Metal frame sofas: types and selection rules

Modern furniture manufacturers are breaking stereotypes. Previously, sofas were made mainly with wood or chipboard bases. Today, this material is slowly relegated to the background, the old materials are replaced by a metal frame. Such material is strong and durable. He is not afraid of temperature changes. In addition, models with a steel frame look quite ergonomic.

A modern sofa on a metal frame is a steel frame. In principle, this is a load-bearing support on which all furniture components are attached. Previously, such designs were in demand in the manufacture of chairs.

The frame inside the sofa is made of very strong thin-walled metal tubes. Such material has a certain flexibility, accordingly, sofa models can be of any shape. Therefore, products are round, square, rectangular.

The transformation system is also diverse. For example, it can be made with such options as "book", "eurobook", "click-gag" and others.

Manufacturers mainly use S-springs to form the base of sofas.
They are quite thick and capable of providing extra reliability during operation. It is believed that such a structure is very difficult to break. When jumping on the couch, the weight of the person is evenly distributed. In addition to high strength, the construction is soft, which is ensured by impeccable spring cushioning.

Metal frame sofas have recently become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this.
- The metal construction looks not very nice when opened, unlike wooden... However, in sofa models, it is hidden inside. Only soft and very elegant details remain on the outside.
- Units of this direction take different transformation. They can be used for sleep and relaxation.
- Metal is known to does not burn and does not emit harmful impurities.
- Steel models are very durable and capable of supporting over 250 kg.
- Due to the flexibility of metal, sofas with an iron frame have various modifications. Designers develop various models that look pretty creative.
- This product has very affordable prices.

Sofas where metal is used have a minimum of disadvantages. And yet there are people who, having heard the information that the sofa is made of steel, succumb to stereotypical thinking. Memories of the models used in the last century come to mind. At that time, metal beds for sleeping were produced. They were extremely uncomfortable, since their sleeping surface consisted of a rigid mesh. A cotton wool mattress was installed on it. These products have long disappeared into the past, and their place was taken by reliable and very beautiful sofas.

Such models differ in frame design.
- All-welded models They are reliable, but they have a small drawback. If the structure nevertheless bends or breaks, then it will be difficult to repair it.

- Collapsible modelson the contrary, they differ from their counterparts in that every part of the product can be easily replaced. However, they also have a minus. It comes at a high price.

Comparison with timber frame
Sofas consist of filler, upholstery and frame. The latter plays a huge role. It is on him that the main weight load is assigned during operation, because these pieces of furniture are considered to be quite massive objects.

The frame of a sofa is most often made of materials such as metal or wood. In addition, there are also combined models, where wood and chipboard are used at the same time.

The weight of the sofa itself depends on the weight of the frame, as well as its durability and price. The classics of execution is a wooden or mixed frame. Such models are assembled from different types of wood, which often do not differ in quality. If producers take pine for the skeleton, then they initially try to reduce the cost of production. But this cannot be done due to the fact that this type of material is fragile. Therefore, you should not buy low-quality products.
The strongest frames are those made of oak, ash, walnut. And the most expensive models can be mahogany sofas.

The wood frame must be free of knots and must be specially treated. Before proceeding with the manufacture of a frame made of wood, bona fide manufacturers dry the wood well. The connecting joints of the frame and the glue used to connect them must be of impeccable quality.
If there are screws in a wooden product, then this structure is considered unreliable and can quickly loosen.

As is known, metal frames began to be used for the production of sofas quite recently. This performance is considered a decorative element. Metal gives direction to a certain design, which provides for a high-tech style. The sturdy steel frame can be decorated with any modern coating.

Unlike a wooden metal frame, it is reliable. In addition, steel products break less often, and if this happens, they are simply repaired. The same cannot be said about wood products. When a wooden model breaks down, the owners often throw it away without regret. Repair of such a skeleton is unprofitable. It's easier to buy a new item than to change an entire segment.

For metal and wooden housings, the mountings are fundamentally different from each other. The metal models have strong connections, although they are believed to be very heavy.

If we consider combined models, where materials such as chipboard and wood are simultaneously used, then it should be noted that they do not differ in special quality. These combinations are used to reduce the price of the product. And if we talk about safety, then the chipboard must be varnished. This manipulation reduces harmful emissions from the material.
The most unsafe option is considered to be a frame made entirely of chipboard.

So how do you make the right choice? There are no precise recommendations on this score. Based on the above arguments, we can conclude that metal models still have significant advantages over other models.

Species overview
Since there is no specific classification of species, you need to rely on general information.
- There are stationary types of sofas. They differ in fixed dimensions and are divided into straight and angular (folding and large sizes are possible). Straight mini sofas are used in small spaces and are quite lightweight.

- Modular units have parts that transform in different directions.

- Insular sofas are used for comfort while sleeping. They have different forms. Models of this direction can be both double and six-seater. Some models for increasing sleeping space are produced without armrests, but they always come with backrests.

And also sofas differ in the type of transformation.
- Folding the models are equipped with mechanisms (there are more than a dozen of them) located inside the case. Sofas of this orientation can be produced with boxes for linen. In most cases, the transforming sofa has an orthopedic base.

- Non-folding sofas are used to equip a recreation area. Such models are compact and lightweight.

The types of filler for sofas are of great importance. Consider what they are.
- Sofas with an independent spring block. Independent springs serve as the basis here. This type is good for sleeping and is very reliable.

- Filler models without springs. Foam rubber, polyurethane, latex and others are used here.

Materials (edit)
As it turned out earlier, a variety of materials are used for the production of sofas.
- For the manufacture of the skeleton of a particular model, manufacturers use wood, metal, chipboard and particle board. Those models with frames made of aluminum and plastic look very ergonomic.

- For interior filling of sofas, they are used as natural and non-natural materials (synthetic flooring), as well as spring blocks... From natural materials, it can be sea grass, plant fibers, horse hair, bird feathers and others.
These components are rarely used for the manufacture of sofas - they cause allergic reactions and are not cheap.

- The optimal synthetic material is considered polyurethane. It can take on a monolithic shape, soft and elastic. In addition, synthetic winterizer is used for stuffing sofas. But it is prone to caking. That's why in high-quality models, it is replaced with holofiber. It is especially useful for making backs and cushions.

- Spring block also used for the production of some models, but infrequently. This type of filler has a high price, and the springs creak and sag when used. Moreover, modern materials can easily replace springs, and this option, in principle, has long become their excellent alternative.

- Separately, it should be noted that any unit should have a beautiful surface, which is ensured by the upholstery fabric. There is no shortage of this issue at this time. Manufacturers use natural leather in expensive models. Other options are no less attractive - these are jacquard, tapestry, flock, chenille, velor. These materials are very durable and reliable. They are fireproof, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic. The colors of the products can be very bright or, on the contrary, have strict colors.

- The assembly of sofas is impossible without the appropriate fittings. It is mainly made of metal. But to decorate products, manufacturers can use both wood and plastic. Metal parts have a glossy surface - these are legs or rivets.

Criterias of choice
Flawless units must have solid components, so that they have several important qualities.
- Silence. If you are interested in this question, you need to choose a product with a metal frame without polyurethane springs. Other units will start making unpleasant sounds after frequent use. If you want to purchase a wooden model, then choose one that will be made of high quality wood. Units made of solid plastic have quiet qualities.

- Construction quality... As mentioned above, the highest quality construction is considered to be a metal base or aluminum. It must be assembled using special fasteners. Wood is in second place.

- Filler. The best material is polyurethane. Due to the fact that this material can take any shape, the base of the sofa will be comfortable and modern. Other materials also have a right to exist, but if you take into account all the pros and cons, then polyurethane will still come first.

- Economy and durability... Metal is an inexpensive material. The frames for sofas are durable. If you want to purchase a unit that will serve you for a long time, then you should buy a product whose frame will consist of either steel, or aluminum, or special alloys. The polyurethane coating will complement the quality performance.

The "accordion" transformation system is considered optimal. Such a transformation for a sofa is quite reliable and comfortable. The upholstery fabric can be different, the main thing is hypoallergenic.

In the next video, you will learn about the benefits of sofas on a metal platform.