Half-sleeved sofas: sizes and features of choice

The combination of a living room and a bedroom is very typical for modern realities, especially in studio apartments and "odnushki" apartments. In such apartments you will not find beds - the main role is at the folding sofa. In the afternoon or in the evening, you can relax on it, and at night - expand it and turn it into a full-fledged place to sleep.
If you live in conditions similar to those described, you should think about what is more important to you - comfortable sleep or unusual design. As for the sofa that you sleep on every day, then an orthopedic mattress and a comfortable size are much more important and healthier than decorative details. The choice of such an object can be difficult, but the time spent looking for it will be more than worthwhile when you comfortably rest on the purchased furniture.

A one-and-a-half sofa is a cross between a single and a double, it is the most comfortable for one person to sleep. It can be a little crowded for two on this, especially if the height or complexion of one or both exceeds the standard.

Such models, despite their "average", are standard; bed linen and bedspreads are produced for them.
Most often, straight 1,5-sleeping sofas are laid out forward, as they have a "book", "eurobook", "accordion" or "dolphin" configuration.

The semi-double sofa can be monolithic or folding, angular or straight, as well as modular.
The corner design is more straight. In order to install such a model, you need a free corner and two adjacent walls. If you have enough space in your room, then feel free to put a corner sofa equipped with a spacious box for linen or bedding. Most often, corner models do not have armrests, which increases the space for sleeping.

Typically, such models have a length from 140 to 200 cm, and a maximum width of 90 cm, that is, they are standard one and a half sleeping.
If you do not have free corners, but there is a wall, then your option is a straight sofa. It can be placed either directly against the wall or zone a room with it, separating the dining area from the recreation area. As for the depth and size of the sofa, they may differ depending on which type of folding mechanism is installed on the model.

Of course, when installing a straight sofa, you need to take into account not only how it looks when assembled, but also how much space it will take when disassembled. If the model has wide armrests, this is also important for the folded structure, as it takes up more space.
Modular sofas are assembled from several different elements and, as a rule, can have several assembly options. Modules can be of different colors, sizes, and also purchased in different quantities (many manufacturers provide the ability to "buy" the required number of modules if necessary).

It is necessary to take into account the fact how many seats on the sofa do you need. If you live together, you can buy a two-seater model, or a three-seater one. It depends on the free space in the room, as well as its total area.
A double sofa that converts into a half-double bed is enough for one person.

Dimensions (edit)
A rare room in a typical apartment can "boast" of such an amount of space that a monolithic sofa 120 centimeters wide would calmly stand in it and did not create problems when moving. Therefore, basically people choose folding models with various transformation mechanisms - "eurobook", "accordion", "book", "dolphin". These are the options that work well for resting and sleeping every day.
The smoother the surface you sleep on, the more rested you will feel in the morning. And vice versa, the presence of seams, joints, height differences lead to the fact that the body does not rest at all overnight.

It is also important to consider the height of your sofa - it is thanks to the back that the spine either strains unnecessarily and is in the wrong position, or it is convenient for you and you do not experience discomfort.
The optimum backrest height for a sofa bed is 80 cm.

If you have chosen a model with an orthopedic mattress, be sure to remember that the height of the mattress should not be lower than 15 cm - this is the standard. Choose sofas equipped with independent springs so that the load on the spine is evenly distributed. Soft mattresses are only suitable for children and the elderly. Everyone else has to sleep hard.
So settle for either natural coconut and latex filler or interlocking springs.

Criterias of choice
When choosing the design of your sofa, be guided by two parameters: color and shape. The color is important because you sleep on it, and if you can't stand red or bright yellow, it is better to choose a calmer shade. As for the form, avoid straight and sharp corners, preferring rounded outlines.

Of course, you need to consider the amount of space that you can allocate for the sofa.
If you have a lot of room along the wall, choose a model with a click-and-gag mechanism, and if you can afford to fold the sofa forward, then an accordion or dolphin will suit you.

For daily sleep, the quality of the upholstery of the product is very important, and natural or eco-leather is not the best choice, although both options look amazing. Opt for a combination of man-made and natural materials that are easy to clean (it might make sense to order or buy a model with replacement covers).

How to choose a sofa, see below.