How to choose a comfortable and beautiful sleeping sofa?

The assortment of sofas is constantly updated with new models of various modifications. Cozy sleeping models are among the most popular and demanded ones. They are chosen by many consumers who want to purchase both a convenient and multifunctional piece of furniture. In this article, we will take a closer look at such constructions and find out what varieties they are divided into.

A sofa, which additionally fulfills the tasks of a sleeping place, is a very useful and functional piece of furniture. Such products often become the optimal solution, especially if the dwelling does not have room for a standard large bed or it is necessary to place additional beds for sleeping. Modern manufacturers offer many varieties of these furniture designs. Let's get to know them better.

In many homes, you can see the classic models of standard straight sofas. Furniture of this design is found in many stores. Standard sleeping sofas have the simplest rectangular structure. There are no corner or rounded parts in their design. Usually, such products are put along one of the free walls in the room.
The sizes of standard sofas with a built-in berth are different. On sale you can find both large and spacious and miniature options designed for placement in a small room.

Sleeping sofas of a corner structure are insanely popular and in demand today. Manufacturers regularly release new models of such upholstered furniture, complementing it with various functional details.Of course, products with a bed for sleeping, a bar or a safe are quite expensive for customers, but they turn out to be very useful in operation.
Corner sleeping sofas can be structured:
- L- or L-shaped;
- U-shaped.

The first options (L- and L-shaped) are ideal for a limited area. Such pieces of furniture are usually placed in an unoccupied corner. Thus, the useful space remains the same functional, and the sleeping sofa does not overload the interior and does not overlap the walk-through area.
Sleeping can be modern U-shaped models of sofas. These products look expensive and luxurious, but take up much more free space than L- or L-shaped designs. For a small room, this type of sofa is completely unsuitable, and the U-shaped model is more expensive.

Radius (or bay window) sofas look very elegant and rich. Such rounded models look especially organic and attractive in conditions of non-standard layouts. Often, radius sofas, along with corner or rectangular models, are equipped with spacious storage systems. Drawers can be impressive in size and can accommodate many different items.
Many firms offer the manufacture of such non-standard furniture according to individual sizes and the wishes of the customer.

A large assortment of consumers can delight modern couches with an extra bed. Such designs are presented in a wide price range. The design and dimensions of such products also allow you to choose the optimal model for everyone.
On sale there are often couches with a berth, designed for installation in a kitchen. More functional options with large drawers for storing various items are also on sale. The design of the couches is either classic rectangular or angular. Meet very comfortable specimens with a high back and armrests (there can be 1 or 2 of them).

All sleeping sofas that go on sale today can also be divided into the following types:
- single - in such structures, a sleeping place is provided for only 1 person;

- one-and-a-half - a larger sleeping sofa, this option is considered more comfortable than a small single sofa;

- double - the sofa is designed for 2 people, but if necessary, a child can additionally fit here;

- three-bed - designed for 3 users, in most cases these models are purchased by family people who need more free space to sleep.

Existing sofa beds are divided not only by shape and structure, but also by the mechanism that opens the sleeping place. Often, consumers make their choice of the ideal furniture design based on this very important criterion.
Each folding or roll-out system has its own characteristics and nuances of work, which the user should be aware of.

Sleeping sofas equipped with such a mechanism are considered one of the simplest and most unpretentious. There is nothing complicated in their work. This piece of furniture can be easily and quickly converted into 2 comfortable sleeping places. The product has 2 main parts, which can be equipped with durable woven upholstery.
The process of laying out and cleaning a product with such a system is carried out in several steps:
- first you need to gently raise the sofa seat until you hear a characteristic click;
- then the seat goes back down and the sofa can be folded out;
- folding is no less simple - the seat is raised until you hear a click;
- then it is lowered, the sofa returns to its original position.

A sofa bed with a "book" mechanism has a lot of positive characteristics, for example:
- the design of this furniture is simple and understandable to the limit, it rises and falls very easily - even a fragile girl can easily cope with all the procedures;
- due to the simplicity of the design, home craftsmen have the opportunity to make such furniture with their own hands;
- such a sleeping sofa can be compact and will not take up much space in the room;
- models with a "book" mechanism are presented in a very rich assortment.

The second most popular are sleeping sofas equipped with a mechanism called "Eurobook". Such a system can be roll-out or folding.
The mechanism "Eurobook" is multifunctional, practical, wear-resistant. Sofas with this design are bought for both home and summer cottages. They unfold simply:
- first, the seat will need to be moved forward (for this, small roll-out rollers are provided in its device);
- after that, a small niche will appear in the inner part, into which a part of the structure will be formed, which plays the role of the back of the furniture;
- the result is a double bed.

The main advantages of sofa beds with this mechanism:
- compact dimensions;
- when unfolded, products take up almost as much space as when folded;
- complete with a similar design comes a storage box in which you can place all the necessary things.

Modern sleeping models of sofas, which have an accordion mechanism, are in great demand. It has a lot of fasteners, so this furniture is more expensive. Externally, the specified product is a sturdy sliding frame made of durable metal. The device also has rigid lateral orthopedic lamellas.

Let's analyze the main features of this mechanism for sleeping sofas.
- The disassembly method has a lot in common with the classic withdrawable models. To do this, raise the seat and pull it slightly towards you. The mechanism will roll out by itself and get into the correct position.
- After the completion of the unfolding, a large and absolutely flat base appears - a bed for sleeping. There are no irregularities or depressions on it.
- One-and-a-half sofas with accordion system are well suited for small users. Such furniture is often placed in children's rooms where kids from 5 years old live.
- Most of the units are sold with a spring block and an orthopedic mattress, so you don't have to purchase the latter as an add-on.

Sleeping modifications of sofas with a dolphin mechanism are exhibited in many stores. The specified system is relatively new, but this did not prevent it from gaining enviable popularity among buyers.
Options with the mechanism under consideration are decomposed as follows:
- you need to pull the loop that is securely attached to the compartment located directly under the sofa seat;
- you need to pull up and towards yourself;
- the section is then moved and fixed next to the seat section, resulting in a wide sleeping area.

The dolphin mechanism has several main advantages:
- forms the most flat, comfortable surface for sleeping;
- manufacturers have provided for the presence of a capacious storage box (usually this element is located in the non-rollable half);
- the considered mechanism unfolds very easily and quickly, without unnecessary effort;
- upholstered furniture with such a design can be placed in any room.

"French clamshell"
This system has a special triple folding mechanism that is located under the seat cushions. Sleeping sofas with such a transformation mechanism are not so common and are still considered relatively new. Before expanding such a structure, you need to remove the pillows from the furniture. Next, you need to pull the special handle and pull out the lower half. Only after this will the structure gradually unfold.

Before buying upholstered furniture with the considered mechanism, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of its characteristics.
- The sleeping place here is a frame consisting of 3 sections, which are interconnected by means of hinged parts. Its main addition is a soft orthopedic mattress.
- Multifunctional models of sofas with the "French folding bed" mechanism when folded have modest dimensions, so they can be safely installed even in small rooms.
- It is believed that such furniture is more suitable for guests. If you use such a sofa regularly, it will soon lead to the fact that the mattress will begin to sag under stress.
- The considered designs have one significant drawback - there is no free space for storing things.

Dimensions (edit)
When choosing a sleeping sofa for any room, it is important to consider its size. The size of the furniture must correspond to the square of the selected room.
Depending on the selected model of the sofa, its width and length can vary - 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 250 cm. For small rooms, they often take short models. Under certain conditions, it is possible to place only mini-products without the possibility of unfolding.

Today on sale most often there are models of folding or sliding sofas with the following dimensional values:
- 160x200;
- 200x200;
- 180x200;
- 120x200;
- 140x200;
- 120x190;
- 130x200;
- 100x200;
- 90x200;
- 150x200;
- 140x190;
- 100x190 cm.

In stores, you can find multifunctional sleeping sofas of different depths. It will be possible to select both modest, shallow, and models with more impressive parameters. The most common are products with a depth of 70 or 80 cm.

When choosing the best sofa with a sleeping place, it is important to pay attention to its design. There are some simple rules to keep in mind when choosing the perfect option for you.
- The sofa should be in the same style as the surroundings. For example, in a catchy baroque style, an exquisite model with high curly legs, made of expensive materials, would be appropriate. For minimalism, a simple and concise option without ostentatious luxury is more suitable.

- In modern interiors, it is recommended to have restrained models devoid of classic lines.... Clear geometry is desirable. Leather upholstery will be appropriate, trim without joints.

- For a classic style, natural light fabrics are desirable. Wooden parts are allowed, there may be carved elements on the furniture.

- Furniture color matters... The sofa does not have to be exactly the same color as the walls in the room. In this case, the design will simply dissolve against the general background. The differences should be at least in tonality.

- Colors the selected sofa can "reinforce" the color of the stretch ceiling, curtains or other textiles in the room.

- Furniture with variegated drawings and prints it is better to put it in a room with a neutral and calm, monochromatic finish. Otherwise, the interior will turn out to be lurid and annoying - you need to be moderate in colors and small details.

Selection Tips
If you want to choose a really high-quality sofa bed, it must be done especially scrupulously and carefully. It is advisable to pay attention to a number of basic criteria.
- It is important to make sure of the high quality of the assembly of the selected products. Assemble and disassemble the structure you like at least a couple of times. Make sure it doesn't squeak, get stuck or crunchy. The mechanism should not be too heavy.
Check the condition of the legs and frame - these parts should not raise doubts about their strength and reliability.

- It is advisable to carefully read all labels on the furniture. This way you will know exactly what kind of care your chosen sofa needs. If you neglect this point, in the future you can face a lot of problems, for example, when removing a stain that has appeared on the upholstery.
If the latter is removed incorrectly, the appearance of the product can be irreversibly damaged.

- Inspect all the small parts and fittings in the sofa structure. All components must be in place, well secured.
The presence of loose parts should discourage buying a product.

- The size of the sofa is important. Decide in advance where exactly the space will be allocated for the furniture structure - in the bedroom instead of a bed, on the loggia, in the kitchen, in the hall or in the nursery. Measure the selected room. Based on the available free squares, you need to choose the dimensions of the furniture.

- Carefully inspect the condition of the upholstery on the fold-out sofa. The material (any) should not have frayed or discolored areas, protruding threads, holes or torn places.
If any were noticed, it is better not to buy furniture, even if it is offered at a tempting discount.

- Do not forget about the design of upholstered furniture. As mentioned above, a sofa of any modification should harmoniously fit into the environment, and not knock out of it.
It is important to monitor the consistency of the stylistic and color design of the selected furniture.

- Try to buy only branded sofas with a built-in sleeper... Of course, branded products are often expensive, but there are no unnecessary problems with them - they last longer, are more durable and attractive.

- It is better to buy a quality sleeping sofa in a proven furniture showroom. You can visit a mono-brand outlet, if there is one in the city.

Beautiful examples in the interior
Modern sleeping sofas are available in the widest range. The shops display models of all colors and styles. You can choose the perfect model for an interior designed in any key. Let's consider several harmonious and attractive examples in which the considered furniture is present.
A sofa with a Eurobook mechanism, which has brown seats, a yellow lower part, wooden high armrests and cushions (back) with contrasting colors will look harmonious in a room with light walls and floor. On the contrary, you can put a coffee table in gentle tones, and lay a beige carpet on the floor.
Warm colors will dilute the dark floor lamp and the picture on the wall with a contrasting frame.

In a colorful interior, containing bold colors and daring decorations, a large corner sofa will look spectacular and original, in which several juicy shades are collected at once. You can make furniture even brighter by complementing rich decorative pillows with polka dots. This interior design idea will appeal only to courageous individuals who love rich colors.

A chic L-shaped sofa of great length with cream leather upholstery can be a real decoration of the interior, made in a modern way. The walls can be contrasting - dark. On a light floor, you should lay a fluffy carpet and put a black coffee table in front of the sofa with a hidden berth.

In the room, against the background of soft cream walls, you can put a stylish corner sofa a couple of shades darker. It will be good if the product has armrests with dark upper surfaces - this will make the sofa stand out more against the background of light walls. On the contrary, it is worth putting up a black glass table of an unusual shape.
It is better to finish the floor in such an environment with materials in chocolate shades - as a result, all contrasts of the interior will be soft and pleasant.

Against the background of walls in gray tones, a folding minimalistic sofa in soft green tones will look perfect. At the same time, a black fluffy carpet should be laid on the floor and a tall shiny floor lamp should be placed next to it.

You can find out how to choose a stylish sofa below.