A comfortable sofa: how to choose for relaxation and sleep?

On the one hand, it is not easy for a modern, mobile and busy person to find time to sit on the couch. But, on the other hand, if you really have a minute or half an hour to relax, then on the most comfortable sofa, which will take you into its arms and give you relaxation. But each person has their own ideas about convenience, comfort and beauty. How should a person choose the perfect sofa on which he will get the desired rest?

Which sofa is comfortable to sit on?
It is difficult to talk about all people at once, because someone prefers to curl up in a ball on small, overall furniture, while someone needs a lot of space to sit comfortably with their legs stretched out. Someone likes to read reclining, and even putting a cup of coffee or tea on an attached or built-in table, while someone needs to work from home, and he needs a hard, but comfortable seat and back, which does not create tension and fatigue in the spine ...

It is important to distinguish between a seating sofa and a sleeping sofa. The first can be monolithic, the second is simply obliged to unfold. Office sofas should also be comfortable, but firm enough so that the person does not "fall through" when trying to sit on it.
You should always choose a sofa based on what you plan to do on it. For relaxation, semicircular, island sofas, possibly with a swivel back, are suitable. For sleeping - those that are laid out at least in a 1.5-bed (if one person sleeps on it) or a double (if two) place with a high-quality mattress useful for the back.
Today, suitable models can be chosen in any price segment, you just need to decide on the model, type, transformation mechanism and start looking.

The most comfortable sofas for sleeping
For pieces of furniture that combine two or more functions, the requirements are also at least double. They are expected to be of quality and reliability, because repeated folding and unfolding will quickly render a product unusable if it does not meet these requirements.
A sofa for sleeping from a trusted manufacturer with a good reputation today is no less of a quality than a bed.
Transformation mechanisms allow you to easily and effortlessly assemble and disassemble the sleeping place, and sleep without feeling the joints of individual elements.

There are enough upholstered furniture manufacturers in every price segment. And in any of them there are those who have established themselves exclusively on the positive side, and those whose products do not always meet the expectations of the buyer. The largest choice is provided to the consumer by manufacturers of upholstered furniture in the budget and medium price segment. You always need to pay attention to how long the company has been on the market, what raw materials it uses to make its products, and also what reviews are left by buyers of this furniture. This is the only way to avoid a rash purchase.

Dimensions (edit)
How comfortable a sofa is is related to two criteria: the depth of the seat and the height of the back. The optimal depth for everyone is different and depends on the habits and height of the person. If you like to sit up straight with a comfortable backrest, then you need a model with a narrow seat and an above-average backrest. If you prefer to lie on the couch or like to have your legs on it too, then you will need the option with a wide and deep seat.
For long-legged people, there are models with an increased depth of 110, 120 and even 145 cm. The average depth is 105 cm. The depth of the sofa should be distinguished from the depth of the seat. The depth of the sofa includes the width of the cushions and backrest. If the width of the sofa is 90 cm, but it has a cushion and a backrest, then the depth of the seat itself will remain about 50 cm. Therefore, Choose a seat that is comfortable for you, even with cushions.

How to choose the right one?
First of all, you need to decide where the sofa will be located, and how much space you can allocate in the room for it. It is better if you have a drawing, drawn by hand or on a computer in one of the applications. If the sofa is folding, you need to take into account how much space it will take when disassembled, and whether there will be free space in the room for movement.

It is important to understand who will sleep (and whether) on the couch. If it is planned that they will rest on it, and there are beds for sleeping in the house, then you can purchase monolithic or modular furniture. If you need furniture for both relaxation and sleep (for example, in a one-room apartment or in a nursery), then in addition to the occupied area, you need to take into account the weight of the one or those who will sleep on it. The transformation mechanism must also be chosen based on this.
The metal parts of the mechanism must be no thinner than 3 mm and the joints must be very strong and well fitted.

In the salon-shop, be sure to sit down or lie down on the sofa of your choice. At the same time, there should be no sounds - no squeak, no clanking of metal... The filler should be dense enough, not sag under the weight of the body, not deform. The seams and rows of staples must be straight. It is on this basis that one can distinguish a manufacturer who attaches importance to the quality of manufactured products from those who are just starting work or do not want to pay attention to details. The back of the sofa should also be made with high quality and without protruding seams, threads, pieces of upholstery or frame.
The minimum warranty that the manufacturer must provide you is one and a half years. If less is offered, look for another.

If you plan to sleep on the couch, be sure to ask which mattress is installed in the product. Ideally, it should be high quality orthopedic.Also check the mattress service life and the possibility of replacing it without harming the product.

Hard or soft?
Everyone makes such a choice individually. If you choose a sofa solely to sit on, for example in a living room, it can be soft and very soft. But in the case when it is planned to use it not only for sitting, but also for sleeping, even if periodically, it is better to stay on a more rigid model, and even better - with an orthopedic mattress. This is good both for the furniture - it will last longer and for your health.

If you have opted for a soft model, it is better if the seat is quilted or stitched with a number of stitches. Then there will be no dents on it from a person sitting or lying on it. Also good are models in which the fluff is evenly distributed in different pockets.
Of course, the cost of such products will be higher, especially if natural materials are used as a filler.

Transformation mechanism
All sofas by their design are divided into two types: folding and monolithic. The latter are much less functional, it is difficult to sleep on them, they are usually placed either in the kitchen or in the corridor. As for the folding models, there are much more of them, and the folding mechanisms are very diverse.

Let's consider the most basic ones.
- "Book" - the most widespread and oldest mechanism. It is convenient and compact, but it can be quite difficult to use for people who are physically weak. The seat is lifted up and then lowered back, thus the sofa folds and unfolds. With constant use, it may fail.

- As for the Eurosof mechanism, it is an improved "book". The seat is roll-out and equipped with casters. Such a mechanism is more difficult to break. To unfold the structure, you need to roll out a special module, first removing the removable parts, and then lower the back. This model is perfect for everyday use. Just make sure that the casters do not scratch the floor covering.

- Click-to-gag mechanism - another modification of the "book". But fixing it is possible not only in the assembled and disassembled position, but also reclining. In some models, the armrests can also be adjusted. The basis of the device is a metal frame and elastic shock absorbers.

- As for the "French clamshell", then this model is perhaps the most uncomfortable to sleep every day. It is best to sit on such a sofa, and sleep only occasionally. The sleeping place, which is obtained by unfolding this mechanism, is large, but not the most comfortable. The removable cushions must be removed and the seat is then lifted up and forward. The varieties of the "French clamshell" are "Belgian" and "American". In the first, blocks made of foam rubber are installed, in the second - spring blocks.

- Puma mechanism great for permanent use, even kids can handle it easily. The transformation is carried out by pulling the seat up and forward. "Puma" is also installed on corner models. But there are no storage boxes for bedding inside.

- Perhaps the most durable and durable mechanism is "accordion"... The sleeping area consists of three different modules. They are united by one piece of upholstery, which is smoothed out when the sofa is laid out. It is very easy to unfold the sofa, you just need to pull the seat towards you until it turns into a sleeping place. Models with removable covers are especially convenient.
It is better to install such products on carpets, as they leave dents on the floor with prolonged use.

- The sofas, equipped with a swivel mechanism, unfold by unfolding one part. The berth is flat and comfortable, but only if one person sleeps on it.

- Transformation mechanism "elf" - the simplest one, it turns the sofa into a bed by simply lowering the armrests. Such models are well suited for use in children's rooms and small apartments. But the structure is rather fragile, it quickly breaks down.

- "Dolphin" differs from "kangaroo" only in that the latter is used on straight sofas, and the first - on corner ones. The principle of operation is the same - you need to pull the lower module out from under the seat and raise it to the level of the seat. The sleeping place is flat and comfortable.

- Models with the "Spartak" mechanism equipped with orthopedic mattresses and metal nets. First, the removable modules are removed, after which the folding berth is pulled out and disassembled. It is convenient, suitable for everyday use. However, if a person with a large weight sleeps on such a sofa, the frame will quickly lose its original shape.

- "Konrad" - withdrawable mechanism. The lower support rolls out from under the seat. The seat will turn into a flat and spacious berth. You need to pull with effort.

Materials (edit)
For the manufacture of sofas, frames are used from metal and wood, as well as from wooden beams with chipboard. The most durable are metal, but their parts must be well fastened by welding. When it comes to timber frames, it all depends on what kind of wood was used for the production. Oak, beech, walnut and ash are very durable and high quality species, but, of course, they are also more expensive. Birch and softwood are cheaper but can also be durable if used properly.

The wood used for the production of the frame must be well dried and free from any roughness or knots on the surface. As for the chipboard structure, if it is made in strict accordance with technology, and each element is painted with a special paint, then the product will serve for a long time.

Spring, foam blocks, polyurethane foam, latex are used as a filler. Foam rubber is considered the cheapest; it loses its shape after a few years. Latex padding is the most expensive, it is hypoallergenic, not affected by static electricity, and is resistant to mold and mildew. Most often it is used in orthopedic furniture.

When it comes to upholstery, leather and eco-leather continue to hold the leading position in terms of durability and ease of care. Tapestry coated with dust and water repellent is also very convenient, but not cheap. It is best to choose products with removable covers so that you can remove and clean them at any time.

The unusual shape of sofas comes into fashion, then comes out of it. The choice of what your sofa will be should be based on personal preference. If you like bright and unusual things, let your upholstered furniture be that way. True, it must be borne in mind that, the more unusual the object and the more atypical its color, the higher the likelihood that it will quickly become boring and boring.
As for neutral sofas - both in shape and color, they may seem boring, but they have the advantage that they will easily fit into any decor.

You will find sofas of the most bizarre shapes in non-budget price segments, but even more democratic brands now offer interesting models. If you do not have the funds to purchase a designer model, focus on the quality of the mattress, it doesn't have to be cheap if your sofa is for daily sleep. Beautiful models can also be found from inexpensive manufacturers.

For tips on choosing a good and comfortable sofa, see the video.