Orthopedic mattresses on the sofa: what is it and how to choose?

Any sleeping surface can be leveled and made comfortable with a mattress-topper, which also has orthopedic properties that are important for a healthy spine. And with the right choice, the product will provide the required softness and rigidity. It remains to learn more about this accessory, its distinctive qualities and characteristics.

Topper is a thin mattress designed for folding upholstered furniture, as well as for modern modular sofas, consisting of several units. The main purpose of its use is to make the sleeping place more comfortable while sleeping. The product eliminates such drawbacks as gaps and gaps between folding parts, and stiffness due to a certain filler allows the body to take the correct position during rest.
The topper differs from the usual mattress topper, which is necessary to protect against dirt, in that it serves a different task - smoothing the surface of furniture.
For secure fixation to the bed, it has loops made of elastic material. The accessory, which has an orthopedic effect, is used specifically during sleep and is not intended for continuous use.

When buying, it is useful to know its features:
- the mattress easily rolls up, has a compact size and easily fits into a drawer of a linen closet, and, if desired, into a trunk or into a car interior;
- topper thickness is 2–8 cm, but not more than 10 cm;
- lightweight, thin, rollable topper suitable for a variety of uneven surfaces, including beds;
- its dimensions are suitable for any typical furniture models; for non-standard sleeping places, you can make an accessory to order.

The topper has a number of advantageous characteristics:
- an orthopedic mattress for a sofa is made of natural and high-quality artificial fillers with hypoallergenic properties;
- despite its small thickness, the mattress creates an optimal, physiologically correct position of the spine;
- when using the product, there is no need to use expensive frames and other devices to increase comfort;
- the topper increases the service life of any berth, since it takes on the main load, that is, the effect of weight.

Particularly relevant is the use of accessories for people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the spine. Regular use helps to increase blood circulation in the legs and arms, eliminate back pain due to sleeping on an uneven and too hard surface.
In fact, good-quality products made of high-quality materials have no drawbacks - this only applies to low-quality products with a suspicious filler, which can quickly wear out and cause allergies.
Types of fillers
Toppers are made from natural and artificial materials. Mattresses made from natural raw materials are expensive in terms of their cost, but have lower indicators in terms of their durability. The level of rigidity of the product, its anatomical and hypoallergenic qualities depend on the type of filler.

Natural filler is produced from rubber obtained by foaming the sap of a tropical tree - hevea. This is a durable material, however, its artificial counterpart is no worse in its mechanical characteristics. In addition, synthetic latex foam is safe for health, does not affect the biological reactions of the body, is breathable, and is waterproof. It has good elasticity, resilience and tightness to create optimal anatomical stiffness.
True, unlike natural latex, such a mattress will serve for only a few years, but it is affordable.

Coconut coir
The raw material for this type of filler is the lignified fiber of the intercarp of coconuts.

The main positive aspects of the material:
- its hypoallergenic and ecological cleanliness (even mattresses for newborns are made from coir);
- the fiber instantly absorbs water and dries up, which excludes the multiplication of ticks and other pathogenic microorganisms in it;
- pressed filler withstands high mechanical loads;
- the material is breathable, does not undergo the decomposition process, due to the accumulation of a natural polymeric substance in it - lignin, which ensures long-term preservation of the fiber structure and its durability.
Coira becomes softer and more elastic when latex is added to it, but over time it can crumble and delaminate.

The filling of the mattress can be an artificial non-woven material created from polyester threads by heat treatment. Sometimes flax, natural wool, seaweed and horsehair fibers are added to the synthetic base. This is necessary for certain stiffness parameters.

Structofiber, in addition to taking the shape of the body, has other useful properties:
- safety and hypoallergenic;
- the ability to pass air;
- high wear resistance;
- long service life;
- good elasticity;
- biological inertness;
- lack of noise during use;
- low price.
However, the topper with this filler is not rigid enough, it is mainly recommended for sleeping for elderly people and with a body weight of no more than 60 kg. Its strength is difficult to compare with that of latex and coconut coir.

This memory foam was born thanks to NASA scientists.Interesting that a material with a spongy, porous structure is able to respond to temperature increases and thus "scan" the contours of the body, precisely adjusting to it. This happens smoothly, therefore it does not create any discomfort and stress on the human body.

Main advantages:
- the filler is not subject to vibrations and is silent when moving;
- synthetics exclude the development of pathogenic flora;
- application provides a good anatomical effect;
- due to the improvement of blood circulation, the warming effect of the material is observed;
- memory is a wear-resistant and durable material.
The main drawback is the high cost, besides, on summer days it is hot to sleep on such a topper, and it takes some time to get used to it because of the strange sensations.

Cover materials
Covers for toppers are non-removable and contain a welt, a viewing zipper, an aerator and a handle. It is impossible to wash such a mattress, its full cleaning can only be carried out in dry cleaning. More convenient are considered cushion covers with removable covers. But jacquard products are not suitable for this - of course, you can wash them, but if you do it often, you can ruin the thing.
Therefore, it is better to choose fabrics with good hygroscopicity, strength and natural composition.

Also worth paying attention to on the quality of the lightning. For this, hypoallergenic covers made of silk, satin, cotton, natural latex are relevant. They are easy to wash with your own hands and dry quickly. But we must prepare for the fact that sometimes they go astray, they need to be corrected, and it is not very convenient to insert the inner part into them. You will have to do this together.

Dimensions (edit)
The rigidity of the accessory and its ability to smooth out any surface irregularities depends on the thickness of the topper. The most popular are fairly thin products with a height of 4 and 5 cm. In terms of length and width, the mattresses are designed for different sizes of beds and sofas.
Before buying a thing, you need to make accurate measurements of the berth (not furniture!).
The length of the mattresses is standard (195, 200 cm), and the width may vary. For large sofas, sofa cases with dimensions of 150x200, 160x200 cm are suitable, for more compact models - 130x200, 140x200 cm.

How to choose the right one?
The main role in the choice of bedding is played by the weight, age and state of health of the person for whom the mattress is intended.

Therefore, you need to be guided by important criteria when choosing a topper.
- The size is selected depending on the dimensions of the sofa (bed). It is necessary that the product exactly matches the sleeping area. If it is more or less, it can affect its orthopedic properties.

- Rigid models are mainly designed for people with a large body mass, in this situation a topper filled with coconut coir is the most suitable option. If you are overweight, you should not choose models made of polyurethane foam, which wear out quickly from heavy mechanical stress.

- Children's mattresses are harder in themselves. For this category, it is more advisable to buy latex or coconut toppers.

- When buying a thing, do not forget to check are the fasteners secure, providing a secure fixation to the sofato prevent the mattress from sliding off during sleep.

- For problems with the health of the respiratory system and a predisposition to allergies, you can choose an accessory as a corrective basis with a certain hypoallergenic filler. For diseases of the spinal column, too hard topper is not suitable - it can cause complications of the disease.

- The composition of the filler must be studied before purchasing, since different materials can be combined in one topper.

- Synthetic options can differ in increased strength, which cannot be said about their safety.You should not buy a latex coconut topper from unknown manufacturers, as fake coir mattresses may contain, instead of latex, melamine adhesives and phenols that are unhealthy - they usually give off a repulsive odor.

It is better to store the topper in a linen drawer, it can always be rolled up or folded like a book, depending on the model... If the bedding is used infrequently, it is necessary to wrap it in polyethylene.
You should be aware that it is undesirable to keep a thing in a folded state for a long time, as well as to put it on a surface with significant deformations.

In the next video you will learn how to choose the right mattress for your Accordion sofa.