Joe Dispenza's Meditations

Some people sometimes think about the following question: "Why do some people succeed, and they can make money quickly, while others do it all out of hand?" Someone will say that some are lucky, while others are not. Why it happens? Maybe because a person who has caught luck by the tail knows how to ask the Universe for himself and his loved ones what he wants. How he does it? Perhaps through meditation. Do you want to try this practice? Then study the following information.
How does it work?
Before moving on to mastering knowledge, you need to know what the term "meditation" means. This word is translated from Latin as "Thinking". If you rely on the knowledge of Wikipedia, then meditation means exercises that are of a psychological nature. This type of exercise involves the use of spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, as well as a special mental state caused by specific exercises. It's no secret that people can relax in different ways. Meditation not only relaxes the mind and body of a person, but also changes the attitude towards life.
Meditation is not witchcraft, but a very real practice. Such activities clarify the mind, reveal the inner potential, relieve tension, increase self-awareness, and make you want to look at the problem from the other side. Some of the most famous practices are meditations and theories from Joe Dispenza. This direction claims that a person is unique in nature.
This statement became the basis for further research in neuroscience. D. Dispenza says that each person is able to change himself and the world around him.

This hypothesis is explained by the fact that with correctly selected mental constructions in the human brain, neural connections change. They, in turn, program the human consciousness. Therefore, Joe Dispenz has a lot of followers.
Next, we will consider important points.
- Our thoughts affect the state of the body. For this to happen, you need to fundamentally change your lifestyle, and not just indulge in dreams. Your mind and the body as a whole should assimilate a pleasant state and get hung up on it.
- The important point here is state of happinessdespite the fact that the dream has not yet come true. You should still think as if everything has already happened. When all your internal components get used to this state, then positive shifts will occur.
- Please note that meditation should be done on an ongoing basis.... It should become your life. You may feel as if you are hypnotized. Then your brain will erase old information and write down completely new information.
- To make it work you need to prepare yourself for the meditation process. No one should disturb you before and during the session. Next, you should sit in an easy chair and take a comfortable position. Then close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out.
Try to be aware of your body in space. Then you need to present the images. For example, if you want a car, imagine yourself driving.
You are individual, so use your subconscious mind in whatever way suits you best. Know that this will not change the bottom line.

The next step will be to consider the points that contribute to the correct process.
- Naturally, you need to relax. Then the balance of the work of the right and left hemispheres will occur. Further relaxation of the limbs should occur. At the same time, your body will be out of time, as it were. There should be no thoughts inside the consciousness, that is, it is necessary for the process of complete immersion in the state of meditation to take place.
- It will take about 20 minutes to completely relax.... These minutes should contribute to complete abstraction. Gradually, you will begin to understand your sensations, stop feeling your shell (body) and enter space outside of time. Don't be surprised if you forget where you are. And, most importantly, do not be intimidated by the state of being in your own consciousness. Consider that you have already entered the 7th dimension (any wishes come true here). Know that at this moment you will be in your own subconscious. Your final "stop" is the state of "no mind".
- Next, you need to render the script. For this process, it is necessary to allocate about 25 minutes. At this time, you need to choose a more reasonable option according to which events will develop. Then you will change. Then you can go to another reality. The new reality will allow you to see new perspectives.
Important: the listed steps are activities that require faith. Do not allow bad thoughts and stay in the past. Learn and master new knowledge every day. This process will change the structure of neural connections.

Advantages and disadvantages
Some argue that the Joe Dispenza technique gives you the opportunity to realize your "I". This is how a person can learn to manage life with the help of his consciousness and visualization of desires. However, there are pros and cons everywhere.
So why is it worth doing meditation.
- Joe Dispenza's meditators have the amplitude of the alpha waves is lengthened. Such individuals practically do not experience depression, negative emotions, etc. The gamma waves that appear during exercise contribute to the densification of brain tissue, which leads to the concentration of the subconscious. In addition, people who are fond of D. Dispenza's theory practically do not undergo age-related changes that lead to dementia.
- During meditation blood pressure normalizes and heart rate is restored.
- Various negative dependencies disappear (if any)such as alcohol, drug addiction, etc.
- Immunity rises, well-being improves significantly due to the fact that during exercise, endorphin enters the bloodstream. The hormone of joy and pleasure unambiguously leads to positive health results.
- By practicing meditation, you will win over the negative manifestations of your consciousness, fears and panic states.
- Psychosomatics is the cause of a large number of diseases... As soon as a person starts meditating, he practically stops getting sick. This happens due to the impact on his consciousness of positive thoughts.
- Meditation is a plus for your personal self-development. You will begin to hear yourself and your thoughts.
- Learn to distinguish your personal desires from those that have been imposed on you.
- Perhaps, you will discover any talents in yourself.
- You are working willpower.

Of course, some skeptical people think that there are many downsides to meditation. The first is a waste of time. Many people think that sitting in one place cannot lead to a goal. Definitely, if there are such thoughts, then it is better for you to refuse the practice of this direction. Otherwise, you will receive harm instead of benefit.
Meditation can also be harmful when you break the schedule and do not follow the recommendations. And further. To draw attention to meditations, doubtful facts are cited that people may not believe. For example, a person was cured of all diseases in a few sessions.
The disadvantages also include monotony of repetitions... Many people may not like this process. A heavy and tedious repetition style can simply bore someone.
Ultimately, there are deeply religious people who do not accept these techniques and oppose any practices that resemble esoteric ones.

Meditation options
Meditation can help if you believe in it. In the book Joe Dispenza "My Own Placebo" we see this in a specific example. The author was hit by a car. After which he practically became disabled. He was abandoned by the doctors. And then, with the help of meditation and faith in his mind, he was able to collect his spine and restore other parts of the body.
In the book described above, the main topic is health. Here, the placebo effect is considered, when thoughts and psyche affect the recovery of the body at the molecular biological level. The publication also says that with the help of thought, you can even change your bad genes. To do this, you need to choose a key to the lock, behind which is the potential of any individual. In addition, the book says that the human body is capable of producing various substances that can cure any disease. They can be activated through meditation.
For example, if you've ever taken a pill, your body will remember the healing effect. Not only that, the body also remembered a substance that contributed to your recovery. When you start doing meditation sessions, your body will involuntarily produce a substance that previously promoted healing. For example, for the help of meditation can get rid of headaches.
You will learn a lot of interesting things from Joe Dispenza's books. The amazing Supernatural Mind is a step-by-step guide to entering an extraordinary new life, creating a new body and eliminating health problems.

The book describes a combination of the discoveries of quantum science and the wisdom of ancient teachings. The doctrine says that man represents something more than a linear mind. People who have carefully studied this work have gained the opportunity to understand the infinite quantum consciousness that extends beyond the five senses.
If we talk about a specific technique, then here the author suggests learning how to breathe correctly, and then, with the help of meditation, get rid of the “loop of anger” or “loop of guilt”, etc. A special technique, for example, the Geshe (great teacher) meditation, based on correct inhalation and exhalation, will allow you to awaken the strength in yourself to overcome ailments and "transfer" negative energy in your body into positive.
D. Dispenza's meditations, thanks to a certain algorithm, allow you to fulfill any desire... They are similar to hypnotic sessions. For example, meditation from the Incoming Water practice can immerse you in a state of nirvana. At the same time, you can easily visualize your desire. Sounds that promote immersion in water allow you to believe in the power of your subconscious. After 3-4 sessions, you will have a persistent feeling that will tell about the imminent fulfillment of your desire. In addition, a pleasant state makes it possible to eliminate health problems.
The initial stage of D. Dispenza's meditations - this is work on the body, since the physical shell and the soul are inseparable. Therefore, in most cases, meditations begin with relaxation of the body. Then brain activity is connected. In this case, mental activity should be turned off. This is very important, because new information needs to be pumped into the brain that changes beliefs from the past.

The subsequent phase is the visualization of the desired... Here you need to feel the power of images. When induction starts to work, then new information begins to be perceived. Energy centers are opening up. At this stage, the brain gets used to the dream. This is how new events are attracted.
How the above process takes place can be seen on the example of the book "The Power of the Subconscious". This book is Joe Dispenza's practice of wishful thinking. If you apply the following points in practice, you can easily create neural connections in the brain. This will lead to the fulfillment of desire, as in the case of the son of D. Dispenza. So, let's move on to them:
- decide on a specific desire;
- imagine your desire as a single word that starts with a capital letter;
- write the first letter of the word on paper;
- circle it with wavy lines. This is how the electromagnetic field is denoted and the potential is created in the quantum field;
- on the left, write the four properties of the desired (the so-called explanations), just do not indicate the execution time;
- on the right should be written down the emotions that you will experience as soon as your desire is fulfilled (if you do not know how you will feel in the future, then just write gratitude to the Universe);
- then think of the desired event as if it had already happened.

What is the right way to meditate?
To do this, you need to learn: the subconscious mind can do everything! The future is in ourselves. If something is happening to you now, it is the work of your brain in the past. Know to be aware of what you are thinking. In one evening you will not be able to create a so-called "microclimate" in your head. This means that meditation may not work for you. All meditation practices are very similar. Before embarking on any serious exercise, you need to prepare yourself for the following points:
- change completely, while changing your attitude to life's troubles and accept them as they are;
- fight the circumstances with the power of your consciousness, it contains a power that can turn the world upside down;
- thoughts should always be positive, remember, in order to change the external world, it is necessary to change the internal world;
- think only about good things, about success, well-being and health;
- banish fear and depression;
- remove weak and fragmented desires from your consciousness, concentrate on future success.
Visualization of what you want is very important for its fulfillment. Visualization is seeing a situation that hasn't happened yet.... Therefore, define your desire, completely relax and present your desire as if it has already come true.
Also, for proper meditation the bookmark of thoughts is very important. Every day you need to imagine what you want to receive, as if you have already received it. In this case, it is necessary to apply the method of persuasion to oneself. This paragraph should radiate a positive. The persuasion should look like a short phrase, for example, "I'm healthy!" Know that success will always attract other success.

Realize what you would like to receive. Praise yourself and you will gain the knowledge that you are the luckiest person. Just tell yourself that the world is full of pleasant moments and life is joyful. There are many interesting things in life, and success awaits you everywhere. Associate with successful people and put yourself in their shoes. Remember, successful people bring good luck to others.
Take control of your relationships with loved ones and others... If you have many friends, then you are rich. However, always remember that you are a person and a complete individuality in the entire universe. You are a star. Love yourself very much. At the same time, treat people with love, and it will return to you with a vengeance.
If you are single and want to start a relationship, you need to introduce your partner. Try to describe in your mind its external data. Ask your mind to create a situation that will lead to getting to know your partner. Next, imagine spending time together. So, first create a partner in your imagination, and then imagine what you can give him from your side.
Remember that any practice requires faith in it and self-confidence and self-confidence. You have to convince yourself that you are a successful person. It will be best if you become your own friend and stop criticizing your actions.

Try to give everyone around you confidence in their abilities and strengths. Make people believe that you are special. At the same time, accept people as they are. Be open-minded.
After you set yourself up for meditation, proceed with these brain manipulations. To do this, you need to do certain actions.
- Set aside an hour for this event... This hour should pass in complete silence and tranquility.
- Then take action... The first stage involves immersion in complete calmness and awareness of the state of "here and now". So get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Concentrate on each individual area of your body. Enter your body into the space that you have mentally created. This process will take approximately 15 minutes.
- The second moment will make you forget about your body shell. You will be able to go beyond space. At this time, you need to try to merge with the Universe into one whole. Begin to attract all the good things to you, namely what you have in mind. Feed in this energy. This process should take you about 20 minutes.
- The final stage involves a way out of old stereotypes... By and large, this stage is the beginning of something new. At this moment, you need to make a decision to change everything in your life. Old beliefs and grievances must be discarded. Feel the new state and enjoy it. Let it embrace you completely. From now on, your environment will change.
- Next open your eyes and take a few breaths in and out.

Review overview
Reviews of D. Dispenza's theory are almost always positive. People like it. Some are shocked when they enter the alpha state. According to the reviews, it becomes clear that through people who experience the practice of meditation on themselves, there is a flow of energy that really charges them for positive.
These reviews there are many confirmations... For example, one writes that he went into a trance after the first lesson. He felt a change in his mind. Other people say they are intimidated by the alpha state.
However, those persons who have already experienced the technique on themselves more than once reassure their like-minded people.For example, some write that they also had a state of fear, but it passed as soon as they believed in themselves.