Cleaning products for sofas: types, tips for choosing and using

The sofa and other upholstered furniture, which is actively used by all family members, sooner or later become stained - these can be traces of a felt-tip pen, marker, blueberries, cherries, coffee, watercolors and many others. Of course, the easiest way is to remove the upholstery and wash, but not every sofa has removable covers. Therefore, we will give you a few recommendations that will help you keep the fresh and aesthetic look of your upholstered furniture for years to come.

In order to clean a dirty sofa cover without removing it, you can use a variety of tools:
- use a professional dry cleaner;
- purchase industrial cleaning products;
- turn to folk recipes.

To effectively clean the surface of the sofa from dirt, you can use household appliances for the home.
The washing vacuum cleaner allows you to quickly solve all the problems associated with the contamination of upholstered furniture, including the removal of stains from food coloring. However, it should be borne in mind that a vacuum cleaner can only deal with fresh stains - this technique is powerless against old dirt.
The first thing to do before cleaning the surface with a washing vacuum cleaner is This is to dry clean the surface, for this a fine nozzle is used, which collects all the dust in every crack and fold of the skin. After that, you can start wet cleaning.
During work, it is important to ensure that water does not get inside the filler, otherwise an environment is created that is favorable for the appearance of mold and mildew. After cleaning, the furniture should be thoroughly dried.

Steam cleaner. The very name of this device speaks for itself - in this case, cleaning is done with hot steam. In a special compartment, the liquid is heated, after which a strong stream of steam is supplied to the casing through a special nozzle, which not only removes all dirt and dust, but also destroys dust mites that actively multiply in the tissue. The built-in vacuum cleaner option removes all excess moisture, so the furniture remains dry after processing.
Before using the steam cleaner, vacuum the sofa thoroughly, then apply a suitable cleaning agent and wait until it dries completely... Only then is it the turn of the steam cleaner. Processing needs to be done smooth movements, it is advisable to clean all sections of the sofa separately. If the stains are fresh, then you can do without household chemicals - hot steam will be able to cope with such marks on its own.
You can also use a steam cleaner to freshen up the armrests and back of the sofa.

Household chemicals presented in trade enterprises, are implemented in several forms:
- powder;
- foam;
- spray;
- gel;
- shampoo.

They are conventionally divided into two groups: formulations used as an emergency measure and means intended for regular cleansing. The first ones contain rather aggressive components, it is better to apply them immediately after the appearance of the stain, so that no traces remain on the surface of the furniture. The use of such drugs on an ongoing basis is not recommended, since sooner or later they cause the appearance of bleached spots on the coating. Similar solutions can be used in small areas. If you apply them to the entire surface of the furniture, then you may not have time to remove the entire composition from the upholstery in time, and the consequences of such a long exposure can be the most unpredictable.
For regular use, softer components are used that act delicately, but for a long time.
They draw out impurities from deep tissue layers that have accumulated there over the years. Such formulations can be used on a daily basis, but, as a rule, there is no need for this.

Cleaning has its own characteristics, depending on the agent used.
- Cleaning with a stain remover. This tool is used locally - applied directly to the stain and wiped the surface with a clean sponge, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

- Powder cleaning. The composition is optimal for getting rid of not too stubborn dirt. The powder is poured onto the damaged area and rubbed with a napkin until it changes color (this means that the dirt has dissolved and you can remove it with a brush or vacuum cleaner).

- Spray cleaning... The spray is effective for delicate fabrics that are afraid of water. The composition must be carefully sprayed from a can and spread over the surface with a napkin in an even layer. After 2-5 minutes, the remains of the product are removed with a vacuum cleaner. The agent is optimal for cleaning small areas of dirt.

- Foam cleaning. Foam is a high concentration carpet shampoo. This product is usually mixed with water, beat vigorously until foam appears and spread over the contaminated surface. As soon as the product is dry, remove the residue with a brush. Vanish foam is highly effective. It is so dense that after processing the surface of the sofa remains dry.

Please be aware that foam cannot be used for upholstery made from natural materials, since a high concentration of active drugs causes deformation of the fabric.
If you do not have a special cleaning agent on hand, you can always make one, using folk recipes.
- With table vinegar. To prepare a working solution 1 tsp.9% vinegar is diluted in 1 liter of water, moistened with clean cotton cloth, squeezed a little and laid out on the sofa. After that, the surface of the furniture should be intensively patted with a beater - as a result of this treatment, all dust and dirt remains on the material. The manipulation should be repeated until the sheets are clean. If you are using a delicate fabric, then you need to take half the vinegar.

- Soda. Baking soda is an effective cleaning agent, and in addition, it has an antibacterial effect - it helps to destroy pathogenic microflora that causes allergic diseases and pathologies of the respiratory system. To clean sofas, a dry method is used, for this purpose, soda is scattered over the surface with a layer of 1.5-2 cm and left for an hour, after which it is removed with a vacuum cleaner.
In case of intense dirt, the surface can be slightly moistened beforehand. The substance perfectly absorbs moisture, leaves upholstered furniture clean and dry.

- A solution of vinegar with baking soda has a high efficiency, this compound has proven itself to be effective against blood, fat and urine stains. For work, a spray bottle is used, into which a solution is poured, composed of 0.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l soda and 1⁄3 cup vinegar. The resulting chatterbox is evenly sprayed over the surface and left for a quarter of an hour, after which the foam is removed with a brush and passed over the surface with a damp cloth.

- Soap... A solution made from laundry soap successfully removes many types of dirt. To clean the sofa, moisten a soft cloth in liquid and rub the stains with it, and after a while wash it with a clean cloth.

- It is distinguished by its high efficiency and acetic-salt composition, which is used to keep upholstered furniture clean, remove dust and light dirt. The solution is made from 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Keep in mind that more aggressive exposure is required to combat blood, paint, food, and makeup stains.

Rating of the best
We offer you an overview of the most popular products that have shown high efficiency for cleaning sofas and other upholstered furniture.
This is a Russian drug that positions itself as a stain remover. The active components of the composition easily cope with stains of tea, coffee, as well as traces of ink and blood. Vanish does not contain chlorine, so the use of the drug does not entail any danger to human life and health.
Vanish is not suitable for cleaning velvet, brocade and silk surfaces.
User reviews indicate that the composition effectively removes even very dirty stains, eliminates unpleasant odors, and maintains the brightness of upholstery colors.

Bagi "Shtyhonit"
This is an effective composition from Israel that easily removes the most stubborn stains, cleans, washes and disinfects the surface, and also removes all types of dirt that have appeared due to the activity of pets. The undoubted advantage of the spray is its ability to return the faded color to things and give a pleasant aroma.
In relation to rubber, wood and paintwork, the product is neutral.
As you know, the more effective the composition, the more dangerous it is. Bagi was no exception - user reviews recommend using personal protective equipment (gloves) when working with it, and in case of contact with eyes, immediately rinse them with running water.

Viclean Protect
Another domestic remedy that is highly effective. Designed for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. The active components of the composition penetrate deep into the skin without damaging the fibers of the fabric, gently but quickly cleanse all types of stains and eliminate unpleasant odors. Buyers note that the composition is most effective when working with fresh dirt.

Pip "For removing stains"
A stain remover based on the inclusion of acids, organic salts, plant extracts, enzymes and esters.
According to user reviews, the product is extremely easy to use - to clean the sofa surface, you just need to spray the product, rub it with a soft brush until foam appears and leave for 5-7 minutes.
Some buyers even point out that after using such a drug, allergic diseases disappear and the general well-being of people who spend a lot of time on this sofa improves.

Features of cleaning the sofa, depending on the material of the upholstery
The choice of sofa cleaner depends a lot on the material of the upholstery.
Genuine leather upholstery is the easiest to clean. This material does not absorb dirt and moisture, so all stains are washed off rather quickly with a simple soapy solution. For cleaning leather surfaces, it is not recommended to use detergent, chemical, and chlorine-containing compounds.
Flock and velor are rather capricious canvases; when cleaning them, it is undesirable to allow changes in the direction of the pile. Remove any dust before treating the sofa surface. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. Then a microfiber or suede napkin should be moistened with a solution of ammonia or vinegar and gently move in the direction of the villi. The use of aggressive compounds for washing flock upholstery is unacceptable.

Tapestry, matting and jacquard are rough materials that can be cleaned with a stiff brush. To clean them, use a ready-made cleaning agent for upholstered furniture or solutions of soap, ammonia, vinegar. Please note that the concentration of the active substance should be minimal, otherwise there is a high risk of changing the shape and shade of the upholstery.
Silk can only be cleaned with a soft microfiber cloth to prevent snags. Vanish and concentrated soap solution are most effective. It is impossible to use formulations containing alcohol and vinegar for processing.

The coat needs special care. It is best to resort to dry cleaning at home. The use of water-based solutions causes tissue deformation.
Cleaning synthetic fabrics it is very important to first remove all dust with a vacuum cleanerafter which you can use aerosol sprays to clean carpets. It is not recommended to use hard tools and aggressive preparations for processing.

In order to choose the right cleaning agent, you must adhere to the following rules.
- You should always carefully study the instructions for the proposed tool. Reading the label alone will not be enough, especially since many unscrupulous manufacturers often mislead buyers. For example, the packaging depicts a sofa, while in fact the product is intended for cleaning carpets and other hard surfaces.

- The cleaning agent you buy must be for a specific type of furniture, that is, it indicates that it can be used "for cleaning sofas" or "for cleaning sofa upholstery." If such a formulation is absent, the composition can seriously damage the furniture.

- The cleaning agent must not contain aggressive components. Many people believe that once the product is on the market, it is safe. This is not the case, the vast majority of household chemicals on the free sale can harm the skin in case of contact with the skin. Before purchasing the drug, be sure to smell it - if you smell a pungent smell, then refuse to purchase.

- Avoid fabric sofa shampoos if possible. Despite all the assurances of the manufacturers, this tool is the least suitable for this purpose. The fact is that such compositions have the property of absorbing water, which leads to the most unpleasant consequences:
- it is quite difficult to rinse them out of the upholstery fabric;
- wet fabric remains wet for a long time;
- after drying, stains remain on the surface, which significantly impairs the appearance of the product.

How to remove stains?
From the handle
Ballpoint pen stains are best removed alcohol compositions. To remove ink marks just wipe the stained areas with a solution, and then rinse with cool water.
If you cannot use alcohol, then you can try milk - the cloth soaked in it is pressed against the stain and left for 15-20 minutes... This method is most effective for leather products, since it does not leave stripes and white spots on the surface.
Milk also cleans the gel pen effectively.

From food
Helps to remove fruit juice and blueberry stains from sofa surfaces soapy water and vinegar. Both components are mixed in equal proportions, after which the desired area is treated with their mixture.
Traces of fatty foods and oils are removed with ordinary salt. VAll you need to do is to cover the surface of the stain with salt and leave it for a while so that it absorbs all the fat from the surface.
To rid the sofa of stuck chewing gum, resin, or wipe off traces of slime, you must wrap it in a plastic bag regular ice, place on top of the gum. Under the influence of the lowered temperature, it will freeze, and it can be easily peeled off with a metal ruler or spatula.
Chocolate and traces of soy sauce can be removed quickly and easily with ordinary soapy water.

Traces of acrylic paint and gouache can be removed from the surface of the sofa using laundry soap.
If the sofa is stained with hair tonic, then you need to dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. liquid soap and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, then moisten a rag in this solution and apply to the stain until the paint is completely absorbed into it.

Lipstick stains can be removed with ammonia - they wipe the stain, then apply a dry, clean cloth to the place of contamination and iron it with an iron at a low temperature.
Nail polish can be removed with acetone, however, first check the reaction of the material to the solution in an inconspicuous place.

You can get rid of wax stains using a hot iron. To do this, put a sheet of paper on the stain and iron it with a hot iron. The heat melts the wax and is absorbed into the paper. The procedure must be repeated until the spot disappears completely.
Blood stains can be removed cold water or hydrogen peroxide.
To get rid of traces of iodine, brilliant green and fucorcin, mix tooth powder with alcohol, applied to the contaminated site and allowed to dry, after which it is treated with a vacuum cleaner.

Urine stains must be removed as soon as they appear, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell. For cleaning, 15 drops of iodine are taken in a glass of water and the surface is treated so that the solution penetrates as deep as possible into the tissue. When the specific smell of the antiseptic disappears, the stain can be rinsed with cold water. Please be aware that this method should not be used on sofas with light upholstery.

See below for how to clean your sofa.