How to assemble a sofa book?

Convertible furniture is an indispensable accessory for small apartments, in which a single room serves as a guest room, a room for sleeping and rest, an office and a nursery. The now classic sofa-book has taken its rightful place in most homes. During the day, it becomes the main place in the living room, and in the evening, having laid out the sofa-book in a horizontal state, you will have a comfortable bed for a good sleep. In the article we will tell you how to correctly assemble a sofa-book without damaging the mechanisms, so that it functions flawlessly for a long time.

Mechanism features
The transformation mechanism "book" sets 2 positions: a sitting sofa and a sofa for sleeping. The sofa is transformed into a sleeping position by reclining the backrest. In the process of unfolding, you do not need to move the sofa away from the wall, if initially installed at a certain distance from the wallbecause the structure of the sofa suggests the presence of unoccupied space between the wall and back of the sofa.
To transform the product into a bed, it is necessary to raise the seat until a specific click of the transforming mechanism is made, after which the seat is lowered.
Furniture installation in its original position is carried out in a similar way. The seat rises again until it clicks, then moves to its normal position.

Details of the sofa with the "book" transformation mechanism are 2 metal or wooden support structures with fixed spring units or other soft filler. Downstairs there is often a storage compartment for bedding.Centering rollers are used to prevent the device from jamming and the supporting structure from warping. They also save time and effort by allowing the seat to be extended without lifting it. There are several options for the "book": "Eurobook" and "click-gag". The "click-gag" is practical in that it can be practiced in 3 positions: seated, semi-seated and recumbent.
- a sturdy, reliable, time-tested device, the diagram of which you will see below;
- suitable for frequent use and organizing a place to sleep.

- furniture has the ability to unfold exclusively in 2 positions - sitting and lying. When transforming in the area where the folding elements dock, it is likely that a bulge or depression will occur, which will adversely affect the comfort of sleep;
- The "book" cannot be installed close to the wall, since the mechanism when unfolding requires free space between the wall and back;
- women and children sometimes unable to cope with the transformation mechanism;
- the elements of the transformation mechanism are quite subtle and in case of errors in assembly, as well as non-observance of the recommendations for unfolding and folding, the structure easily bends, wedges and breaks down, besides, the mechanism requires periodic lubrication with technical oil.

Required tools
In order to assemble a "book" on your own, too many tools are not required. It is enough to have at hand:
- wrenches and adjustable wrenches;
- screwdriver;
- screwdriver;
- assembly instructions (provided by the manufacturer if the furniture is new);
- structural components of the sofa.
In addition, an assistant is needed (since assembling a "book" without the help of others is not an easy task, due to the large weight and significant dimensions of the structure, it is necessary to use a partner).
You will need about an hour of your time and a little patience.

Build process
When buying furniture, many people do not want to take it from the exhibition stand, but prefer new furniture from the warehouse. In such a situation, the furniture may arrive completely disassembled, and it will need to be assembled on its own. In order to save money, buyers can refuse the services provided by furniture assemblers and assemble them by hand.
Separate models to collect a couple of trifles, with a "book" it will be a little more difficult. However, given practical guidance, this process will not cause additional complications. Let's look at how to collect a "book" from one of the manufacturers.

It must be remembered that the designs of different manufacturers in the assembly may differ slightly, but without touching on the particulars, the mechanisms are still of the same order.
- 1st Step. First of all, it is necessary to unpack all the furniture components from the packaging. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the materials from which the furniture is made. When unpacking the component parts, it is necessary to inspect each of them for damage and check the completeness according to the instructions.

- 2nd Step. Assembly work must begin with a box with a transforming mechanism. Remove retaining clamps from metal parts. Then it is necessary, using bolts, washers and nuts, to install the cross members on the racks of the transforming mechanism.

- 3rd Step. The mechanisms themselves that raise the back of the sofa should be fixed on the inside of the side racks. The mechanism platform must be on top. Fixation is carried out by means of bolts using washers and nuts.

- 4th Step. Then it is necessary to mount the sofa supports on the platforms of the mechanism. First of all, the one that will perform the function of the seat is mounted.

- 5th Step. Then it is necessary to install the second support on the second platform of the mechanism.

- 6th Step. After the supports and mechanisms have been assembled, you should make sure that the furniture unfolds and folds in accordance with the norm.

- 7th Step... Following this, it is necessary to spread the sofa and place a mattress on it, which plays the role of pillows for sitting and a place to sleep.

- 8th Step. Now, on the opposite side of the support structure, it is required to fix the mattress by means of specially provided stoppers, fixing them on the frame.

- 9th Step. It remains only to put on the cover that is present in the kit, fix it on the supports with specialized tapes - the assembly is complete.
I must say that nowadays it is quite easy to assemble a sofa even on your own. But the former sofas from the USSR were rather bulky and heavy, it was extremely difficult to assemble them precisely because of the impressive mass of components.

The second book sofa making workshop can be found in the video below.