Shelves above the sofa: how to choose and hang beautifully?

To create a modern interior in a bedroom or living room, it is not necessary to purchase too expensive and exclusive furniture. To do this, it is enough to hang beautiful shelves above the sofa, which will not only help to dilute the monotony of the situation, but also fulfill their functional purpose. When choosing this piece of furniture, it is important to take into account the combination of its shapes and colors with other decorative elements.
Shelves designed for installation above the sofa are represented on the furniture market by a huge assortment, while each model may differ in size, design and mounting method. Depending on the design features, the shelves are divided into the following types.
- Wall mounted... Such models have a floor support or other stable structure. The advantages of wall shelves include the fact that they are able to withstand a large weight load and take up a minimum of space.

- Rectangular (classic). They differ from wall-mounted ones in that they are attached directly to the wall. The advantage of these designs is that they allow the use of both their external and internal surfaces. In this case, the rear part of such shelves may be absent. Interior items such as photographs, books, clocks, figurines and vases can be placed on top.

- Multi-tiered. They have an original look and versatility. Such structures often consist of inclined, vertical and horizontal planes.

- Corner. Allow you to rationally use free corners in the apartment. They are characterized by stability and reliability.Above the sofa, transparent corner models look best, which go well with other pieces of furniture.

Materials (edit)
Shelves that are placed over upholstered furniture can be made of various materials. Most often, you can find wooden, mirror and glass models on sale. The budget option is usually made of plywood, MDF or chipboard. Plastic, polymer products that can be easily combined with other furniture also look gorgeous in modern design.
At the same time, many apartment owners prefer not to buy finished products, but to create them on their own from drywall, which makes it possible to embody any design idea into reality.

How to hang?
Shelves represent a modern piece of furniture that is usually hung above the sofa in bedrooms and living rooms. In order for this piece of furniture to always attract attention to itself and complement the design of the room in an original way, you need to know how to place it correctly. There is no special rule for installing shelves. The height of the structure should be comfortable, as standard it is 20-30 cm from the head of the person sitting on the sofa.
As for the distance between the shelves, it is determined depending on the size of the items that will be placed on it.

Beautiful examples in the interior
Today, there are many design ideas with which you can originally transform the interior of rooms, in particular, this concerns the design of living rooms and bedrooms. Most often, shelves above the sofa are used as an addition to the interior. They can be installed as follows.
- Classic bedroom. Spacious wall shelves above the sofa in the bedroom will perform two tasks at the same time - they will beautifully decorate the wall and serve as a place to store various items. The sofa must be placed along one of the free walls, a small section of which can be decorated with contrasting wallpaper and lamps. It is best to give preference to curly wooden shelves.

- Modern living room. In this room, horizontal division can be performed using multi-tiered suspended structures. To achieve an unusual effect, it is recommended to finish the top and bottom of the wall in different shades. It is best to make shelves yourself from drywall, complementing them with glass inserts. At the top of the structure, indoor plants will be beautifully placed, and at the bottom you can arrange small decor items (figurines, photographs, candlesticks).

For information on how to hang a shelf above the sofa, see the next video.