All about the Mula Bandha technique

Problems with the genitourinary system can occur suddenly in both men and women. Of course, you can go to the doctor's office and use drug therapy. However, in order to improve the result or completely get rid of the disease, you can also apply a technique called Mula Bandha. Before proceeding, you need to familiarize yourself with the information below.

What it is?
In simple terms, we can say this: Mula bandha is a kind of exercise that consists in tensioning the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is also called a root or perineal lock. It enhances the vital energy moving from the navel to the area between the larynx and the heart. With this exercise, you can improve muscle tone and break the blocks that are in the way of the energy flow.
The so-called root lock is performed as follows: we tighten the muscles of the perineum and relax. Women pull in and squeeze the vagina while men pull in the testicles. These actions are a kind of massage for the genitourinary system.

With regular use of this technique, the required energy will flow through the perineum into the tailbone, and then flow into the spine.
Be aware that the spine is the main part of the body, which is considered the tree of life.
Mula bandha directs sexual energy in the right direction, thereby circulating this energy throughout the body and through all vital channels. And as we know, sexual energy affects all areas of human life. If the energy level in the sex center rises, then the overall energy rises. A person becomes less vulnerable to external negative factors.
If there is a decrease in tone, then apathy sets in. In this case, you can use Mula Bandha. This exercise is especially useful for people who do not have a sexual partner - it will help develop sexual energy that supports vitality.

Benefits and contraindications
The practice of Mula Bandha is very beneficial. Adherents of the technique say that it serves as almost a panacea for all health problems or bad moods. Therefore, let's start with the positive properties that are inherent in this practice.
- Most yoga asanas cannot be performed without Mula Bandha. For example, to support your body during a headstand, handstand, etc., you will need to additionally use just such an exercise. If you cannot tense and hold the pelvis, then you will not be able to keep your body in balance.
- The effect of the exercise is obvious when it comes to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. With age, these muscles lose their elasticity. Therefore, the organs in this area also begin to lose their tone. And such a negative factor entails health problems.
- The human body contains the PC muscle (also called the PC muscle). With its help, we can perform or restrain urination. Even without it, a man's erection is impossible. If you train this muscle with Mula Bandha, you will feel joyful and healthy.
- If you are forced to experience sexual abstinence, then you should do the above exercise more often. Otherwise, problems in the genital area are guaranteed to you, since excessive blood pressure in the genitals leads to their inflammation. For example, men may develop prostatitis, while women may develop fertility problems or various tumors may develop.
- The technique makes it possible to close psychic energy in consciousness and does not allow this energy to sink lower and lower. If this exercise is perfected, then its effect on the mental body will be very effective.
- The fourth chapter of the text "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" says approximately the following: with the help of Mula Bandha, prana and apana, nada and bindu are combined. This connection gives a person complete perfection in the performance of yoga. The term "prana" in this case appears in the form of designated specific movements of the body. They remove bad energy and energy waste from the body. If there is a balance between prana and apana, then there is a balance between the energies.
- If you practice Mula Bandha regularly, you will be able to maintain your state of mindfulness throughout the day. Your mind will become flexible, you will learn to make quick decisions.
- By concentrating on the practice of Mula Bandha, you will be able to protect yourself from unnecessary thoughts.

However, in all cases, it is necessary to take into account the negative factors that can occur when performing Mula Bandha. Let's consider them.
- With hemorrhoids in the stage of exacerbation, you need to refrain from doing the exercise.
- In case of acute inflammation of the prostate, it is also necessary to abandon the practice.
- Pregnancy is a contraindication for exercising.
- You should be careful with Mula Bandha if you have high blood pressure or have a cold. The fact is that during practice the body tenses, and such tension directly affects the general state of a person. With a weakened immune system or high pressure, the body may not respond correctly to your body movements. Then there will be health problems.
- If you are suffering from vertigo, then you should be careful when doing Mula Bandha.

Execution technique
The root lock in yoga is able to awaken the Kundalini energy. This will happen if done correctly. When doing yoga, initially, you should contract the muscles in the place where the Muladhara chakra is located.
Thanks to just such exercises, you will soon be able to accurately determine the location of the chakra on your body. And only then, by the power of your thoughts during yoga, you will easily be able to concentrate energy at this very point. Also, you will be able to correct the incoming energy with the help of your consciousness.

To perform the practice correctly, you will need to use a set of exercises, which is divided into three parts. Let's consider this issue in more detail.
- Usually all actions begin with Muladhara Mudra. Is the center of badhi (root stream lock). When you squeeze kanda, you activate prana and force its flow into your energy channels. To fulfill this condition, you need to squeeze the muscles in the perineal area well.
- Next, proceed with the Ashvini Mudra. (the center, which is at the back, needs to be squeezed hard). This center enhances the flow of energy. When performing this exercise together with Vajroli Mudra, the energy will be concentrated in the tailbone. What is Vajroli Mudra? This is an exercise that involves squeezing the muscles in the anterior abdominal wall.
- The very last part is considered the Vajroli mudra.located in front. With this exercise, you squeeze the sphincter of the penis and urinary tract, thereby lifting it up. Performing this exercise involves contracting the muscles in the lower abdomen.

You should know: the space that has the shape of an egg is called kanda (here the formation of the energy channels of nadi takes place). Kanda is inside, above the crotch. When a person uses the Mulahadra Mudra with Vajroli, as well as the Ashvini Mudra, he directly distributes energy through three channels.
When kanda is compressed, prana rises to the upper levels through 5 channels of energy and goes directly to Aham-granthi and Mahat-granthi. Squeezing the muscles moves the prana. So it accumulates in Manipur and provides the vitality of the whole organism.
Know that when using the Mula Bandha practice, prana rises from the lower layers to the upper ones. Thus, all chakras vibrate, and all internal information changes for the better.
The positive energy that has been transformed as a result of the above actions can be used when you really need it.

However, this is not all. You can try to use the practice "Red - Mula Bandha, Blue - Ashvini Mudra".
- To do this, sit on the mat in the Padmasana position (you can use another, namely the one in which you use a straight back).
- Take a deep breath, hold your breath and direct your consciousness to the Vajroli mudra. Exhale, and then squeeze the sphincter firmly and lift it up.
- Next, you should take another breath and use the Ashvini mudra (we squeeze the muscles of the peritoneum and press them to the spine).
- Next, we squeeze the muscles tightly and imagine how the energy is displaced upward.
- Finally, we complete the inhalation and move on to the Jalandhara Bandha (pull the back of the head up, while pressing the chin to the neck).
- We hold our breath again.
- Next, we strongly squeeze the muscles of the perineum and exhale.
- Relax the neck, then relax the body.
Beginners should not overexert themselves and do the above exercise more than 10 times. Only after numerous workouts can you gradually begin to increase the number of exercises.

During the performance of Mula Bandha, several muscle groups are tense at once. It is then that the penis in men is retracted, and in women the internal muscles of the vagina and the clitoris are strained.
The exercise must be done correctly. Mistakes can not only nullify the effect of the practice, but also damage physical and mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the following truths.
- Failure to warm up before practicing Mula Bandha can have a negative effect.
- Do not overload before practice.People who practice with a full stomach run the risk of indigestion. In addition, they will overload their body even more and harm it.
- If the practice is not done every day, but from time to time, you will not get the desired result. Only daily work on oneself allows the muscles to strengthen as needed. At the same time, the energy at all the necessary points only increases, and awareness appears from the practice.
- The muscles in the perineum work at the same time as the other muscles in your body. When an inexperienced person tenses the muscles at the sexual point, from such actions his whole body becomes tense. You need to learn to separate these efforts and control them. Otherwise, you won't succeed.
- Do not immediately try to do everything the way you need to. To begin with, you need to develop a simple ability to contract and relax the muscles of the perineum at will. You should also breathe freely and not coordinate breathing with muscle contraction.
- You shouldn't feel uncomfortable by tightening the muscles and keeping this muscle tension in the perineum. Therefore, always breathe evenly and slowly.
- Your breathing and the work of all muscles must match. Those practitioners who, when inhaling, do not have time to tighten their muscles, do not get the desired effect. During the practice, concentrate on the central perineum. In doing so, pay attention to the sensations directly related to Mula Bandha. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to direct the energy in the right direction.
- Take your time while running the original version. In order to comprehend all the subtleties, it will take time. It is better to increase the duration of the practice than not get the desired result.
- Don't make fun of your breathing. Only when you learn to combine it with muscle tension can you continue your development. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired of wrong actions and lose interest in carrying out the practice.

In this video you can visually familiarize yourself with the features of the Mula Bandha technique.