. If you unfold the sofa, the parameters of its berth will be 201x95 cm, while the width of the blocks will already be several centimeters in total.

As for the sofa-cabinets for small rooms, depending on the type of execution, their length can be 2-2.3 m.The average height of the cabinet usually does not exceed 2.4 m. Modifications of the corner type or sofas with an ottoman (145 cm) are in length up to 2.5 m.The depth of their seat is approximately 70 cm.The depth of the cabinet does not exceed 45 cm.

Selection criteria
When choosing one or another model of a transforming sofa-bed for arranging a small room, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The key one is the transformation mechanism.Each system requires a certain amount of space for nesting... Lifting type options are considered more convenient and practical. Their supports do not scratch the floor surface.

In search of the best option, they are trying to choose a more practical transforming sofa. It is desirable that the model has internal drawers for storing bedding. At the same time, the drawer handles should not protrude beyond its front, so that during operation the user could not be injured by them.
The mechanism must be inspected especially carefully: its course must be smooth and silent.

During the purchase, you need to think about the materials for making the model you like.
The most durable and practical products are made of wood. They are able to withstand heavy weight loads.
In addition, such furniture looks solid and enhances the status of any interior. Analogues with a frame made of wood products loosen during operation much faster. This furniture requires careful handling and is designed for several years of service... She is afraid of accidental mechanical shocks and loses her attractive appearance.

The ideal upholstery material is natural or artificial leather. Of the textile upholstery materials, it is worth noting flock: it is not afraid of water and is resistant to claws of pets.

Beautiful examples
We offer several examples of successful transforming models for small rooms:
- sofa bed for a cozy living room;

- sofa bed-table for arranging a bright room;

- product as part of a modular system;

- compact option for a small room;

- sofa bed with shelving and shelf.

In the next video, you can visually familiarize yourself with the functional features of the 3 in 1 transforming sofa bed.