Garden sofas: what are they and how to choose?

In addition to a city apartment, many today have a dacha, where they come in the warm season. If space permits, the site can be decorated with a sofa, which will increase the comfort of outdoor recreation. This item can be placed both in the gazebo and in the open air. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option. We will talk about how to do this in our article.

The choice of a sofa for a summer residence is no less an important question than buying furniture for the home. The modern market offers a wide range of models of various designs. However, it should be understood that withhell sofa should not only be beautiful and comfortable. Here, the issues of quality, resistance of materials to the effects of the sun, moisture, temperature jumps come to the fore.
If the piece of furniture will be located under a canopy (for example, on a terrace), the choice of options expands. If the sofa is purchased for the outdoors, practicality should not be overlooked.

According to the shape, the products are divided into 3 types.
- Straight. This is the simplest design in which the seats are located in one line.

- Corner. Products in the shape of the letter "L" or "P" allow you to seat a large number of family members or guests. On such a sofa, it is more convenient to arrange holidays and just friendly meetings, placing a table with drinks and snacks in the center.

- Radial... The semicircular version is also great for large families and hosts who often invite noisy companies to visit. The only difference lies in the shape of the product. Usually these are modular designs that can be used as several separate small parts.

By the type of installation, street models are of two types.
- Classic. These are stationary products with legs.

- Swing sofas. These are comfortable hanging products. Fastening is carried out using ropes or chains. Typically, these models are sold with a support frame, often equipped with a canopy. The latter protects the person sitting on the sofa from the sun and precipitation.
Some options can be mounted on an arbitrary support (for example, on the veranda ceiling). In any case, unhurried swaying provides maximum relaxation, gives a feeling of flight and peace.

According to the design features, there are 2 types of sofas.
- Regular. Such models do not fold out, therefore they are often used only for sitting.

- Folding. Such models, if necessary, can perform the function of a berth. This can be useful if you often have guests overnight, or if you yourself prefer to sleep in the fresh air from time to time. The most popular transformation options are "dolphin", "telescope" and "French clamshell".
You can also highlight soft and hard sofas. The second group includes some wicker and wooden models. Sitting on them without padding is uncomfortable. That's why special pillows are placed on such products.
They are often sold complete with furniture. Sometimes sofa owners have to purchase accessories on their own.

Materials (edit)
Only products made of three types of wood are suitable for outdoor installation (bog oak, teak and acacia). The rest of the wooden models can rot and crack under the influence of the environment, even after processing with special compounds.

The natural plant material from which wicker furniture is made is very capricious. Such a sofa can be put on the veranda, but in the fresh air it will quickly deteriorate.

Artificial rattan and plastic
These materials are ideal for making garden furniture. Synthetic analogs look great, withstand the effects of precipitation, and are easy to clean. They can be easily moved around the site due to their low weight. Of course, plastic products cannot be called environmentally friendly, but they retain their original appearance for a long time in any conditions.

The forged products are very beautiful. They attract attention with their grace, become the highlight of the site. Modern models on a metal frame also look good. The main thing is to remember that the dyed material withstands high humidity better.
In this case, painting should be done using the powder method. If the metal legs come into contact not with the plank or concrete floor of the terrace, but with the ground or grass, plastic pads are a must... Otherwise, corrosion cannot be avoided.
When it comes to pillows, the best options here are polyurethane foam with covers made of durable and fade-resistant fabric.

Dimensions (edit)
Legged sofas come in a variety of sizes. These are miniature models designed for two people, and large three-seater options. There are also more spacious products. These are modular corner structures that can accommodate more than 4 people.
The length of floor models varies from 120 to 280 centimeters and more. As for the suspension options, here the dimensions are limited by the design features. More than 200 cm in length, swings are rare. The size of the awning (if any) should be at least slightly larger than the sofa itself. Otherwise, he will not be able to fully protect vacationers from precipitation and scorching sun rays.

Selection rules
When choosing a sofa for a summer cottage, it is worth considering several important points.
Wear resistance
As already mentioned, on the street furniture is constantly exposed to the negative influence of the external environment. The most practical are artificial materials (plastic, imitation rattan). If you wish, you can find a very beautiful braided version or a stylish model of strict design made of such material. Such furniture does not wipe off, does not fade under the sun, does not deform from temperature changes and humidity. It does not start bugs, it does not rust. Furniture care is pretty simple - it is sufficient to periodically wipe it with a damp, clean cloth.
If you choose wood furniture, make sure it has been specially treated and suitable for outdoor use. The same goes for metal. In open spaces, this is especially important, because daily exposure to dust and precipitation leads to rapid contamination of fabrics.
It is also worth remembering that despite the environmental friendliness of natural fabrics, in this case, pillows made of semi-synthetic materials would be a better choice. Such products are characterized by higher wear resistance. They are not afraid of frequent washings and retain their attractiveness for a long time.

If a plastic sofa emits a suspicious unpleasant smell, it is better to refuse such a purchase. Even if the product is placed outdoors, the toxins released can still harm the health of users.

Dimensions and shape
When choosing a size, you need to focus on the available free area. Keep in mind that the corner models can accommodate more people at the same length as the straight model. Also, do not forget about the weight of the product. If you are going to move your sofa frequently, choose from light options.

Practicality and convenience
If possible, sit on the couch before buying, evaluate the degree of comfort. Consider whether you need the opportunity for transformation. Of course, such a mechanism makes the item heavier and increases its value, but expands the possibilities of use.

The presence of a canopy
If the furniture is not on the terrace, a canopy will be useful. There are 2 options here: you can purchase a product with a visor built into the frame, or build a shelter yourself. In the second case, you can close not only the sofa, but also the entire recreation area (table, chairs). You can do without a canopy if you are confident in the durability of your purchase.

The choice of appearance depends only on the personal taste of users. The sofa does not have to have a pronounced "garden" design... Of course, wicker varieties look very organic against the background of nature, but if you wish, you can make the recreation area look like, for example, an elite street cafe with soft sofas.
Pillows can be bright or neutral. The atmosphere of a resting corner made of rattan or a bar can turn out to be romantic, strict or homely cozy.
Everything is in your hands, because the territory of your garden should be comfortable, first of all, for you and your loved ones.

For information on how to make a wooden sofa for a garden with your own hands, see the next video.