What is the right way to meditate?

Many people live according to a well-established scenario. They don't want anything from life. It seems to them that everything suits them anyway. And then one day a moment comes when a person who has lived a certain time in a certain environment wants to change everything. There are various reasons for such an impulse, but these reasons are always valid. Then throwing from side to side begins. In this case, you should stop and listen to yourself. This is best done through meditation.

Why Meditate?
Translated from English, the word meditation means "reflection." In simple terms, this is some concentration on something... You can also add that meditation involves intentionally focusing on an object or on your "I". Simply put, this is the contemplation of something. The state that a meditating person experiences is impossible to describe unequivocally. During the practice, the person is not awake, but at the same time does not sleep.
By and large, all events taking place around us are neutral. Someone loves rain, and someone does not like it. This means that some people a rainy day brings disappointment, while others enjoy it. As a result, the same event affects all individuals in different ways. All this happens because suffering or joy is caused not by bad weather, but by the attitude of a particular person towards it.
However, all events that take place in a person's destiny are inherently neutral. Therefore, wise people say that even from the worst event, you can get some experience and even benefit. Know only the consciousness of the person himself can divide everything that happens in his life into bad and good.
If we talk about meditations, then this practice allows the individual to learn how to relate correctly to what is happening around her, and even radically change the course of certain events.

Often, disgust and a certain attachment to something or someone makes a person suffer. Shakyamuni Buddha gave a clear definition of the moment described above and identified the root from which "pleasant" or "unpleasant" grows. This factor is called guidance, that is, what kind of lead to this or that event the person himself will give, so it will be. It was the Buddha who defined the method that contributes to the cessation of human suffering, which inevitably leads to Nirvana. This method is meditation.
Now let's figure out what exactly meditation gives to a person and why you need to do this practice. Some people think about fashion and follow its trends, others really want to get rid of the past and the suffering associated with it. Is it really simple, at first glance, sitting in a certain position to a certain music can give a person great opportunities? This is despite the fact that in the modern world any person has no time to sit down for a minute to rest, not to waste time on practice, which is very illusory in nature!
First of all meditation enables any individual to control his or her mind. Due to the state that the practitioner experiences when practicing meditation, mental vibrations are eliminated. It must be remembered that it is our brain and consciousness that projects the future. Everything that happens to us now is a projection of our mind in the past. You can also say that it is the human brain that remembers, analyzes the events that happened earlier. Later, he divides these moments into positive and negative. This activity is called "wobble".

This process was described in due time Patanjali Indian philosopherwho did a lot to develop the practice of meditation. However, let us return to the term "wobble of the mind." It was the Indian philosopher who said that if a person can eliminate this factor, he will see his reality without any projections. This will happen through meditation, which helps to curb mental activity.
The question arises: "Does meditation allow you not to think about anything?" Of course not. Just thoughts can be different. Let's give an example. There are two people in line to see the doctor. One thinks about the bad, the other has a green field and flying butterflies in his thoughts. This moment makes it possible to understand that the brain can work in different ways. When meditating, all our bad thoughts are discarded, all worries and pain go away.
Concentration remains on only one object. This is the state of the only good thought.

By and large, our brains have long learned to concentrate on a single thought. Usually, when negative events occur, our consciousness is completely concentrated on them. This is why people often get depressed. At this point, you need to turn your attention to the positive. The best way to do this is by practicing meditation. When the mind is calm, then the world around becomes the same. Remember that the world around us and its colors depend on how we perceive it.
Meditations teach people to think about life philosophically. For example, with the help of such phrases: "Why be sad if everything can be corrected?" or “Why grieve if nothing can be fixed”. However, the human mind cannot immediately accept these calls. In order for him to do this, it is necessary to curb him. For this, knowledgeable people practice meditation.
The one who can conquer his mind can conquer the whole world. Just like wearing rubber boots, you can safely splash in puddles, so you can protect yourself from the negative manifestations of the outside world with the help of meditation. That is why a person needs to practice meditation.

How to choose a place and time?
Let's start with the most ideal places for meditation.
Spirit rock - this place resembles fairy-tale and fantasy pictures. In addition, Native Americans once lived on this land, they performed spiritual rituals in these places. These places are rejuvenating.
Plum Village was founded in Dornia (France). This place is a Buddhist monastery. Everyone here lives on a strict schedule. Therefore, it will be very easy for you to decide over the course of the class.
A city called Dharamsala (India). Here you can stay in a small boarding house and participate in philosophical treatises that were created by the Dalai Lama himself.
The Buddhist Center in KwaZulu-Natal is located in South Africa. There is tranquility and African nature here.
Suan Mok - a Thai monastery offers to take a course of meditation.
Ala Kukui located in the Hawaiian Wildlife Sanctuary, and here people undergo rehabilitation after difficult experiences.

Though know that no matter where you meditate. You can choose any place you like. Any corner in the apartment is suitable for this. The main thing is that this space is separated from other rooms either by a door or by a partition. To delimit room areas, blackout curtains or other available material are often used.
Place a comfortable sofa or sofa inside the meditation space. Get some large pillows. They are needed so that your body does not experience stress during meditation. Room lighting should resemble natural sunlight, so choose the right bulbs. Lay a rug or carpet with a large pile on the floor. This will keep your feet warm if you lower them to the floor. Various figurines, paintings and exotic plants can complement the overall look.
Now let's move on to the time frame. It all depends on your personality. Some people like to sleep in the morning, and move all things to the night time, others, on the contrary.
In addition, there are Buddhist directions that involve practicing meditation at certain times. The following information will help someone choose a time to practice meditation.

The main occupation of Buddhists is the various practices that they apply in everyday life. Peace and quiet are required for their implementation. The Thevada teachings require one to get out of bed early and go to bed early. Therefore, morning and evening for meditation are preferred in this case.
Group meditation sessions include Tibetan Buddhism. Usually such procedures are performed every day. from 5 to 6 in the morning. In addition, this direction is directly related to astronomy, and it dictates its own rules. That's why it is recommended to practice meditation in the morning at 6 o'clock, at lunchtime at 12 o'clock and in the evening at 17 o'clock and at 24 o'clock... To direct your aspirations deep into yourself, start practicing Zen meditations. This practice recommends meditating half an hour after waking up.
Summarize. If you still have not chosen a specific direction for yourself, then know that meditation is a practice that, although it requires a certain approach, is very loyal to the desires and needs of a person. Therefore, meditations can be done at any time during the day and even at night. By and large, there are no clear boundaries here. The main thing in this matter is not to miss classes and each time to increase their time. And the last thing: do not dwell on the above question. Here it is worth relying on intuition and desire.

It must be remembered that there are generally accepted postures for practicing meditation. For many, this question is the most incomprehensible, therefore, it causes concern. However, there is no need to panic. Just know that all body positions in meditation seem difficult only at first glance.
If you master them and begin to do them correctly, you will feel like you have been misled by inexperience. And most importantly: your body position should be as comfortable as possible. Remember that meditation has nothing to do with exercising.
Therefore, try to choose the best option for yourself from the following recommendations.

On the chair
It is necessary to reflect on this point. The sitting position is quite comfortable for meditation. However, it must be remembered that when practicing meditation, people quite often relax to such an extent that they fall asleep. If you start exercising on a full stomach or in a state of fatigue, this is most likely the case. Therefore, this provision must be applied with caution. Of course, it is better to choose a comfortable sofa instead of a chair. Then you can indulge in your favorite pastime while lying down. In doing so, you will know that you will not fall if you fall into a trance.
Another option is safety net with a chair... You will need a chair if you decide to do the meditations upside down. In this case, the emphasis will go to the hands. You should pay attention to your fingers. They should be positioned so that you can keep your balance. Remember that only experienced people can afford to meditate in the upside-down position. This option is rather complicated.

On the knees
Specialized directions provide for various poses. The “kneeling” pose involves keeping the spine in an even position. This pose is rather unstable. It allows enormous stress on the knees. At the same time, the legs are folded, and the buttocks rest against the heels. Basically, this position is chosen by people who have been practicing for a long time. This position of the body is also called the Vajrasana pose or the diamond pose.
Anyway, you need to practice a little before choosing this direction. Remember that the position of the body is always associated with the activity of consciousness.
If your body feels uncomfortable, then consciousness will feel it too. You will think all the time that you are uncomfortable, and these thoughts will definitely distract you from meditation.

Lotus position
Counts performance classics. To perform it, you need to bend your legs at the knees. Next, place your feet on opposite thighs. Your knees should be on the floor and your back should be straightened as much as possible. Again, this option is not quite suitable for those who are used to comfort. It is not recommended for those who have joint pain or vein problems. This pose causes a lot of difficulties even for those who have flexible ankles. And yet it is useful.
In the Lotus position, your back muscles will be toned. This will improve your circulation. If you absolutely want to meditate in the Lotus position, then try to do the session first. in the half-lotus position. This is a more affordable option. To depict this figure, you need to bend both legs and place one foot on the thigh.
If you cross your legs and place your feet over your thighs, you can take the Quarter Lotus position.

How to Prepare?
All instructions must be followed. Remember that meditation is not a convention. However, for those who have strong doubts, we can recommend adhering to the following rules.
Do not eat before meditation. If you really want to do this, then it is better to eat a light salad or a couple of apples. Remember that you will fall asleep on a full stomach during the session.
A tired person will not be able to fully enter a trance. Instead of meditating, he will fall asleep. Therefore, you should take some rest before starting the practice. Better to sleep or go for a walk.
Pleasant water treatments will contribute to future relaxation. In addition, it is very important that your body is clean before starting the practice related to the state of mind. Hot water will relax your muscles and your mind.
The clothes you wear before meditation should be comfortable and loose enough. It is desirable that it be sewn using natural fabrics.
To start the process quickly, Fill the practice room with specialized fragrances.
Everyone has stressful situations in their lives. If you can't calm down after an unpleasant conversation with your boss, then it is better to do physical education first. The fact is that the muscles and internal organs of a person are capable of accumulating stress. You can reset it with the help of simple exercises. So you will pump up your muscles with positive emotions, restore balance, and at the same time your body will be saturated with oxygen.
Yoga practice also helps you quickly prepare yourself for meditation. This will stretch the muscles and make it easy for you to take the special posture that involves practice. In addition, yoga itself is considered "active meditation."
Calm music helps to relax the body. Therefore, you should use this method for preparation.
Breathing exercises, namely a few deep breaths, will also help to get a certain attitude to practice.

Meditation process
You cannot even imagine how many different methods of meditation exist on Earth. They are ordinary and quite exotic. They can be carried out both outdoors and at home. If you really want to go into a trance, then the techniques for you will also not play a special role. The main thing is to think and do what is supposed to be done. Let's consider the simplest method that will reveal the process of meditation.
In a special place with special lighting, sit on a comfortable sofa. Place soft pillows under your back. The body posture is as comfortable as possible. If some muscle discomfort begins, then you will not relax. Disconnect your phone.
If you start meditation, and your leg suddenly becomes numb or your nose itches, then do not tolerate and eliminate the cause of concern.
Relax your face and lips, and your neck muscles should also be relaxed. Do not clench your teeth. Close your eyes.
Sit in this position for about 15-20 minutes. In this case, you need to make several even and deep breaths and exhalations. For greater effect, hold your breath a little before exhaling. The rule is: we inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Then try to breathe calmly.
Take ambient noise for granted... Subsequently, you will get used to them so that they do not distract you from the process. If you have headphones in your ears, from which uniform music sounds, then listen to it. At the same time, you should rely on the internal sensations that occur in your body.
Feel the mass of your body and then move on to feelings in different parts of the body (chest, back, lower back, spine, etc.). You need to check if they are relaxed or not. Try to completely relax your limbs.
Then feel your whole body completely.
After that, you should return to breathing again. Concentrate on it and relax your mind. Don't control it. Turn off your observations of feelings, thoughts, sensations. Remain indifferent to everything that happens.
Hold on like this for a long time until you feel some uncharacteristic changes in your mind and throughout your body.
If you feel them, then you have succeeded.
Coming out of the state of meditation, slowly open your eyes, look around and take your time to get up from your seat.

The above technique is great for those who are just about to put into practice meditation. This practice does not require much effort and time. Expect the results of changes in your body and life in general in a week.
Tips for Beginners
You can learn to meditate if you take into account all the nuances. And then there are some secrets to help you fully concentrate on the lesson.
First of all, you need to put a specific goal and be aware of your actions, and then make a concrete decision.
You need to start classes by choosing a place and time.... It is recommended for beginners to conduct their first sessions in a separate and quiet room. But you can choose any time. Morning and evening hours are perfect for classes. If you are unable to conduct sessions during these hours, then select others. It is also not forbidden to practice during the day.
Exercise frequency also matters.... The more often you practice meditation, the more results you will achieve. Classes should be held on a regular basis. You can't just leave them and then start again.
Final preparation should be the highlight... Time runs differently during meditation. Therefore, set a timer to control the process.
Decide on a pose... Remember, it is best for beginners to take a more comfortable position. Lying meditation is almost impossible. In this position, you will quickly fall asleep, and the whole process will go down the drain.
If you are just starting out, then try to constantly improve the process. To do this, each time you need to increase the time of meditations and their number. At the same time, try to pay attention to your condition after class in order to track the results. Subsequently, these results can be analyzed and the negative aspects eliminated.
Remember to be positive before starting meditation. In addition, you need to believe that this process will definitely change your life. Remember, nothing happens without faith.
An important point: tell strangers less that you have started the practice of meditation. This must be done so that unnecessary gossip does not interfere with your positive attitude.
For information on how to meditate correctly, see the video.