Mechanisms for transforming sofas

A sofa is something that even the most undemanding people cannot do without. But the main difference between them is not even in design, but in how this furniture is arranged inside. In other words, in the mechanisms of transformation, on which it depends, whether a particular model will be cursed or admired.

Types of folding mechanisms, their pros and cons
There are quite a few options for folding upholstered furniture mechanisms. They may be folding, roll-out, swivel. Let's take a closer look at these modifications.
Sofa type "Book" can be expanded into 2 main positions. In one of them, it is used during the day, and in the other, it turns into a ready-made sleeping place. To turn the "book" into a sleeping area, you need to move the backrest back.
It must be understood that there must be quite a lot of free space to the nearest objects, otherwise the back will not be able to take the correct position.
Layout is provided wooden or metal frames... Traditionally, spring blocks are placed on these frames. In some modern developments, they are replaced by latex or foam rubber. But the spring solution is still the best option. It lasts longer and increases the comfort of this type of furniture.

Modifications of the "book" were such mechanisms for transforming sofas as "Click-Klyak" and "Tango". Experts even believe that these are completely identical designs, simply promoted by different manufacturers.
The peculiarity is that the backrest can take intermediate positions during unfolding.
It is impossible to achieve the same when using a simple "book".

The folding category includes and american clamshells... In a number of catalogs and advertising materials, they are called a sonorous word Sedaflex. The sleeping place is divided into 2 clear sections. To unfold a sofa with such a mechanism, all pillows are first removed from it. Two sections are laid out alternately, since it is technically impossible to move them "in one step".

An important type of folding mechanism is and "Accordion". Typically, a container for placing bedding is located in a niche hiding under the sofa. Such a solution is durable and can be operated for several years in a row. The "Accordion" is transformed easily and without significant problems.
But since everything will move forward, you will have to allocate a lot of space for transformation.

The alternative is Pantograph. He is in other classifications called the "Tick-tock" mechanism. In this version, the transformation occurs similarly to the "Eurobook". However, there are no roll-out rollers. As practice shows, it is quite possible to move a sofa with a "walking" mechanism apart without them, and not even too difficult. The seat is simply pulled up, keeping it in the middle.

A pleasant substitute can be "Puma"... This is an original and quite comfortable design. When a sofa with such a mechanism is laid out, part of it moves forward and is placed on special supports. The rest of the sofa is placed in the freed up space.
This design is designed for daily use.

The folding mechanism is also quite in demand. type "Saber". It can be expanded either completely or partially. In addition to the linen box, the advantage of this solution is a high berth. Different variants of "sabers" imply the allocation of two or three sections. The operating procedure is relatively simple:
- rolling out the seat;
- reclining the backrest forward;
- lowering the auxiliary shelf.

For sliding sofas, it is still periodically used "Butterfly". This solution takes up relatively little space. And despite this, a full-fledged sleeping place is provided. In addition, butterflies add a sense of attraction to the room.
Given their different designs, they can be used in:
- offices;
- rooms for children;
- guest areas.

Another possible modification is "Eurobook". This mechanism involves dividing the sofa into a frame and two auxiliary blocks. The seat extends, and the backrest, after its extension, is put forward in the freed up seat. The "eurobook" sometimes has armrests. But you can quite easily buy a model where there are none at all.

Roll-out is also popular "Dolphin"... The description of working with such a device is quite simple. First, roll out the section that normally hides under the seat. Then pull the special handle towards you - and everything is completely ready.
The maximum load on such a sofa will be 200 kg.

It is well worth taking a closer look at "Telescope". It is opened by pulling the lower element towards itself. The movement of the sections will occur one after another, and they will consistently stand on their legs. The height of the sleeping area will be quite high, and the mechanism itself is quite reliable. You can use it regularly, it is worth noting the linen drawer.
However, "telescopes" are quite heavy, and it is impossible to lighten them without rejecting the advantages of such a system.

Sofa mechanism format "Venice" pretty close to Dolphin. Getting ready for bed involves extending the section under the seat all the way. Immediately after this, the pillow inside will move into the vacant niche. Using such furniture is quite simple and convenient.
"Venice" can be used both in straight and corner models, which does not take up much space.

The folding mechanism with a turn changes little in the design of the sofa itself. The only peculiarity is that the length of the mattress will be the same for all rotary structures. But the traditional roll-out and sliding ways allow you to diversify this value. A typical reversal mechanism used in furniture works like a scissor. They even call him that - "Scissors".
Such a solution allows you to quickly organize a sleeping place to your liking. The sofa with a swivel mechanism unfolds in a matter of seconds.
This decision is also evidenced by the fact that there will be no irregularities, bumps on the surface.
Many manufacturers are trying to complement furniture with a swivel mechanism with boxes for storing linen. When unfolded, the individual sections can look like pedestals.

A good example of a swivel folding and unfolding sofa bed is French clamshell. All seat cushions must be removed before using. The nesting process takes 3 main steps. Italian clamshell (she is "Othello") will be much more expensive, but at the same time it is also more reliable. It is not necessary to remove the pillows to open the structure.

The advantage of any rotary solutions can be considered:
- simplicity (no need to delve into the nuances of more complex systems);
- no need to cover the sofa every day, fold the bed;
- an even and soft platform without any divisions (this is how it will rotate seamlessly);
- the comparative cheapness of the mechanism (this is typical even for the latest imported samples);
- can be used on scratch-sensitive floors;
- a sense of novelty (since such a solution is rarely used today);
- convenience for families where adults work in different shifts;
- wide space (if only one person will use the sofa).
And also this a great way to organize a sleeping place for a guest.

Given the classification of different sofa mechanisms, you can consider other modifications. Lifting options are often used. All variations in which lifting systems are used are united by common collective name "recliner". In addition to the lifting unit itself, there are various options here.
Of these, the following should be named:
- flexible change in the position of the backs (with precise setting of the angle);
- footrest (its height is adjustable);
- smooth change of configuration;
- internal pillows.

For people with a solid budget, trying to choose the best and most luxurious option, designers advise a recliner. Actually, there is only one fundamental disadvantage of such a scheme - it is very expensive. There are several types of mechanism. They define the complexity and design. Sometimes several such devices are used at once for individual blocks, which allows several seated persons to individually adjust their own position.
Recliners have long been recognized as the most comfortable solution for optimizing a vacation spot. They are perfectly tailored to the anatomy of specific users.
Even meet designs with an electric drive. A high-quality electric motor allows you to change position smoothly, without spending any physical effort. Such furniture is expensive, and it is impossible to use it for sleeping.

Construction "Aknar" pretty close to the already described "Venice". It is a telescopic mechanism, divided into 3 sections. It is actively used not only in sofas, but also in armchairs. Plywood flooring is placed on top of the metal block. The entire assembly is additionally reinforced with frames made of solid coniferous wood.
The sofa with "Aknar" is suitable for daily use. To transform it into a sleeping place, you need to telescopically extend the base of the seat. This is the central and leg section of the sleeping area.At the same time, the headrest is extended, which is connected to the middle section by means of a hinge. The foot unit is complemented by the Dolphin, which keeps the height of the berth at the seat level.

"Konrad" almost completely coincides in design with the telescopic mechanism. But there is also a certain difference - the berth in this version turns out to be slightly higher. It is more convenient to use "Konrad". Damage to the floor is completely excluded.
Of some this design has no significant drawbacks, except for purely subjective ones.

A small change to "Konrad" turns mechanism in "Kangaroo". The only noticeable difference is the high support height. Sleeping on the couch will be more comfortable. You just need to understand that greater comfort translates into a decrease in the reliability of the structure. However, if the manufacturer did everything right and used good materials, this should not cause problems.

Mechanism "Caravan" implies the use of a steel frame. When it is unfolded, it turns out to be as large a sleeping place as on a large permanent bed. The layout process itself is very fast.
Some modifications can be automatically unfolded.
This design has no significant disadvantages.

We take into account the folding side
It is important to consider when buying in which direction the sofa is laid out.
Side-folding sofas are most often couches. They are particularly compact in daytime position. But when night falls, a comfortable sleeping place appears. The seat is tilted to the side, thereby opening the linen drawer. When the armrest is folded down, an oblong mattress is formed. This product is perfect for use in the kitchen.
The "eurobook" can also be folded to the side, and just about any other kind of sofas. A similar mechanism is also typical for the "Elf" mechanism... The bottom line is that the side armrest is simply lowered. Then it is fixed in a comfortable position, at the same time achieving an orthopedic effect.
Lateral movement is convenient where there is no way to free up space in front of the sofa itself.

This solution is much more common. Not surprising - it is simple and convenient, does not cause any problems for users. The forward-folding sofa can be equipped with a variety of mechanisms, this is a suitable option for lovers of variety. Finally, it's just the most familiar performance. There is only one drawback - it is not always possible to lay out the sofa directly, sometimes it is inconvenient or even dangerous.

Features of the transformation of corner sofas
But everything that has just been said applies to direct constructions. Angular models have their own specifics. So, a corner sofa with a roll-out mechanism can be attached directly to the wall. This option saves space and is suitable even for a modest room. Corner sofas are most often equipped with mechanism of the "Dolphin" type.
This solution guarantees a flat and solid surface. And also corner sofas are usually equipped with the following mechanisms:
- "Accordion";
- "Eurobook";
- French clamshell;
- American clamshell.
"Eurobook" for a corner sofa fits perfectly, especially considering its increased reliability. Dolphins are comfortable and comfortable... But you need to understand that the carpet in this case will greatly interfere. Those those who are not going to sleep on a corner sofa all the time should choose the Sedaflex design.
If there are no specific preferences, you need to check how each of the listed mechanisms works - and make the final choice.

Which to choose?
To make the best choice, you must first ask yourself a few questions:
- how much space will be reserved for the sofa when folded and unfolded;
- how often you have to lay it out;
- whether a sleeping place will be needed every day or for individual guests;
- how heavy the load is;
- do you need a place for linen;
- what is the price level;
- which comes first - overall reliability or cost savings.
If no special delicacies are required, then the product of the "book" system should be preferred. This is a simple and reliable solution. But there is still a minus - when installing on site, you will have to move the sofa away from the wall a little. Otherwise, it will not work to open it.
The book can be used frequently and is one of the most reliable designs. However, you need to understand that on such a sofa you will only be able to lie and sit.

Works more flexibly system "Tango". It is also appreciated for its ability to set the backrest in a comfortable position. There is always a box for underwear in such models. The transformer has a relatively compact size. But many consumers choose another one, a convenient option for sleeping - "eurobook".
There is a lot of free space on a sofa like this. The niches for storing things are very large, and there will be no problems where to put bedding. However, the pluses of this design will be at the same time its minuses. Large seats are uncomfortable for children and even for many short adults.

Quite wide the popular Dolphin is generally good... However, such a mechanism will heavily load the sofa body. That one should be made of solid wood. Otherwise, the overall service life will be too short.
Frequent use of the sofa will reduce the already small resource of the mechanics.

"Pantographs" should be chosen when it is necessary to protect the floor from the impact of rollers... But even this circumstance and the ease of layout are pretty overshadowed by the fact that the seat will be very wide, and this is not always comfortable.

As for the French clamshell, it is hardly suitable for everyday use. Rather, it is a solution for those who want to organize a landing place for themselves, occasionally unfoldable.
However, there is no need to count on a particularly comfortable sleep. The surface of the berth inevitably contains irregularities. The overall lifespan is also discouraging in many cases.
Much more he has classic roll-out sofa. This solution also allows you to guarantee compactness when folded; but the bed will be quite low. Not all people like this. And in such a scheme, there is no way to get away from the rollers rolling on the floor.

A more attractive choice would be a bellows-like stretching musical instrument. sofa "Accordion". It is relatively compact. True, the transformation of the Accordion requires quite a lot of free space; putting the linen inside will not work either, but the piece of furniture will last a long time.

Concerning models "Spartak", then this is an improved French clamshell. It also differs from the original sample in increased strength. You can use the sofa with the Spartak mechanism often, even every day, if there is such a need.
The sleeping place will be very comfortable even for the most capricious and discerning people. But in this case, you will have to look for additional storage space for bed linen; Nor will Spartak be satisfied with those who have nowhere to put their pillows.

If you focus only on the undoubted advantages, then you get the following recommendations:
- roll-out sofas and "Elves" needed by those who want to purchase compact furniture;
- in terms of reliability, the undisputed leader is European book;
- those in need of a good, comfortable seat need to choose "Tango";
- there is no equal in space "Dolphin";
- for those who equip a full-fledged berth, it is important to make a choice between "Eurobook", "Tango" and roll-out performance;
- to save money as much as possible and not to lose quality, purchase will help "Books";
- when you need storage space, you need to purchase a sofa with the mechanism "Eurobook", "Tango" or the traditional roll-out version.

The following video presents a video review of the sofa with the "Tango" transformation mechanism.