Relaxation Meditations Before Sleep

All people get very tired after a day. Of course, each of us wants to relieve ourselves of the burden of problems before going to bed and in the morning to feel complete renewal and a surge of strength. They will come in handy for a new path. How to make it so that you can fully rest and sleep? It is necessary to carry out a certain ritual, namely meditation before bedtime.

What is it for?
Meditation is a specific method that suits everyone, without exception. By and large, these are mental exercises that are often used in religion or for the healing of the whole body. Thanks to the state of mind that arises during the use of practices, a person can get rid of spiritual and physical ailments.
That is why meditation before bed is most effective. And if they are aimed at complete relaxation and cleansing, then this factor is almost the only method that can save you from many problems.
The benefits of carrying out the techniques have long been proven. Meditation before bed will give you peace and cleanse of bad thoughts. In addition, you will fall asleep immediately after the session ends, and in the morning you will not feel any discomfort from waking up early. The use of techniques will help get rid of insomnia and even heal.

Frequent use of the practice will give a lasting feeling of a comprehensive improvement in the state of the whole organism, as well as muscle relaxation. All this will happen due to the fact that blood flow will improve and nourish your internal organs and brain with useful substances. Breathing will be easy and you will be able to sleep. Your energy balance and hormones will be restored.
It is enough to carry out a 10-minute relaxation technique before bed and you will succeed. In the morning you will wake up refreshed, rejuvenated and beautiful. Only the attitude towards classes should be serious.

This is one of the most important points. As you prepare, the meditation will take place. If you are distracted all the time, then you will not succeed. You will become frustrated with the method and no longer want to do anything. As a result, you will miss a lot in your life.

So, let's look at the points that you need to pay attention to.
Complete relaxation will happen when you can find a cozy and quiet corner in your living space. If you are going to conduct classes on a regular basis, choose a location for their implementation where no one can interfere with you. It is much easier for single people to do this. They can be advised to do the meditations in the bedroom. Couples and couples with children can temporarily retire in a place where there will be no children or animals.
Before meditation, however, as well as before going to bed, you should not overeat too much. The most you can do is drink a glass of natural juice or eat an apple.
Before meditation, you should not watch programs that negatively affect the mind and psyche as a whole. Moreover, you should not make trouble and argue with the household. Otherwise, deep purification, which is the main goal of meditation, you will not be able to carry out.
Remember that meditation should be chosen so that it will bring maximum relaxation and complete calmness to consciousness. Abrupt movements and awkward postures should be left for other occasions.
Take clothes for practice that are as comfortable as possible, made of cotton material.

Getting good sleep is essential if you want to look good. This statement is especially true for women. However, it concerns men no less. To fulfill this condition, you must be able to relax after hard work. This can be done using the following techniques.
Let's start with the most powerful technique.
- Play relaxing sounds to help you get into a trance (space music, birdsong, nature sounds, etc.). The light should be dimmed or turned off completely. Forget everything in the world. At this moment, only you and the anticipation of nirvana should exist in your thoughts.
- Visualize in your mind a boat swing or a natural landscape. Imagine that you are in an extraordinary space. Let the breeze touch your cheeks and lips. Feel the evening coolness coming from the quiet river.
- Mental attitudes such as: "I am completely relaxed (a) and happy (a)", "I feel warmth spreading throughout my body" and the like will help to get the greatest effect.
- If during the day you experienced stress or a negative situation, then imagine these moments in the form of a clot of dark energy. And then gradually bring them out and send them to hell.
- Next, think about the fact that somewhere out there, in the Cosmos, a large ball is being formed. It glows and descends towards you. Let this light energy inside you. She will bring you peace and strength. Feel energized. Stay in this state for a while and go to bed.

The next practice is based on muscle contractions. It improves blood circulation, thanks to which your organs, including the brain, receive the necessary nutrients. This method will allow you to accumulate energy and wake up vigorous and healthy.
- In order for everything to work out, you need to tighten your muscles strongly, and then relax. First, we squeeze the muscles of the lower extremities for 15-20 seconds. Squeezing the muscles in the calf area must be approached carefully. It is in them that the main tension accumulates, giving negative sensations.
- Next, move on to manipulations that will tighten and relax muscles throughout the body. If in most cases you use your hands in your work (working as a cashier, IT specialist, painter, etc.)then also try to pay special attention to this part of the body.
- After all the exercises, proceed to manipulating the eyes. To do this, squeeze the eyelids very tightly, and then relax. When all the exercises are completed, completely relax, turn off all your thoughts and lie there until sleep occurs.

An equally effective method is the use of mantras. To listen to them, you need headphones and complete silence. If you prefer passive meditation, then you just need to lie down in a comfortable position and turn on the device that will allow you to listen to the course. The most correct sound in this case will be the word form Om Agasti Shainah.
Closer to night, a person's consciousness works in a special mode, and therefore the mantra will be properly perceived by your consciousness. In the morning you will wake up in a good mood and feel a surge of energy.

If you want to enhance the effect, you need to use the Ri Ah Hum mantra. To do this, bring your eyes to the point between the eyebrows and listen to the course on a special device. With this exercise, you can get rid of insomnia.

If you have nightmares, then try this mantra: Shudhe Mahayogini Mahanidre Svahaa. Write it down to the device and turn it on directly when you are about to fall asleep. Remember that a lot depends only on you. If you do not listen to wholesome sounds, but begin to cultivate negative thoughts in your mind at the same time as listening, then you will not succeed. So take control of your mental state and start practicing.

The most common mantra is Om. It promotes not only complete relaxation, but also cleansing of negativity (evil eye, curses, damage). If you feel that you have been under such an attack, then use this mantra. It can be said when you are comfortable in bed, or you can simply record it on a carrier and listen to it before bed.

Inhalation and exhalation meditation can completely relax your mind and body. So dim the lights and sit in the Lotus position right in your bed. Start breathing deeply (11-15 minutes), focusing your breath on the abdomen. Drowsiness will appear, you will want to lie down. Do this and continue breathing deeply and calmly. You can also use visualization. Imagine that you are lying on the shore of the ocean and hear its sounds. Thus, you will not even notice how you fall asleep.

Important points
Any meditation is aimed at complete relaxation, and even more so before bedtime meditation. Therefore, you need to try to relax as much as possible. This condition is the most important point in practice.
Don't force yourself to meditate on purpose. Violent actions against oneself will not contribute to success. Therefore, try to realize that practice is a process that allows you to gain health and recharge your energy. Believe it!

Various smells and sounds contribute to complete relaxation. Use these companions to guide your meditation. Lavender or lily of the valley oil will help you get the most out of it, as these scents help you get sleepy.