Thin mattresses on the sofa: characteristics and selection

Everyone knows how important a sound sleep is for human health. However, modern budget furniture, unfortunately, is able to please the owners for a short time with a perfectly flat and resilient surface. In order to save space in the room, many have to sleep on folding furniture, and this also does not contribute to a comfortable rest. What to do if it is not possible to buy a new sofa every five years or the dimensions of the apartment only contain a folding bed? There is a way out of this situation - to buy a thin mattress and enjoy the flat and soft surface of the sleeping place.

A topper is, in fact, a thin mattress on a sofa. It can just as well be used on top of the main one on the bed. It usually has orthopedic properties, flattens the surface as much as possible and makes it comfortable for sleeping. The elastic texture and small thickness allow the product to be rolled up at any time and put into the closet.

Buying a topper will be very useful if:
- there is a need to combine modular or sliding furniture components;
- it is necessary to increase the level of comfort during a night's rest;
- there is a need to adjust the degree of rigidity of the berth;
- you need to insulate the bed in winter;
- there is a desire to extend the service life of upholstered furniture, keeping its attractive appearance for a long time.

Basic properties
The advantage of toppers is their versatility. All models must have fasteners so that the product does not slip on the surface of the furniture. For this purpose, wide loops made of thick fabric or elastic are used. The kit usually includes storage clips on a roll or a bag-cover.

Comfortable sleep is far from their only purpose. A thin mattress is suitable both for outdoor recreation and for arranging a play space in a nursery. It can be adapted for some sports, such as gymnastics.

A great option for a topper - a model with a winter-summer effect... This is a two-sided model of a mattress, each side of which is made of a different fabric. The summer version is made of cotton, the winter one is woolen.

Types and materials
Inexpensive thin mattresses are made from artificial latex or polyurethane foam, but they are not durable. Toppers, made from natural materials, able to serve for quite a long time. But their price is an order of magnitude higher.

Consider the most common types of mattresses that are available in the assortment of stores and are popular with consumers.
- Natural latex has a filler made of foamed rubber tree sap. The special processing technology creates an excellent orthopedic effect. It is elastic, but at the same time very elastic, as well as safe, hypoallergenic and durable.

- Synthetic analogue topper made of latex is much tougher, with intense exposure it can lose its shape. Its advantage is its lower cost.

- Coconut mattress - environmentally friendly model of increased rigidity, which depends on the proportion of coir content. Latex impregnation slightly softens the structure of the mattress, while pressed coconut fibers give elasticity. Solid and relatively inexpensive material. The only feature is the contraindication to twisting.

- Viscoelastic or Memory foam. Toppers made from this material are incredibly soft. They follow all the anatomical contours of the body without putting pressure on the spine. However, at high temperatures, the mattress may become too soft due to low breathability.

- Polyurethane foam - this is a well-known foam mattress that can be easily folded into a roll. The most budgetary of all options. A significant disadvantage is its very rapid wear, although its properties are similar to those made from artificial latex.

- Hollow and struttofiber Are synthetic polyester fibers with a porous structure, they create volume well, save heat and retain their original shape. Such models are non-toxic and resistant to wear and tear.

- Combined content toppers are in high demand. They emphasize the benefits of natural fillers while minimizing synthetic imperfections. A mattress with harmoniously combined fillers is the best folding option.

Spring loaded
Since the topper is this is a thin model of a mattress, there is no place for springs in it... Spring products are always less rigid than springless ones. Therefore, toppers perform the function of adjusting the firmness and can even be applied over such mattresses.

All thin sofa mattresses are springless models. They can consist of one layer of filler or several. It all depends on the purpose of the product. To hide surface irregularities, to make it harder or, conversely, softer - the topper can easily cope with all this.
It is the springless mattress that can be quickly rolled up and put into the closet. It does not take up much space, which is very important in small apartments or during transportation.
Despite its low height, it can easily be used as an independent sleeping place, laying it right on the floor.

Springless models have several advantages:
- good ventilation and moisture insulation;
- absence of unwanted sounds, such as squeak of springs;
- increased orthopedic properties;
- more usable area: it is not very comfortable to sleep on the edge of a frame mattress.

Dimensions (edit)
The maximum height of the product is 10 cm, but the range of length and width is quite wide. It all depends on the size of the bed:
- for a chair-bed or a narrow sofa, a standard topper is suitable 90x190 cm;
- for a sofa-book or a folding one-and-a-half bed, sizes from 120x190,140x190 and 120x200,140x200 cm;
- will lie on the double sofa like a mattress 160x200 cm and 150x200, depending on the model;
- for European size you need a topper 180x200 cm or 190x200 cm;
- the most demanded and purchased sofa mattress size is the model 200x150 cm.

Round sofas have recently become very popular, so mattress manufacturers did not keep themselves waiting long. Thin mattresses are available in diameters from 200 to 230 cm.In addition to standard models, you can tailor a topper of almost any size. Manufacturers always meet their customers halfway, trying to satisfy all their wishes. Therefore, you will not surprise anyone with a mattress of any unusual shape.

Each mattress must be in a cover... The only question is whether it is removable or not. The first option, of course, is more practical - it can be removed and washed at any time. It is customary to use the following fabrics for covers:
- cotton;
- jacquard;
- silk;
- jersey.

How to choose?
To purchase a suitable topper model, it is imperative to take into account the level of the expected load. All bona fide manufacturers indicate the maximum impact weight on the mattress. It is especially important to adhere to these standards for daily use.
Children and adolescents are advised to sleep on a hard surface. It is useful for building correct posture.

The following parameters are equally important.
- The size. First of all, you need to take accurate measurements of the berth. You can choose a mattress from those available, but if there are none, it is possible to order the tailoring of the model of the required size.
- Rigidity... The standard topper is of medium firmness, but this characteristic varies depending on the contents of the mattress.
- Filler. It is advisable to check its quality and degree of distribution upon purchase. If necessary, exclude allergenic materials.
- Case... What matters is the type of cover and the type of fabric. The best option is considered to be a removable mattress cover made of natural linen. The sewing stitches should be straight without gaps or protruding threads.

The smell of the product also plays an important role. An unpleasant chemical odor is a sign of the questionable quality of the mattress.
Moreover, it can cause headaches and other manifestations of allergic reactions. When buying a topper in an online store, there is no way to smell it. That's why, to protect yourself and your family, you should make a purchase in a regular store... Here you can also see with your own eyes the certificates confirming the quality of the products.

Depending on the presence of diseases of the spine, the requirements for the quality indicators of the mattress may vary. For example, with arthrosis and radiculitis, doctors recommend sleeping on a soft surface, while osteochondrosis or scoliosis require extremely hard coverage.

The following video provides an overview of the mattresses on the Flip sofa from Matrolux.