What is the best filler for a sofa: spring block or polyurethane foam?

The choice of upholstered furniture is always directly associated with the need to find many compromises. Determining which filler is best for a sofa is no less difficult than choosing an upholstery. Many options for fillers are targeted at different market segments: from budget to luxury. Among the most popular solutions are polyurethane foam and a spring block, which are considered the best options for sleeping and resting. Such fillers are popular, are actively used by different manufacturers, they are often compared with each other.
When deciding what to choose (spring block or polyurethane), it is imperative to take into account all the features, pros and cons of materials. They differ in the degree of elasticity, durability, reliability. It is quite difficult to immediately understand what to choose for daily sleep.
Before making a final decision, it is recommended to study the differences between polyurethane foam and a spring and understand what qualities of materials are fundamental for home use.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each type of sofa has its own requirements for the choice of filler. Usually, for use as a bed, a material is chosen that can maintain elasticity and density for a long time. Besides, it must be hypoallergenic and provide anatomically correct support for the body during sleep or rest.
In order to make the right choice, you need to appreciate all the pros and cons of spring blocks and PU foam packing.
Spring blocks
Spring blocks used as filler for sofas can be of different types of construction. The classic version is one in which the springs represent a single whole and are connected by a common frame. Such a base does not have an orthopedic effect, it can withstand a weight of up to 100 kg, but it is cheap and retains its original shape for a long time.

For sleeping, sofa bases are more suitable, in which springs are connected in an independent block... They belong to the category of orthopedic, they can withstand much greater loads, and the deformation is taken pointwise, locally. There is one more type of spring blocks. It is called "Snake", according to the method of connecting the elements and is considered the most durable. In terms of the intensity of the withstand loads and the cost, this option is one of the best.
Among the obvious advantages of sofas with spring units are the following.
- Significant service life. Metal springs can withstand at least 10 years of operation without losing their original consumer qualities.
- Ability to withstand the most intense loads. Depending on the type of spring block used, this figure can vary in the range from 120 to 150 kg. This option is suitable for large people who are uncomfortable with less rigid, crumpled fillers.
- The optimal ratio of cost and quality. All parameters of the filler in the form of spring blocks are fully consistent with the declared price level.

There are also disadvantages. Not all spring blocks have an orthopedic effect, in addition, even they noticeably deform over time, lose their former elasticity. The spring filler has the lowest maintainability; to extend the service life, the use of additional softening cushions made of foam rubber and silicone is required. Under excessive loads, metal spiral elements can break and break through expensive packing.

Polyurethane foam
PPU or foamed polyurethane has the popular name "foam rubber", it is quite often used as a padding for sofas. Unlike softer materials, it has a rather high density, holds its shape well, and quickly restores it after contact with the human body. All kinds of materials combined under the term polyurethane foam can be divided into 3 main groups.
- Polyurethane foam in sheets - the same foam rubber, which is produced in large plates of different thicknesses. In the future, it is cut into separate elements of the desired shape and size. This is the most cost-effective type of polyurethane foam, not characterized by high density, the maximum load on the material is limited to a mass of 100 kg.
- Molded polyurethane foam much stronger and more durable. It is manufactured already in the form of finished molded products, provides good support, and successfully resists deformation loads. This filler is one of the best in terms of quality. The weight that he can sustain reaches 130 kg.
- The latex version is similar to it., the most comfortable to use, it has impressive consumer properties, takes the shape of the curves of the human body, easily restores its previous volumes.

All mattresses based on polyurethane foam are hypoallergenic and harmless. Their obvious advantages also include the following points.
- Eco-safety. PPU is used as a filler in children's sofas and other types of furniture experiencing medium and high loads.
- Optimal balance of hardness and softness. The material is as comfortable to use as possible, it is pleasant and comfortable to lie on.
- Resistant to odor and dirt absorption. Such a filler is especially good for housing where there are small children, pets, actively exploring the space around them.
- Significantly lower cost in comparison with the spring block. Such filler helps to compensate for the inconvenience of the spring block, makes it possible to purchase a modern sofa at a reasonable price.
- The material does not accumulate dust inside, mold does not multiply in it from dampness if moisture has leaked inside.
The obvious disadvantages of polyurethane foam can only be attributed to its flammability. In addition, the material in sheet design is easily crumpled and quickly deformed.

Comparison of characteristics
Sofas with polyurethane foam filling and a spring block are regularly compared in terms of their consumer properties. It will be easier to make the final choice if you study all the significant points in more detail.
Among the spring blocks, the option with independent springs is considered the most convenient. It belongs to the category of orthopedic, suitable for people with spinal diseases. An even distribution of the load makes it possible to prevent the exacerbation of existing symptoms, to create favorable conditions for sleep and rest. These sofas are quite tough, but quite comfortable.
Polyurethane foam filler in molded or latex design is one of the safest, most comfortable to use options. Different levels of foam density and thickness help to select the best filling performance.
All sofas with such blocks have orthopedic properties, take a shape that is comfortable for the human body.

In terms of service life, sofas with a spring block inside can be attributed to the champions. They retain their consumer properties for 10 years or more. Polyurethane foam is not so durable, but its dense varieties easily overcome the 5-7 year mark without deformation even with the most intensive use.
It is worth noting that it is the PUF-based filler that is recommended for use in families with small children. It is soft, but dense, traumatic, even withstands jumps, softens falls well.

If we talk about the benefits of the base of the sofa for daily sleep, it is worth considering the orthopedic properties of the material. In polyurethane foam, they are invariably high: the higher the density of the filler, the more effective support it provides for the back. In the case of spring blocks, it makes sense to consider only an independent option as a component of a berth. It is he who guarantees the correct distribution of the load.
"Snake" and conventional dependent springs do not have an orthopedic effect, they are noticeably inferior to polyurethane foam in terms of comfort during sleep.

What is the best choice?
When choosing a high-quality filler for a sofa, you should pay attention to the purpose of the furniture from the very beginning. If we are talking about a transforming base used as a berth, you can choose an independent type spring block or latex polyurethane foam. Stationary seating-only models can be viewed over a wider range. Here you can consider options for molded or latex filler based on polyurethane foam, any options for spring connections.
For use in the country, in the kitchen, in non-residential premises, you can choose both polyurethane foam blocks and their counterparts with a metal elastic base - they do not require frequent updating of seats, they will retain their shape for a long time.

For an overview of sofa fillers, see below.