Deepak Chopra Meditations

Alan Chumak, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Deepak Chopra. What unites these people, how are they different? The first two were very popular in our country at the end of the last century. They "healed" from a distance. Their tele-healing sessions have chained millions of people to their screens. The streets were empty during the programs with their participation. Some indeed claimed that they were getting rid of terrible ailments through the blue screen.
Deepak Chopra is better known in the USA. There, he, too, more than once became a participant in television programs, in particular, the Oprah Winfrey talk show, which was once popular in the United States. By the way, she was twice (in 2010 and 2013) named the most influential celebrity by Forbes magazine. But if our tele-healers promised to get rid of physical disabilities, then Deepak Chopra suggests that we first cleanse the soul, and only then the body. He went beyond his eastern counterparts and created a healing program from an online course. He does not need to negotiate with the heads of TV channels so that they give him time on the air, he fills it himself in the virtual world and the lives of those who believe his word.
Who is this?
Who is this Mr. Chopra? It is not surprising that a native of India preaches the principles of the ancient medicine of his homeland. Truth, initially he was the most ordinary doctor, but then he became disillusioned with modern medicine and returned to basics. This allowed him to become not just a successful doctor, but one of the most famous, and not only in America, where he emigrated from his native India in 1968. He is called one of the most influential physicians of our time.
He has more than 80 books on his account, they have been translated into dozens of languages of the world, their total circulation exceeds 20 million copies.... He is a welcome guest at thematic seminars, and citizens are waiting for him right at home.
Deepak Chopra will "visit" you at any convenient time, albeit virtually. His audio and video meditation programs are easy to find on the Internet.

Meditation options
One of the most famous and common Chopra meditation methods is the 21 Day Meditation program. First, it is free to use. Secondly, it will not take much time. One session will take only 15 minutes. But for the full course, you will learn to live in a new way.
This is what a person gets in just 21 days, according to the author of the method:
- release from negative emotions, old experiences and bad thoughts;
- mood for a joyful, happy and fulfilling future;
- getting rid of old prejudices, prejudices, erroneous attitudes that poison existence and limit a person in his capabilities;
- the ability to easily start building the relationships you need;
- getting rid of fears and unnecessary worries, empty vanity;
- the ability to overcome difficulties with a smile, easily;
- improvement of well-being.
Moreover, living well will become a habit that, according to Deepak Chopra, every person develops in 21 days - no more, no less. On each of these days, you will receive a mantra from the teacher, repeating which you will discover hidden talents in yourself and will definitely find love in the broadest sense of the word.

"The Key to Abundance"
This is the first cycle of meditation on a three-week journey to a brighter future. While listening to it, you will understand:
- what does it mean to have abundance;
- how abundance is manifested;
- how to become the owner of abundance in everything in your life.
"Perfect health"
This is not only another part of the 21 day meditation course, but also the title of one of Deepak Chopra's books. In it, he managed to combine lyrics (or rather, philosophy) and physics. It is somewhat reminiscent of the author himself. It contains both innate Eastern wisdom and pragmatic Western science.
By combining two approaches to medicine, Chopra helps his "patients" understand their body, to hear its signals. On the pages of this work of an American with Indian roots, you will find not just stories about how bad habits act on us, after reading them you really realize what this or that effect on your body leads to. You will be able to restore a relationship with your own body.
As a result, well-being and health will improve. You will stop reacting to negative events or changes in the weather.

"The awakening of happiness"
If you are nevertheless closer to live, albeit online, communication with the master, then there is one more development for you - a program called "The Awakening of Happiness". It is presented on the Internet in Russian. It contains the main postulates from two books of Deepak Chopra at once - "The Recipe for Absolute Happiness" and "Spiritual Decisions". As you might guess, it is designed for those who dream of finding happiness.
The author of the technique believes that happiness is the main goal of everyone, and everything we do, we do only in order to become happy. This program teaches how to do this in the shortest possible time, not to waste time on unnecessary worries. Its price is about 3 thousand rubles. But the author promises that for this amount you will certainly:
- find a source of happiness;
- know the wisdom of your body;
- learn self-esteem;
- cleanse yourself of toxins;
- open your heart;
- your capacity for awareness will become much higher;
- instead of fear, love will appear in your life;
- the amount of joy in life will increase.

Practice tips
It is believed that morning and evening meditations are most effective, since during these hours the rhythm of life seems to slow down and therefore it is easier for our body to relax. It will be especially useful to practice in the earliest hours, even before dawn. In addition, if you suddenly suddenly felt the desire to meditate, then this means that you need to pay increased attention to this issue at this particular time.
It doesn't matter where you are at this moment - at work or at home. You just need to choose a convenient location. It is better, of course, to sit on the ground, but your favorite chair will do. The main thing is to keep your back straight. So your mind will be clearer, and if you lie down, you risk falling asleep during meditation.
However, if your health condition does not allow you to sit down, then start meditating while lying down. Soon you will definitely be able to get up, says Chopra. You can put your hands on your knees, but the main thing is that the palms are facing up. Thus, you open up to the world, accept the flow of its energies.
After that, start chanting the mantra you received from the teacher, or listen to his voice. If you start to get in the way of unnecessary thoughts, try to get rid of them. Smooth, measured breathing and mantras, of course, will help with this. There should be a place in your head only for bright thoughts and ideas that will certainly appear after getting to know the magical world of Deepak Chopra.

Review overview
Among the followers of Deepak Chopra are people of different ages, nationalities, political views, social status. Among those who follow his advice, they name Mikhail Gorbachev, and Demi Moore, and many other well-known and not so personalities. Former United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen gave the following review of Deepak Chopra's writings: "He offers a step-by-step guide to unleashing the power of leadership that everyone has."
But in the opinion of modern Russian businessmen who left reviews on the Internet, meditations according to the Deepak Chopra program - it is a powerful yet very gentle way to set yourself up for the day ahead in the best possible way. Many, after a three-week course, admit that this helped open up new facets of consciousness for them.
Most of the American-American Indian doctor's adherents say it helps them make their every day more productive and calm, but most importantly, it helps them feel happy.