How to choose a soft sofa?

The upholstered furniture industry offers a wide variety of models and products. Among the entire range of products, soft sofas are the most popular. They can be found in any living space, office, shop and other premises.

Types and their description
All existing models of upholstered sofas can be divided according to several parameters.
- Corner. It is best to install this type of model in the corners of the room. They will occupy the minimum amount of usable floor space.
- Island. In most cases, such models are rounded, so they cannot be placed in a corner or against a wall. Island furniture is installed in the center of large rooms.
- Straight. Classic soft sofas of small sizes, suitable for any premises.

- Office. Designed for use in commercial premises. They are made in a simple style with upholstery with increased wear resistance.
- For the living room. These models can be made in various styles. They have large dimensions and can be equipped with transformation mechanisms.
- For the hallway... Compact models designed for short-term rest.
- For the nursery... The main requirement for such models is the use of materials that do not cause allergies, increased reliability of the structure and mechanisms. The upholstery material is always painted in bright colors.

Dimensions (edit)
- Compact. Such models can comfortably accommodate no more than three people.
- Oversized... Large soft sofas for 4 or more people.

The transformation mechanism is understood as a device with which you can change the shape and position of the back, seat or armrests of furniture.
Models with such a mechanism can transform for sleep or rest. To create a berth, it is enough to fold the backrest back. Advantages: reliability, suitable for daily use. Disadvantages: the mechanism allows you to transform the sofa in only two positions.
Irregularities may appear in the place of joining of the folding parts, which cause inconvenience during sleep.

The principle of operation of the mechanism is as follows: with the help of rollers, a part of the sofa is pushed forward by a distance equal to the size of the back cushions. They are neatly laid in the formed niche, getting a full-fledged berth.
Advantages: fast transformation, reliability and simplicity of the mechanism, the presence of voluminous niches for storing things inside the sofa.
Disadvantages: the transformation mechanism can be installed on a sofa structure with a wide seating position.
For people of short stature, it will be inconvenient to rest on such a sofa, leaning on the back.

The sleeping place must be pushed forward a little, and then pulled towards you. The frame of the sofa will stand on the extended supports, thereby forming a flat, large surface.
Advantages: when folded, the sofa has compact dimensions. The mechanism is reliable and can withstand significant loads, and the transformation process does not require much effort.
disadvantages: Due to the massive structure, the sofa may slide on the floor during the process.

To transform this mechanism, simply pull on the handle on the bottom of the sofa. The section on the inside rolls forward and contains a large pillow with a strap. With a small amount of force and pulling, the pillow is flush with the seat to form a monolithic sleeping area.
Advantages: simple transformation process, comfortable place to stay.
Disadvantages: due to the heavy load on the frame, the average service life of the mechanism is 7 years.

There is a wide variety of soft sofa styles, each with its own characteristics and fans.
High tech
Models of this style harmoniously combine a variety of colors and textures. Soft sofas can be decorated with unique elements. Distinctive features of such furniture are straight lines and rectangular elements. Chrome and glass are used as additional materials.

Art deco
It is considered one of the most luxurious styles. The soft Art Deco sofas are dominated by majestic curved shapes and sophisticated patterns. Art Deco models are decorated with large buttons and massive armrests.

The main concept of this style is the absence of unnecessary details. The design of the models is maximally simplified... Many minimalist soft sofa designs are modular.
Each element has the correct geometric shape.

Soft sofas of this style have smooth curved lines and plastic shapes, which are decorated with various kinds of fittings. Modern in its essence is the opposite of the classic style.

The cozy, rustic style is popular with shoppers, especially city dwellers. The main distinguishing features of this style are simplicity of execution, the predominance of straight lines, the absence of elements with varnishing and polishing, upholstery in light colors with small patterns, a minimum amount of decorative ornaments.

Furniture of this style is made from expensive and high quality materials. - genuine leather and expensive wood species. Classic soft sofas are purchased by lovers of historical samples and connoisseurs of antiquity.Modern classic style furniture is made from modern materials.

Selection Tips
To decide on a suitable model of an upholstered sofa, there are several parameters to pay attention to.
- Frame... One of the elements that affects the durability and reliability of the structure. It must be stable, withstand significant loads, and not loosened. The most reliable is a frame made of metal.

- Upholstery. The entire area of an upholstered sofa should be evenly upholstered. The upholstery surface should be free of folds and irregularities. If it is made with high quality, then the lines of the drawings will be solid without breaks and abrupt transitions.

- Mechanism. If a soft sofa is chosen in order to sleep on it, then special attention is paid to the transformation mechanism. It is better to choose a simple model that can be quickly turned into a sleeping place and transformed back.

- Filler. High-quality filler can provide supercomfortable conditions for rest and sleep. The main criterion for its choice should be the ability to recover its shape after deformation.

- The form... Convenience and comfort of an upholstered sofa are determined by its shape. In each case, the choice will be individual. Depending on the requirements of the consumer, the sofa can have large, massive armrests, high backs or a set of additional pillows.

- Equipment. Many manufacturers equip their models with additional options: a bar, lighting, a pull-out table, a set of transformation mechanisms.

Beautiful examples
Some of the design solutions implemented in the creation of soft sofas are truly beautiful and amazing.
- A large number of plush toys are used to make such a sofa.... The result is a soft and massive sofa that looks cute and romantic. The disadvantage of the model is the difficulty of caring for it.

- Straight model in classic style. A unique material is used as a filler, which is a viscous but elastic foam. It completely takes the shape of the human body.

- At first glance, the model looks extravagant, but at the same time it is quite functional. If you completely recline the back, you get a full-fledged place to sleep. Sofa petals are used as armrests or laptop stands. The luminaire, which creates additional comfort, is made in the shape of a stamen.

- To create the Spiritof 427, real parts from cars made in the 60s and 70s of the last century are used. The sofa is suitable for lovers of retro cars. Visually, the model looks luxurious and expensive.

How to choose a sofa, see below.