How to fold and unfold an accordion sofa?

Today, upholstered furniture equipped with functional mechanisms is in great demand. Sofas and armchairs with various folding or roll-out systems are found in almost every home. They are installed in halls, in bedrooms, in children's rooms, and even in kitchens. Different mechanisms work in different ways. In this article, we will take a closer look at a system called the accordion and learn how to fold and unfold it correctly.

Nowadays, the upholstered furniture market pleases consumers with a huge assortment. On sale you can find a great variety of different models of sofas, complemented by useful and reliable mechanisms. One of the most popular is a copy called the "accordion". Furniture with such a mechanism has a lot of positive qualities.
- "Accordion" is reliable, strong and durable mechanism. It is simple and therefore more practical. Such structures can be used daily without the risk of wear and tear on the furniture.
- "Accordion" is calculated for heavy loads.
- The considered mechanism differs from analogs in that forms a single bed for sleeping - the component parts are missing here. During the operation of such furniture, the bed does not deform and does not become uneven. It is much more pleasant to sleep and rest on the surface without drops and protrusions.
- All components of the mechanism can be repaired or changed... To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge or rich experience - all works are simple and understandable. In most cases, the slats in the structure are the first to fail.To quickly replace them, a special system of fasteners using plastic fittings was developed, which does not require professional tools.
- The mechanism is simple in operation. You don't need to make a lot of effort to unfold and fold it - even a child can handle everything.
- When folded, sofas with the described systems take up a minimum of free space. This is a great solution for a small room, where literally every centimeter is important.
- The accordion system is included in the design of many sofas. The range of such furniture is simply huge. It will not be difficult to find the perfect copy. The stores sell folding sofas for interiors, made in any color and stylistic direction.
- In similar furniture there is often a pleasant surprise under the seats - capacious storage boxes in which you can place bedding and other necessary things. Often people store there seasonal shoes, literature, pillows and blankets, blankets and even food.
- Furniture with this mechanism can be placed near the wall, which cannot be said about many other models with other transforming systems.

The mechanism also has its drawbacks.
- When folded, the backrest can look too thick and unattractive.
- Disassembled furniture takes up a lot of space.
- The accordion mechanism itself is expensive, which makes the furniture in which it is present more expensive, especially when compared to alternatives.
- If the inner arm breaks, the furniture will stop folding. In this case, repair work cannot be avoided.

Unfolding instructions
Today furniture of this type is in demand and is in great demand. If you plan to buy such a product, you need to know how to lay it out correctly. Let us consider in stages how it will turn out to decompose the considered reliable mechanism.
- The first step is to use a furniture construction seat. gently lift. Too sharp movements and jerks should not be done in this case, so as not to harm the system.
- It is necessary to raise the seat, until a characteristic click is heard.
- The moment the click is emitted the safety system stops working inside the mechanism. After that, the upholstered furniture can be unimpeded.
- Further, with a little effort, you will need to pull the structure forward, until the seat and backrest are fully folded out (these components should form a single, even bed for sleeping).

The transformation process is very easy and fast due to the presence of roller legs in the furniture structure located in the front half.
Folding principles
Modern sofas equipped with an accordion mechanism are good not only because they are easy to unfold, but also because they fold up without problems. It is important to know exactly how to fold the furniture structure correctly. Let's analyze step by step the most popular way of folding the "accordion".
- In order to return the unfolded furniture to its original state, it is necessary to repeat the above steps, but in the opposite order.
- The first step is to gently roll up the sofa seat. During this action, the blocks that perform the functions of the back will rise up.
- Next, you need to slightly raise the lower part of the furniture structure until you hear a click. As soon as the user hears it, it means that the safety mechanism has worked.

After all these actions, the upholstered furniture can be used again, but already folded. If the structure is completely serviceable and of high quality, then all stages of folding and unfolding will be easy and trouble-free, without unnecessary noise, squeaks and crunch.
Possible problems
Despite the fact that the accordion mechanism is considered one of the most reliable, durable and wear-resistant, certain breakdowns and malfunctions can still occur with it. In the considered system, there are such "weak points":
- frame base, especially if it is made of low quality, cheap and "weak" materials;
- hinges that are responsible for holding the furniture frame;
- armor and fittings that are designed to hold them;
- small wheels.

If there is any problem related to the operation of the mechanism, you should not be afraid and panic. Most experts assure that the lion's share of the problems in these systems can be solved, and you will not have to buy a new sofa. It is quite possible to carry out repairs on your own at home, without the involvement of experienced craftsmen. The easiest way, of course, is to replace the casters in the construction of upholstered furniture. The main thing is to choose the right replacement for them of the same size. New parts are simply installed in place of old ones.
In this case, it is permissible to drill the fastening axle and install a bolt in its place, fixing it with a pair of nuts.

If the armor is of good quality, it is difficult to break it. Fasteners are more likely to break down, which are designed to hold them... These are a kind of iron "pockets". The latter are fixed on the frame base with strong rivets. It will not be difficult to replace the fittings in the furniture structure. Analogues can be found in most stores. Rivets must be installed using a special device. Instead of these parts, it is allowed to use ordinary bolts.

If it is scary to independently eliminate the shortcomings of the "accordion" mechanism, you do not want to aggravate the situation even more, then it is better to entrust the repair work to experienced, professional craftsmen. Of course, these are unnecessary expenses, but your upholstered furniture will definitely be restored without bad consequences.
Video instructions for disassembling the sofa are presented below.