How to choose a sofa?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than choosing a new sofa. The main thing - it would be soft, and the rest will follow. But everything is not so simple. Even among upholstered furniture, including sofas, there are selection criteria that affect its quality and comfort.
Types and forms
Currently, sofa models are striking in their variety. For convenience, manufacturers distinguish several categories, knowledge of the features of which greatly simplifies the choice. The first classification is the division of sofas by shape.

Corner sofa models are now at their peak of popularity, as they have several types of folding. Most common right-hand or left-hand extension... But it is quite possible to find such a model, which will transform the central part... However, before buying such a sample, you need to carefully consider its placement in the apartment. This is done in order to provide the sofa with the space necessary for full unfolding.
Another plus of corner sofas is that their elements can be interchanged with each other, creating an ideal option for one-sided space. Corner models are preferable to place in spacious rooms - in a small room they can only interfere. In a room where there is enough space, as well as in one where there is too much of it, the corner sofa will create a zone that is accented on itself, which will give the room more harmony and comfort.
Most often, corner sofas are placed along the walls, but other placement options are possible.

A very original shape of the sofa. They are similar to the corner ones, but differ in that they have two protruding sides... Can be installed in any room: living room, kitchen or nursery. They zone the space well, but are not suitable for small rooms, since they require a lot of free space. In a large room, they will draw attention to themselves, creating an emphasis on the relaxation zone. In a small room, they will create an oppressive impression of something bulky and clumsy. Not suitable for constant sleep, as they are too soft.

Straight sofas are considered classics in the upholstered furniture industry. In this regard, over the long years of production, a huge number of options for shapes, colors and sizes have accumulated. Like the corner ones they are often placed near the walls, creating a kind of functional combination of a sofa, table, pouf, additional shelves, and so on.
Straight sofas, even unassembled, are considered one of the most comfortable options for sleeping.

Round sofas are often premium upholstered furniture. This is connected not so much with materials and sizes as with their purpose. These models are not designed for sleeping. They are created for relaxation. In the interior, like the corner ones, they play the role of zoning the space and creating a relaxation zone. Of particular difficulty is the selection of a place for such a model - you need to ensure that access to the recreation area is from all sides.

Pros and cons of mechanisms
The folding mechanism is another important point when choosing a sofa. Some models are suitable for sleeping, but some converts into a rigid cot, which can lead to health problems every day. But each transformation mechanism has both advantages and disadvantages.
Book and its subspecies Eurobook refer to folding mechanisms. However, this is where the similarities end. If additional space is needed to transform the sofa-book, that is, it must at least be moved away from the wall at a sufficient distance, then the eurobook does not need it. The sofa is equipped with a special mechanism that makes it easier to move the product forward.
Eurobook is considered one of the most reliable models.

The click-gag belongs to the sliding subspecies. It looks like a book, but differs in that it has two additional options. The increased flexibility of the design implies some fragility of the mechanism, so it is better not to use this type for constant sleep. The mechanism of transformation of litas also belongs to similar ones. But it does not have additional provisions and does not unfold entirely. He only transforms the side armrests.
Folding telescope mechanism got its name from a similar way of transformation. First, the lower part rolls out, and the upper part is rolled out onto it (in the assembled state, they lay on top of each other). Its disadvantages are both in the use of an additional mattress and in the requirement for additional space. Also, frequent use of such a mechanism threatens to damage the flooring.

Accordion also gets its name from a styling method similar to this tool. Its disadvantages are that it is better not to lay out models with a wooden frame at all, metal samples are also not designed for frequent pull-out. In addition, this transformation requires a large amount of free space.
Pantograph Is an improved version of the Eurobook. Its advantages are that its foldable parts are inside and slide up instead of forward. That is, such a sofa will not damage the floor, requires much less space for transformation and is suitable for daily, more precisely, nightly use.

Microlift most often used in corner models. The lower platform rolls out and rises up, forming a sleeping place with the upper part and the corner of the sofa.Depending on the reliability of the structure, it can be suitable for both daily use and for the location of guests.
Clamshell options are also quite common. The most inconvenient is the French one. American and Italian are slightly more comfortable. Belgian is a very rare species, it transforms along with the soft parts of the sofa.

How to choose the interior?
It's no secret that you need to choose upholstered furniture so that it is in harmony with the rest of the environment. It is more difficult to fit it into a ready-made, established interior. So when choosing sofas, you need to pay attention to several points described below.
There is an unspoken rule according to which the color of the sofa should be in harmony with the color of the walls in the interior. The design should be chosen in such a way that the sofa does not merge with the wall. If the tone of the finish is very calm and even cold, then an accent on upholstered furniture will be acceptable.

If the whole room is made in a certain style, then the sofa must be selected in accordance with it. A bright option is suitable for style hi-tech or modern... Concerning classics, it is worth staying at soft, pastel shades. Since it is currently gaining popularity Scandinavian style, then take a closer look at monochromatic models of soothing colors. Or, if you are an adherent of Provence, opt for models with a pattern of flowers.
If there is no clear style in the interior, and you do not know which color model to choose, then get a plain sofa of standard shapes - if necessary, you can always decorate it with bright accent items and turn it into a real interior decoration.

The size
Such parameter as the size of upholstered furniture should be looked at when the sofa is unfolded. This will help you more accurately select a place for its placement. For example, you buy a sofa for a room, and when folded it fits perfectly, but as soon as it unfolds, the balcony, door or other important places are blocked. Well, you shouldn't buy a sofa as soon as you see it in the store. First you need to clarify its parameters and think about whether it will fit where you want.
For the living room it is better to purchase a model of a large or even giant size, since the main purpose of such a sofa is to accommodate guests. Corner specimens are well suited for this purpose. For children's room it is better to choose a small but very functional sofa with drawers for linen and a hard surface that acts as a table. If you are looking for a sofa for kitchen, then pay attention to special kitchen corners - they are often made of materials that are easy to clean.
For large families, you need to choose models that can accommodate a large number of people.

Which material is better?
It is easy to get confused in the variety of shapes, fillers, manufacturers, upholstery and frames, especially for a person who has nothing to do with this, but just wants to buy a comfortable sofa for evenings in front of the TV. Let's try to figure out which material is better and what it is suitable for.
How long your furniture will last you depends on it. It is in your best interest for the sofa to last as long as possible. The most durable frame is metal. Also a very reliable but more expensive option is a mahogany, oak or other wood frame. The most budgetary, but at the same time quite durable frame is made of chipboard sheets. But such sheets are also different, and for a longer service, it is necessary to choose those that are covered with a special layer of protective material, while the frame parts must be bolted together.

A sofa with a suitable filling should be chosen depending on what it is intended for, since with daily use, some materials very quickly lose their shape and "flatten".For everyday sleep, models with special spring blocks are suitable. Very cozy and soft sofas with foam filling, but if you sleep on them every day, then they will sag very quickly.
Latex foam is one of the best filler materials available. It is also very soft, but will retain its appearance for a long time.

The best material for upholstery is considered Genuine Leather. It is very durable, practically does not wear out and is resistant to moisture, that is, such a sofa can be washed. However, it also has disadvantages - this is the high cost and the fact that the skin of animals specially killed for this is used for the production of this material. Currently, the issues of ecology and wildlife protection are very acutely raised, so sofas with leather upholstery can be simply unpleasant for someone.
Have similar properties and patterns made of artificial leather. For people who are concerned about animal welfare, this is a great option to get all the benefits of leather sofas without the suffering of sentient beings.

The most common are materials such as tapestry, jacquard and chenille... They are also the most acceptable in terms of price-quality ratio, and therefore are used for upholstery of sofas that are used every day. When choosing samples from such materials, pay special attention to the seams: they must be even and without protruding threads.
Pet owners, especially cats, should pay attention to the upholstery from jacquard. She will suffer much less from their claws. But the upholstery from velor, matting and chenille not worth buying in such houses.

Selection criteria for the purpose
To choose the right sofa, you need to pay attention to all of the above. These few rules will help you find a durable sofa that will harmoniously fit into the room you want. Very often, a sofa in a house is a gathering place for the whole family in the evenings, so the choice of a quality model should be taken seriously. So, let's repeat all of the above.
Prepare a place for a new piece of furniture in advance and measure the amount of free space. Write down the measurements and go to the store. Do not hesitate to ask the sellers for the parameters of the model you are interested in. remember, that a sofa in a one-room apartment should not eat up the entire space of the room. For your convenience, at least a small passage should remain.

In order for the sofa to serve you as long as possible, decide whether it will be a guest or for daily sleep. Purchase a model according to its purpose. From the variety of transformation mechanisms, choose the category that suits you. Try the mechanism in the store: is it convenient for you to use it? In addition, all parts of the folding structure must be thicker than 3 millimeters, well connected to each other and easy to move.
A guarantee is a must. You do not know if this filler is suitable for you, whether it is comfortable to sleep on it, and many other details. Therefore, it is important that the sofa can always be returned or replaced with another model. But the warranty less than 18 months is a reason to think about the durability of the model and choose another manufacturer with a longer warranty period.
This is practically all the advice of experts, now we will give recommendations for the sofa according to the state of the human body.

For constant sleep
Perhaps the most serious choice. The wrong choice of filler for daily sleep can even lead to back problems or constant pain in the spinal region, which is quite unpleasant and significantly reduces the quality of life. Spring blocks are the best choice for sleeping. They not only retain their shape well, but also have orthopedic properties. Latex foam works well as well, but it will last longer and cost more.
The minus of the spring blocks - over time they will begin to creak, and if the sofa is made of poor quality, then over time they will crawl out closer to the surface and will interfere during sleep... So if you decide to purchase a model with such a filler, then you should not save. The best option is a spring block with independent springs. It is advisable that the sofa has armrests, so the bed linen will not roll. The Eurobook, like the accordion, is the most convenient transformation option, which is suitable for sleeping for every day.

For guests
A guest sofa has fewer requirements than a sleeping sofa. It is better to choose a large sample, such as a corner sample. The ideal filler is also a spring block, but since it may seem too stiff to some, it is necessary that it be covered with a layer of foam rubber.

For seniors
Orthopedic sofas are suitable for the elderly. These include models with an independent spring block or latex foam. But it is better to purchase a piece of furniture based on medical indications.

Top manufacturers
The following firms are considered the most popular in Russia: Rival, Slavic Furniture, Pegasus, Sapsan and Lerroy. These factories produce quality products in all shapes and sizes. Firms KRISTIE and ANDERSSEN produce corner sofas that are recognized as the best in this category. This list contains brands of various price points, so when choosing a sofa it is also worth considering the amount that you are willing to spend on its purchase.

For information on how to choose the right sofa, see the next video.