Single sofas with drawers for linen: features and choices

Quite a few people have to live on their own (temporarily or permanently). Without going into details, good or bad, you need to consider that then it will be difficult to do without a single sofa with a box for linen. Knowing the features of this type of furniture and the nuances of its device, it will be much easier to make the right choice.

Features, pros and cons
Speaking of single sofas with drawers for linen, one cannot but point out that this is a full-fledged piece of furniture. It can be used in the most intricate interiors. Among the advantages should be called providing a full sleeping place... Models made from various materials are available to consumers.
Such products will decorate the room and, in addition, get rid of unnecessarily intrusive associations with the bedroom.

The single sofas were originally not equipped with armrests. But now there are many models where this annoying omission has been corrected. The absence of joints allows for maximum comfort of the design for sleeping. The transformation is easy enough, and the variety of finishes obviously covers all needs. There is only one drawback - some single sofas are not so easy to unfold.

Single sofas can be either folding or non-folding type. The first type is an excellent comfortable seat. With its help, it is easy to decorate a room and add a touch of coziness and comfort. With a folding mechanism, you can always create an elegant sleeping place. As already mentioned, some models are equipped with armrests.
An important feature is the difference in the stiffness of the armrests. If they are soft, it is more comfortable to sit or recline. Rigid elements provide reliable support.Small items can be placed on the wide armrests. But if there are no armrests at all, the furniture becomes more compact and more comfortable.

One cannot but pay attention to the transformation mechanism. Devices type "accordion" allow you to form a comfortable sleeping area. If the convenience of folding is in the first place, you need to give preference to the draw-out mechanism. The advantage when choosing a sofa "Click-gag" is the presence of three fixed positions. "Eurobook" - a logical development of the traditional book, implying the presence of boxes for linen.

The difference between the types of sofa is also associated with the filler used. Structures where it is represented by the so-called spring blocks have become widespread.
This solution is very useful for getting adequate sleep.

If springs are not used, manufacturers will fill the sofa with:
- foam rubber;
- polyurethane foam;
- latex;
- balls of polystyrene.

Upholstery materials
This moment is no less relevant than the "internal" features. Looks underlined expensive Genuine Leather. It is also appreciated for its comparative ease of daily care. However, the price of this beautiful material does not allow us to consider it a budget solution. Flock strong and reliable, in addition, it is not at all "afraid" of water and serves for a very long time.

In terms of performance and external beauty, it stands out favorably chenille. This material is becoming more and more popular now. On the other hand, ecological leather is used less frequently. She is beautiful, but not resistant enough to external influences. Concerning matting, then, with undoubted aesthetic merits, it does not create any pleasant sensations.

Selection Tips
Finding a single sofa (or sofa bed) is not as difficult as it might seem. Since it is decided to purchase a model with boxes for linen, you need to make sure that their capacity is large enough. Even for people of not the largest build the width of the berth should be 1.4 m and the length 2 m. These are the minimum indicators; if there is an opportunity to put a larger sofa, be sure to use it.

In addition to the type of fabric, its characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the present pattern. If it is, then the contamination will be less noticeable. The monotonous color is suitable for a bright and expressive interior. However, it will be somewhat more difficult to care for such a sofa than for the one that has been decorated with an ornament.
The presence of niches inside the armrests is encouraged. It is convenient to place a variety of everyday objects in them.

Roll-out storage systems are outdated. It is almost impossible to use a sofa with them for proper sleep. If there are pets or small children in the house, you need to make sure that the upholstery of the sofa is vandal-proof.
It is advisable to try to unfold and fold a piece of furniture 1-2 times right in the store in order to evaluate its convenience and reliability.
An overview of the single kabuki daybed sofa with linen drawer awaits you further.