How to replace the spring block in the sofa?

Unfortunately, nothing is eternal: over time, any thing loses its attractive appearance or fails. This statement fully applies to furniture. Very often, in the process of prolonged use, seating on the surface of the sofa begins to fail. This indicates that the springs have become unusable and need to be replaced.
There are several ways to solve the problem: buy a new sofa, hire specialists to repair it, or try to repair it yourself. The first two options will not cause difficulties, but we will consider the third in more detail.

The need for replacement
The first signal that it is time to replace the springs is the appearance of dents or elevations on the sleeping surface. After that, more and more spirals gradually begin to break, in the end rest turns into torment, the muscles do not rest, the musculoskeletal system does not relax after a hard day, and the person does not get enough sleep.
To prevent this, you need to monitor the condition of the furniture in order to repair it at the first sign of malfunction.

Consider the most common cases in which you need to replace the springs on the sofa.
- Manufacturing defect of steel spirals, low quality of the metal used in their manufacture and other malfunctions that cannot be detected by visual inspection at the time of purchase - they only appeared over time.
- The product has served for a long time, and over time, the springs have lost their elasticity. The use of furniture has ceased to be comfortable, especially if it is used for relaxation when unfolded.
- The spring block is too hard, and it is uncomfortable to rest on such a sofa. Stiffness cannot be adjusted, but you need to either change the internal elements, or lay an additional layer of foam rubber under the upholstery.

Preparation for work
You need to carefully prepare for a high-quality repair in advance.
You should have in stock new elements to replace the failed ones and all the tools that will be needed in the work.
We decide on the springs, inside the sofa, and buy them at any convenient place (store, market or via the Internet).
Basic types of spring elements
View | Dignity | disadvantages |
Serpentine flat | Ease of manufacture, long service life, low price. | Over time, they sag, lose their elasticity, are used mainly on sleeping models. |
Spring dependent Bonnel base | Affordable cost, fairly high workmanship, good quality and convenience. | After prolonged use, it may begin to emit extraneous sounds; if even one spring breaks, a complete replacement of the unit is required. |
Autonomous spring block | Each spiral is attached independently of the others, which ensures ease of repair and a high level of comfort when unfolded and folded. | High cost |

Do-it-yourself repairs will save a significant amount for the family budget, since you do not need to pay for the services of a master. After you have decided on the springs, you should prepare the tool.
To eliminate defects in the sofa at home, we need the following tools:
- screwdriwer set;
- wrench or adjustable wrench;
- pliers or wire cutters to remove the fastening brackets;
- stationery knife or scissors to cut the lining material;
- tape measure;
- a stapler, better for construction, for securing the upholstery fabric after completion of work.

The final stage of preparation is the purchase of a base for springs and foam rubber. The spring blocks are mounted on plywood, it is best to use a material with a thickness of at least 8 mm.
The filler should be purchased with the required thickness, which is determined after measuring the height of the base and springs, but if the required size is not available, you can buy a thinner one and put it in several layers.

Step-by-step instruction
It is quite simple to replace the spring block with your own hands, for this you need to follow the instructions for performing the repair work.
- When renovating a sofa, the side panels are removed first. This is done with a wrench.
- Then the upholstery is removed, the dust that has accumulated there over the years of operation is thoroughly cleaned.
- This is followed by an inspection of the design of the sofa. During use, cracks could appear in the beams, perhaps even they broke from impacts. Damaged bars must be replaced, small cracks can be repaired with pads and screws.
- Next step: replacing the plywood base, if there is a need for it.
- Then we determine the damaged element and make repairs depending on the type of the spring block. Either full replacement or custom. With a partial replacement, the damaged springs are separated with pliers from nearby ones and new ones are put in their place. The springs are held together by wire. Remember to bend the wire inside the spring block for safety.
- At the end, you need to put everything back together. A foam or holofiber mat is placed on the repaired block - it is more reliable and lasts longer.
- Next, the sofa is covered with an upholstery fabric, new or old, but previously cleaned from dust and dirt.
- The sidewalls are returning to their place and the refurbished sofa is ready for use.
If everything is done correctly, the upholstered furniture will serve for many years to come.

Instead of a conclusion
When choosing a sofa, pay attention to what type of springs is used there, since the durability of the product depends on this.
If you have back problems, it is best to consult your doctor first. He will advise on which surface you should sleep on.
And also it is worth finding out what types of fillers were used in the manufacture of this instance. The model with which springs you choose will determine the final price of the product and the ease of repair in the future when it is needed.
For information on how to change the springs, see the video.