Gratitude meditation

The ability to value one's surroundings and current events, to thank God for them brings peace and happiness to a person. If you are unhappy with your life and complain about the vicissitudes of life, then gratitude meditation will fundamentally change your beliefs.
How does it work?
Meditative techniques of gratitude help a person to notice all the positive aspects of life, to find peace of mind and calmness. The ability to express sincere gratitude for everything that happens in life instills inner confidence in a person, gives motivation for new achievements. A person acquires the ability to rejoice at any insignificant events, to find pluses in negative facts. It gets rid of the negativity.
Gratitude gives people additional resources, because in difficult times it will not be difficult for a grateful person to remember the most pleasant moments of life and rely on them.
Daily meditation leads a person to positive results:
- the quality of life increases;
- the set goals are easily achieved;
- a way out of a difficult situation is quickly found;
- the emotional background is leveled;
- stress resistance increases;
- depression and apathy are gone forever;
- the ability to find pluses in unpleasant situations is acquired;
- communication with others brings joy, ease, ease and pleasure;
- comes the realization that you have to live here and now.

The simplest meditation "Water flow"animates a minimum of time. You need to choose a comfortable position and focus on inhaling and exhaling. Deep and even breathing should be continued for several minutes. Then you need to release muscle tension and relax to the maximum.Next, you need to imagine yourself on the shore of a quiet lake, imagine its spaciousness and water surface, feel complete tranquility.
After the onset of peace in your soul, begin to thank God for your life, destiny and for everything that you have. Do not forget to mentally thank all the people who were once near you, and those who are now present in your life.
The second technique "Gratitude Diary" aims at fixing the pleasant moments of life in memory, the ability to notice the beauty in everyday life. Experts recommend that every day before bed, write down in a notebook all the events for which you are grateful to the Universe. Focus your attention on the past day, try once again to mentally relive all the wonderful moments. You need to fix at least 5 points on the sheet.
This is followed by an evening gratitude meditation. In the morning, you need to read again everything for which you thank yesterday. Morning grateful meditation practice positively attunes you to the day ahead.
The next meditation includes both of the previous techniques. It's called Gratitude in Silence. To do this, you must first write down about 7-10 events in a secluded place for which you are grateful to fate. Then they recommend sitting on a chair or on the floor in the lotus position. Straighten your shoulders and back should not be tense. Keep your head straight. Fold your hands in your lap, close your eyes, and completely relax all muscles.
Next, you need to feel how peace fills the body. Then focus on your deep, even breathing. Once your breathing is aligned, focus on your gratitude. Say out loud everything for which you are grateful to God.

There is an effective technique for being grateful to the universe. Mentally collect all your sensations into a single golden ball and send it into the Universe. In this way, you can attract cosmic energy. Feel how the ball, which has absorbed your love and gratitude, expands and fills the entire space around you. This powerful energy of the Universe envelops you and your loved ones. Thank God from the bottom of your soul for everything you have at this moment.
At the end of meditation practices, one should sit quietly and try to enjoy the feeling of complete peace and happiness. Man enters into harmony with the Universe and himself. In conclusion, it is necessary to say once again the words of gratitude to the Universe.
The meditative technique of gratitude is recommended to be carried out in bed before going to bed. It is necessary to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax all muscles, concentrate on the breathing process. Then you need to imagine yourself lying next to a magic river, the rapid flow of which you clearly feel. First, you need to mentally thank your parents, other family members, friends, colleagues. Then it is worth expressing gratitude to God for everything that happened to you during the past day.
Experts give the following tips for doing gratitude meditation before bed:
- concentrate on the pleasant moments of the day: waking up from the trill of birds, warm rain, the scent of blooming lilacs, a report submitted on time, the planned career advancement, a visit to an interesting museum, a delicious dinner with friends;
- think about what brings you joy, what you want most in life, and what you would painlessly give up forever;
- find positive moments in an unpleasant situation that has happened, think about whether it can be turned in the right direction.

When gratitude becomes a part of a person's life, then new opportunities appear for creating conditions for his comfortable existence. The following actions of the subject approach this state:
- daily stay in the fresh air, communication with nature;
- gratuitous acts that help those in need and heal the soul of a person who wants to share his gratitude with others;
- showing love for people and giving gifts to relatives and friends without any reason;
- leading a healthy lifestyle, in which giving up bad habits, balanced nutrition and physical activity cleanse the mind and fill life with positive.
Gratitude meditation techniques do not take a long time for a person, but they are of great benefit. There are some secrets that can help you achieve maximum effect. It is important to find a quiet and comfortable place for meditation. It is necessary to block all extraneous sounds. To do this, use headphones, from which a light, quiet melody can sound.
Music helps you tune in to meditation.

Need to wear comfortable clothesthat does not constrain the body. Visualizing yourself in your favorite outfit and comfortable shoes instills calmness and confidence in a person. At the same time, you need to present your refreshed face with a beautiful hairstyle. In this case, all your movements acquire determination and confidence. And you yourself immediately begin to feel prudence and wisdom.
Skill is also important relax completely. Sit or lie comfortably. You need to relax each muscle, make deep breaths in and out for several minutes. It is best at these moments to imagine yourself on the banks of the river. Imagine that you are breathing in fresh cool air, watching the flow of a river stream. During meditation exercises, it is important to feel a sense of deep gratitude to the surrounding landscape, everyday life, relatives and friends.
While performing grateful techniques, you should not ignore even the smallest joys and pleasant little things. You need to thank every minute of your life. Learn to enjoy everything: a new day, a roof over your head, delicious food, invigorating morning coffee, birdsong, good weather, green spaces around your house, every small stream, communication with people.
Breathe deeply, live happily and thank God for every second of your life given to you.