Meditations for clearing negativity

Very often negative incidents happen in our life. Who knows why this is happening? Maybe someone jinxed the person, or maybe he himself accidentally launched a program that begins to destroy him from the inside. In any case, it is necessary to get rid of such dangerous manifestations. How to do it? You need to start engaging in ancient practices, namely meditation. They will help restore balance to your soul.
When is cleansing necessary?
Psychologists have long established that there is a connection between a person's thoughts and his life circumstances. When a person begins to wind himself up and come up with negative situations that may or may not happen to him at all, then he involuntarily programs them and even introduces them into his life to some extent.
For example, a man who lives quite well financially suddenly begins to worry that his business will soon be taken away... It seems to him that behind his back, competitors are conspiring and trying to bring the company's affairs to bankruptcy.

Every day, he comes up with situations for himself that ultimately bring his fears to fruition. Thus, a man projects negative manifestations on life. We must not forget that all our thoughts are material. They will definitely come true if we keep them in our minds. This means that you need to think positively to avoid bad thoughts. This will greatly help purification meditation. They are capable of performing miracles in terms of new and positive endeavors. As a result of exercise, your brain will work differently, and you will stop thinking only about bad things.
Consider another option, when negativity bursts into the life of a successful person. Take, for example, a hardworking and determined person. Such a person can handle everything, for whatever undertakes - everything works out. The people around them unwittingly pay attention to such luck. Some of them do not even think about the fact that success is, first of all, a very hard work, but they continue to envy. As a result of negative messages from the outside, the life of a successful person begins to change for the worse. His mood deteriorates, and his health begins to falter. And all this happens because any person has a certain energy, and if it is very "black", then from its impact, trouble can occur.
So that nothing bad happens and to block the "black energy channel", you can practice meditation. They will help create a protective field, and your mind will be able to clear your aura of bad information already accumulated from outside.
Thus, any of us will be able to independently cleanse of negative programs.

Meditation options
Whatever they are, they can be focused on concentration (in this case, focusing on a specific object) of attention, on open attention (all sensations are recognized exactly as they are) or light presence (attention is not focused on something specific and is at rest). Next, let's move on to a direct consideration of options that will definitely cleanse you and your body of negativity.
- Zen (sitting meditation). You need to sit on the mat with crossed legs, keep your back straight, then you need to close your eyes and focus on breathing. Watch the air enter (count to 10) and exit through the nose (count to 10). Stay in this moment for a long time. Then complete relaxation will come. At this time, you can ask the Universe for health, happiness, etc. At the conclusion of the practice, take another deep breath and exhale. Keep your eyes closed. Become aware of what is happening to you at the moment and thank the Cosmos. Open your eyes.
- Vipassana translates as insight. In this case, in the early stages of practice, it is better to start with awareness of breathing. This will help stabilize the mind. Therefore, sit in the Lotus position with your back straight and begin to develop concentration with mindfulness breathing. When you focus on your breath, other perceptions (sensations, thoughts, etc.) will still not disappear. Ignore them and concentrate on breathing, after which three signs of being will surely become visible: impermanence, contentment, emptiness. Continue to breathe and balance, calmness and freedom will open to you.
- In addition, mindfulness meditation is carried out on the basis of the above practices. In this case, you need to focus on such items as "here" and "now". Inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by tracking your sensations. If your mind is taking you out of focus, then bring it back on track with proper breathing.
- Metta meditation can enhance the ability to have compassion for people. To perform, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and relax with measured breathing. Create a feeling of kindness in your heart chakra. Let it be directed first inward, and then gradually transfer this feeling to other people.
Hold this sensation for a while, and then exhale and open your eyes.

- Mantra meditation. To do this, sit down and close your eyes. Begin breathing consciously and chanting the OM mantra all the time. This will create a mental vibration and move to a deeper level of consciousness. You can get rid of the negativity. In addition, there are many more practices that are based on mantras.
- Yogic meditation has many types and is also aimed at eliminating what interferes.
- Chinese meditations based on Buddhist practices.They calm the mind and body, and then negative information disappears.
In addition, there are modern techniques that can remove the bad from your environment.
- Trust in meditation. Focus your energies on getting rid of negative emotions, as they will get in the way. So take a shower or exercise.
- Put on some music, sit in a comfortable position and relax.
- Breathe deeply and calmly. Then turn to the Higher powers, so that they give you strength and health. To enhance the effect, you can use affirmations, for example, such: "I have overcome all the failures (a)" or "I am healthy (a) and handsome (a)."
- After that, imagine the negative energy that is stuck inside you. It may appear as a gray fog.
- Exhale it and imagine how it leaves. In its place comes light energy in the form of lilac steam.
- Realize that you have now freed yourself forever from the negativity that is within you. Imagine yourself as a vessel filled with clean, cold and invigorating coolness.
- Thank the Higher Forces for their help.
- After the session, sit in silence for a little more and open your eyes.

How to prolong the effect of the practice?
Try to get some sleep after the practice to be beneficial. In this way, you will allow your mind to fully realize what has happened and complete the cleansing process. Don't have negative feelings anymore. When something annoys you, ignore the annoyance and remember that good attracts good. Thank people for helping you in any business. Gratitude provides an opportunity to open the path to happiness.
Chase bad thoughts and try to change your lifestyle. Go in for sports, find something you like. For example, if you love creativity, then start drawing or sewing. Let this process completely consume you.