Sofa legs: features, types, selection rules

Upholstered furniture is an integral element of every living and working space, the purchase of which is a responsible event. A sofa is a traditional element of the interior, the selection and operation of which requires special attention due to the large mass of the structure and its high cost. When choosing a sofa, most buyers pay attention to the structure, upholstery and design, often forgetting about the less noticeable elements - the legs, on which not only the appearance depends, but also the reliability, stability, and safety of the product.
Specialty store shelves feature wood, metal, chrome, brass and plastic varieties.

Sofa legs are an important element that affects the appearance and reliability of the structure. This product is designed not only to provide the necessary support, but also to ensure safe operation., and the roller legs allow the furniture to be made mobile and easy to move.
In addition to all of the above, this element can become a decorative decoration of the sofa.
High-quality sofa legs should have the following parameters:
- weight ratio with the structure;
- the presence of antifriction and non-abrasive coating;
- simple and easy transformation mechanism;
- design combination with a general stylistic direction.

Innovative technologies and modern equipment have allowed manufacturers to produce various categories of furniture legs.
- Roller - supporting elements that look like a wheel and are used to complete modular sofas.Advantages - increased mobility of the structure, prevention of damage to the floor covering, silent movement, resistance to heavy loads, the presence of a braking system. There are the following types of roller legs:
- by type - rotary, linear;
- on the support unit - bearing, bushing;
- by type of attachment.

- Decorative - sofa elements that perform not only a supporting function, but also an aesthetic one. Advantages - beautiful appearance, a wide range of shapes and colors.

- Metallic - supporting elements that have the highest level of reliability and are chrome-plated or anodized.

- Adjustable - a universal support mechanism that allows you to correctly position furniture even on uneven surfaces. Adjustable element - screw mechanism, hinge mount. Advantages - ease of use, the presence of an aesthetic cover, an affordable price range.

Materials and colors
Technological progress and innovative technologies allowed manufacturers to make legs from different types of raw materials.
- Metal - durable and reliable raw materials from which folding and adjustable support structures are made according to special drawings. The materials used are chrome, copper, brass, aluminum. The highest level of strength is possessed by chrome-plated products, which can be used for furniture in both classic and high-tech style. The most common form is a wheel.

- Wood - expensive material, products from which are distinguished by a high level of decorativeness. To increase rigidity, manufacturers complement wooden structures with metal supports. Such legs are often made of oak, walnut, ash, beech, wenge, mahogany.

- Plastic - modern material from which a wide range of supporting elements is made. The disadvantage is a low level of strength, a tendency to mechanical damage. Advantages - stylistic design for wood and steel.

The color scheme of the legs for the sofa depends on the general stylistic direction; they can be made both in warm shades and in bright ones.
Shapes and sizes
All supporting elements for upholstered furniture are divided into categories according to the following criteria:
- preparation method;
- the form.
Depending on the manufacturing method, the legs are of the following types:
- point;
- milled;
- carved.

Point supports are made using the method of turning from blanks on a special machine. For additional relief and the necessary shape, the craftsmen use special chisels, which allow you to make the lines smooth and curved. The most popular shapes are triangular, round, oval. Advantages - affordable price range, simplicity of design and manufacture, a wide range of species (cone, drop, cylinder, ball). For maximum aesthetic view, the dotted legs must be high.

Milled sofa legs - wooden structures, which are made on a special milling machine, which allows you to make products stylish and modern. The advantages of this technology are automatic drawing according to a given pattern, no chips, no mechanical damage, the most accurate processing of valuable tree species.
Carved - decorative supports that can be made both by hand and by machine. A distinctive feature of the carved supports is their elegant shape, the presence of curls and intricate ornaments, and an exclusive design.

The most popular stylistic solutions for the design of sofa legs:
- cabriole - double bend;
- Empire style - antique motives;
- Victorian - floral pattern, elongated shapes, symmetrical ornament, curved lines, massiveness, the presence of gilding, the use of only valuable wood species.
Geometric shapes (circle, cone, oval, square, triangle) are very popular, which are harmoniously combined with different stylistic directions.
Many manufacturers prefer a combination style that harmoniously combines carved patterns with geometric shapes.

Selection and operation rules
The correct selection of legs for the sofa is the task of the manufacturer, who is engaged in the production of upholstered furniture. If necessary, the replacement of the support element can be carried out after the purchase of the product. The most common reasons for changing sofa legs:
- the need to adjust the height;
- increased product mobility;
- decoration for a certain stylistic direction;
- increasing aesthetic performance.
To purchase a quality product, experts recommend taking into account the following selection criteria:
- material of manufacture;
- the presence of special protective linings;
- design.

The operation and movement of upholstered furniture is, at first glance, a primitive and simple process that does not require knowledge and experience, but experts recommend paying attention to important recommendations, which will help prevent damage to the flooring and breakage of the legs:
- moving the sofa along with the woolen carpet will facilitate the rearrangement process and require the involvement of a minimum number of people;
- installing the sofa on polyethylene covers to prevent scratches and dents on the floor covering;
- the movement process can be facilitated with the help of special furniture pads.
Particular attention must be paid to replacing the sofa legs in case of breakage or deformation. In order to restore the integrity of the support system, you can restore old elements and insert them in their original place or screw on new products. If the design of the sofa allows, then you can choose legs of a different shape, height and size.

To carry out the highest quality repairs and the correct selection of components, experts recommend turning to specialized furniture workshops.
For information on how to repair the legs, see below.