Independent spring unit sofas

Sofas with an independent spring block are one of the most popular options on the upholstered furniture market. Such models are suitable for use as a sleeping place for an adult or a child. An independent spring block provides a pronounced orthopedic effect - the base evenly distributes the load, removing it from the back muscles. Corner, straight and modular sofas, "books" and "accordions" today are made with just such a filling. Deciding which one is best for sleeping can be tricky.

It is quite easy to understand what independent springs are. They are not interconnected and distribute the load on the surface of the common base in a different way. It is enough to study consumer reviews and understand that an independent spring block really has a lot of advantages that are not typical for other types of similar frames. Its multi-layered structure provides sufficient rigidity of the base, while the sleep remains comfortable, and the seat is less deformed.

What it is?
Upholstered sofa with an independent spring block - the optimal solution for sleeping and relaxing at home, in the country, in the office. Its service life reaches 25 years, this design looks very presentable. Filling with independent springs differs from the traditional one in that there are hundreds or thousands, depending on the size, of individual metal spirals inside a common case. Each of them is placed in a textile cover and is not connected with neighboring elements. The space between the springs is filled with an elastic, eco-friendly material: foam latex, coconut fiber, or a combination of these in different proportions.

A sofa block of this type is considered orthopedic, has a beneficial effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system. In the presence of independent springs, the base used for sleeping is always in the anatomically correct position. Both the joints and the spine do not receive a negative effect, the body is tuned in to proper rest.

For any indicators of human body weight, it is the sofa cushions and bases with an independent spring block that provide maximum comfort during sleep.
In addition to the classic solutions, today there are also improved... The spring block in them is formed of double elements, "spring in spring", which provide good support. Models with such a base are suitable for people weighing over 150 kg. Other types of fillers are simply not designed for such a load.

Advantages and disadvantages
The obvious advantages of sofas equipped with an independent spring block include the following.
- Orthopedic properties. The sofa allows you to provide your spine with the rest it needs and at the same time remains a comfortable support. In a dream, blood flow is not disturbed, because the springs adapt to any changes in body position.
- Sleep comfort regardless of weight and body size... This is especially practical if the sofa is used as a guest berth.
- Long service life. With careful handling and after 15 years, the sofa will be as comfortable to sleep as it was on the day of purchase. In this case, deformation changes will not appear on the surface of the material.
- Springs are applied evenly... There is no sagging effect - those areas that are currently under load “work”. This eliminates the rapid wear of a part of the springs.
- Lack of noise. Ordinary spring blocks squeak when the elements rub. Independent modules do not have these drawbacks - they have soft fabric covers that eliminate this problem.

The cons are also obvious. Inexpensive sofas with independent springs have load restrictions. Besides, they stand much more expensive others. The prosthetic base may appear at first too tough and elastic... Not everyone likes it.

Description of species
All types of sofas with an independent spring block can be divided into options according to their shape, the type of transformation mechanism used, and dimensions. Models without armrests often used as a seating area in the living room or reception area.
Folding sofas with a block of independent springs easily transforms into a spacious sleeping place. Models with box for linen additionally save space for seasonal or daily storage of bedding. It is worth considering all the options available in more detail.

By form
The classification of sofas according to their shape is the simplest. There are the following available varieties.
- Angular... The most useful configuration option, has a spacious internal space, can be transformed or have a standard non-folding format of elements. Due to the possibility of installation close to the wall, such interior items do a good job of saving free space. A distinctive feature of corner sofas is the location of the linen drawer separately from the bed.

- Straight... The classic version of the design, in which the seat is located in the front part and does not have additional modules. There are folding and non-transforming options, models with an inner box for linen, with armrests, built-in shelves. In this case, an independent orthopedic base is used in both single and double versions.

- Modular... These sofas are great for spacious living rooms, office reception areas or hotel environments. Their elements are not permanently connected to each other, but consist of separate blocks that can be positioned in different positions relative to each other.Modular sofas are convenient where there are frequent rearrangements or the need for the number of sleeping places changes. Among the blocks there can be not only seats and backs, but also elements with built-in shelves, poufs, tables.

By the mechanism of transformation
For a good sleep, sofas with a built-in folding mechanism are usually chosen. Ease of transformation largely depends on the choice of design option. Among the popular solutions for sofas with an independent spring block, the following can be distinguished.
- "Eurobook". It means unfolding the berth with a simple forward shift of the seat. In this case, the back rests in the vacant space, forms a flat surface, comfortable for sleeping. This type of transformation is characterized by a reduced load on the mechanism; there is no need to fear that the sofa will quickly fail.

- "Accordion". This transformation mechanism is used in the widest models of upholstered furniture - the permissible indicators can reach 180 cm. The folding process looks like this: the seat is pulled forward, the double back unfolds in the same plane. When folded, the furniture looks compact, takes up a minimum of space.

- "Pantograph"... Such a sofa in the transformation mechanism has a special retractable "lift" that holds the seat stretching forward in the folded position. After unfolding, the berth does not have a floor support, but lies on the base of the frame. There is usually a laundry box inside.

- "Dolphin"... The most common mechanism for transforming corner sofas. In such modules, an additional block is located under the main seat and is pulled out from under it using a special frame.

The best option if you do not need to constantly use the sofa for sleeping.
- "Click-gag". Popular solution with variable comfort levels. Models can fix the side elements in several positions, making the armrests an extension of the berth or turning them into an inclined support. The backrest often also has a transformable design, otherwise the sofa folds out like a regular book.

Dimensions (edit)
According to their size, sofas with an independent spring block are divided into compact, standard and large area... For the kitchen, children's room or as an extra bed, the smallest, most compact option is suitable. For such models, the folded seat width does not exceed 120-140 cm. If you need a sofa on which you can sleep without even folding it, it is better to choose models of the 180-200 cm book type.

More massive or long options are used in angular or modular design - this is how they can most successfully fit into the interior.
Which one is better to choose?
Determining which kind of sofa with a spring block is best for sleeping and relaxing is not only possible by experience. Useful recommendations will help you make the right decision and avoid possible difficulties in their subsequent operation. These include such moments.
- The type of metal. The spring block should be exclusively steel, preferably with a stainless steel coating. So even with high humidity, rust will not appear. Steel will withstand any load, does not deform under pressure.

- Hardness level. For an independent spring block, the average is considered optimal. Too low or too high a stiffness level of the base will lead to a decrease in the orthopedic characteristics of the material. He simply will not be able to meet the task at hand, will lead to discomfort, back pain.

- Filling. Pull-out sofas must have the same type of filling in the back and seat. If they differ, sleeping on such a bed with comfort is unlikely to work. In addition, there are materials inside, between the springs. Better if it is natural coconut fibers or hypoallergenic latex foam.

- Convenience. When choosing a sofa with an independent spring block, it is better to personally check all its features. When ordering a product remotely, you can be very disappointed in its practical properties.

During the "test drive" in the cabin, it is important to pay attention not only to the rigidity of the seat, but also to the convenience of transformation.
Review overview
Studying customer reviews on the purchase of sofas equipped with an independent spring unit, one can note their positive nature. The filler practically does not cause any complaints, but some owners of such furniture, after transformation, still use an additional thin mattress on top due to the high rigidity of the main bed.
The comfort of the seat is noted - in the living room, such models can be safely placed as a gathering place for the whole family... The sofa can withstand significant loads, but it is still worth considering the limitations - for independent spring units, they vary in the range of up to 120-130 kg, with an increase in the recommended weight, deformation of the base is possible.

According to the mechanisms of transformation, preference is given mainly to models with mechanisms "eurobook" and "accordion"; direct versions without transformation are also popular. With an independent spring unit, they can also be easily turned into a comfortable sleeping place. Corner models are chosen mainly with the "Eurobook". It is noted that the massive base sometimes causes some inconvenience when folding.

In addition, the price of such products is noticeably higher than that of analogues, but most owners are quite willing to pay for their own comfort.
The following video will tell you about the pros and cons of an independent spring block and PPU.