Human energy channels and work with them

The topic of human energy is interesting and exciting. There is a teaching that talks about special channels. With the right influence on them, you can improve your overall physical condition and even get rid of some diseases. To get a positive effect, you need to be able to competently influence them. In this article, we will consider the features of human energy channels and work with them.

What it is?
Human energy channels are also called meridians. This is a collection of active points that are located throughout the human body. They are located on energy channels, each of which is responsible for a specific part of the body. Each channel is a separate niche through which energy is distributed over the physical shell. Many experts studying this area compare organs with light bulbs, and channels with wires that carry the current necessary for work. The dots act as switches. Through them, channels can be activated as needed.
The task of the meridian is to connect the physical shell of a person with the etheric body.
For the first time they were discovered by Chinese doctors studying this topic in ancient times.
They believe that energy circulates through the body according to its own laws, without human participation. In some cases, the canals are difficult to pass, which leads to health problems.

Asian medicine points to the existence of 14 channels that are responsible for many parts of the body. According to ancient Chinese teachings, energy begins to circulate in the lungs and then goes through the body.As soon as it enters the body, the force passes 12 meridians. 12 energies make a full circle throughout the human body per day. In each of the meridians, the energy lasts for 2 hours. All channels are located in pairs, this suggests that they are the same on both sides of the same organism.
What are they for?
The channels nourish the body with vitality, thanks to which the body can develop harmoniously and maintain health. Stagnant energy or blockage of the channels worsens the general condition. The meridians are affected when it is necessary to get rid of negative emotions, cleanse the body and improve your health. Massage of specific points is used as a tool; sometimes it is necessary to reduce the circulation to calm the energy flows. This practice is used during inflammation. A specific channel is filled with Yang heat and needs to be cooled to stop the movement of energy and inflammation. Yang energy warms the body, while Yin is considered the opposite force and cools the body.
Important! Specialists can influence one of the channels through points or several at once. The intensity will depend on what problem you need to deal with.
Where are they located?
The path of energy along the meridians takes exactly 24 hours. This rhythm indicates that the body is in harmony and all organs are functioning normally. This is the key to normal blood circulation and tissue development. There are the following types of energy:
- the basis is Qi;
- male type - Yang;
- female type - Yin.

And also, depending on the positive properties, it is divided into types such as:
- generic;
- protective;
- life-giving.

Ancient Chinese doctors believe that the root cause of physical and biological disorders is stagnation in the energy vessels. There are 150 main energy points on the body of men and women. Their total number is 664 points, which are used for acupuncture. Points can be divided into separate groups, each of which responds to a specific organ. The image shows a diagram of points and channels. This is a detailed map of the human body. They are scattered throughout the body.
Important! To achieve a certain result when working with energy vessels, you need to know exactly their location and correspondence to a specific organ. Only professionals have this knowledge.
In some cases, you can help yourself on your own. A large number of practices and teaching materials have been developed that help to get acquainted with the energy channels. To achieve a positive result, you need to engage not only in theory, but also in practice. Regular exercise helps to know your body and make the practice more effective. Consider the following points that allow you to influence various organs:
- to influence the functioning of the lungs, stimulate points on the thumbs;
- a point on the middle finger or little finger is tied to the heart;
- the little finger is also responsible for the activation of the large intestine zone;
- in order to influence the temperature metabolism of the body, specialists stimulate the zone on the ring finger;
- the big toes are responsible for the kidneys, spleen and liver;
- the second and fourth fingers are connected to the stomach and gallbladder;
- the area of the little finger and heels is responsible for the bladder.

How to open and expand?
The opening of points and the meridian is a complex technique, therefore it is impossible to perform it on your own without appropriate preparation. One of the methods of influence is massage of energy points. The work is performed with the index or thumb. If the balance is not disturbed, the process of thermoregulation will take place properly and harmoniously. And also tapping of certain zones and tapping on points is used. The energy that flows through the body has polarity. Yang is positive and Yin is negative.The channels filled with Yang are located on the outside of the limbs, and the Yin on the inside.

Important! Another simple and understandable way to safely influence channels is meditation. It helps to get rid of disturbing thoughts and focus on the desired result. This is a kind of pumping of the function of human interaction with the outside world through energy.
Although point layouts have been drawn, they cannot be used to pinpoint the exact location of the "switches". In this case, you need to be as careful as possible and take into account the structural features of the body: depressions, muscles, tendons, etc. An experienced specialist can easily determine their exact location and be able to act through them on the body.
When examining and opening the channels on your own, it is recommended to start with the simplest energy points. One of these is called the "longevity point". It is located on the outside of the knee, in the hollow, below the patella. Finding her is not difficult. Experts believe that daily massage of this part of the body will have a positive effect on the general condition. The necessary energy functions are activated and all the strength within the body is stabilized. All this leads to improved health. All such manipulations are recommended to be performed in the morning, preferably before six in the morning.

There are the following contraindications, due to which one should refuse to influence the points:
- high body temperature;
- oncology;
- myocardial infarction.
Important! Professionals use specialized practices such as grounding programs. They include a specific set of actions.
Another important point on the human body is Feng Fu. She is responsible for the healing and rejuvenation of the body. According to professionals, stimulation of this area leads to improved blood circulation. As a result, the regeneration process starts. This practice is widely used to improve the work of the cardiovascular system and get rid of chronic diseases.

This is an effective prevention of premature aging. Stimulation of just one point helps to maintain a youthful and attractive appearance. It is not difficult to find it. It is located on the border of the junction of the neck and head. In anatomy, this area is called the "large opening of the occiput".
To stimulate the point, adherents of oriental medicine use the method of moxibustion with a herbal cigarette. This option is not recommended for home use. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming yourself. A safe option is to apply an ice cube to the point. This simple action will increase blood flow. The procedure is best done early in the morning, before breakfast. The approximate exposure time is about a minute.
Despite the safety of this method, it also has the following contraindications:
- individual intolerance to cold stimulation;
- discomfort during the procedure;
- deterioration in general well-being.
In the process of influencing the body, you need to be attentive to your own feelings; at the slightest discomfort, you should stop the procedure.
How to clean?
Cleansing energy channels is a special process, the task of which is to restore the astral body of a person. And also cleansing is necessary to eliminate the negative accumulated in the aura. Stress, fears, worries, worries, problems - all this is absorbed by the energy shell of a person. Full development and health is hindered by the "garbage" that surrounds each of us. Experts are sure that almost all people need the cleaning process. Modern man lives in a rhythm in which stressful situations appear every day. It will not be possible to completely get rid of them with the help of ordinary rest.

There are many techniques for energy cleansing. This popular procedure is attracting more and more attention.Many scammers in search of easy money offer paid cleaning of energy channels. In order not to waste your money, you need to be careful about choosing a specialist.
The duties of a professional are to accurately determine the diagnosis, detect internal blockages, clamps, and only then get to work. And also you need to draw up an individual cleaning program for each person. During the sessions, you need to listen to the reaction of the body. Negative signals indicate that cleaning is not being performed correctly.
Experienced specialists can influence the human body remotely. Some people are more comfortable working in this format. This allows you to open up and focus on the desired result. A new photograph may be required for the session. If a true professional in his field gets down to business, the effectiveness of the remote cleaning process will be as high as with personal contact with the body.
The most common and safest cleaning method that you can use yourself is meditation. Resting at rest is beneficial for both the physical and the etheric envelope. You should meditate in a calm and quiet place. It is advisable to remain alone throughout the session. Outdoor cleaning is recommended during warmer months. The most common meditation posture is the lotus pose. In this position, you can sit for a long time without feeling discomfort.

How often to work with meridians?
It is recommended to clean the meridian not only in the presence of symptoms (headache, feeling unwell, illness, discomfort, etc.). Preventive treatments will help keep your body and mind in shape. Each specialist prescribes the number of healing sessions individually. It depends on the state of health of a person, his way of life, expected results and other factors. When influencing specific energy flows, the course includes several stages: drawing up a program, stimulating the necessary points, taking a break, and re-stimulating. The exposure time to the point is gradually increased.
For more information on human energy channels, see the video below.