Wish fulfillment meditation: features and effective practices

Remember the tale about the Golden Fish? How ineptly the old woman took advantage of the fallen, or rather, the happiness that fell to her. We sometimes do not use this chance at all. But anyone can catch their Goldfish. This can be done through meditation.
What it is?
Each of us is full of desires. Some of them become reality, others remain a dream. Of course, in order to achieve the goal, you need to put in some effort. Sitting by the window, waiting for the bluebird, we are unlikely to achieve anything.
But meditation on the fulfillment of desire may well help. There are as many techniques for its implementation as there are desires for people. There are audio and video programs. You can try to negotiate with the Universe yourself.

The stronger your intention, the more effective your meditation will be. What you are asking for, you really must really want. But even if your dream really literally overcomes the consciousness, do not think that an hour after meditation it will come true. After all, you are not the only one asking the Universe for help. Get in line and keep order. First of all, in my head.
There are also moments when you can accelerate your progress towards your goal. Do the meditation rite on certain days.... It is believed that the date of your birth or the days before the New Year are the most effective. It is also recommended to do meditations at the beginning of the lunar cycle. One more tip - meditate before bed. Before embarking on a sacred ceremony, prepare your body for this.
Give up bad habits for at least a few days.Better yet, prepare by fasting.
Opportunities and Limitations
Meditation is a rather difficult process to carry out. Therefore, do not think that everything will work out for you the first time. Ideally, in order to use a particular technique, you must first take a lesson from a person who knows and understands this. You should learn to pacify your consciousness, completely relax, enter a trance state. If you can do all this yourself, remember one more important rule. It says that during meditation, you must clearly understand your goal.
For example, if you want a car, then during a conversation with the Universe you need to say all the smallest characteristics of the car you want - color, make, and other details. Otherwise, instead of the coveted Mercedes, you can easily get a toy dump truck or a shaving machine.

How to formulate desire correctly?
For a wish to come true, it must be truly intimate. You are not the old woman from the fairy tale about the Golden Fish. So let's define what exactly you want. Take a piece of paper and write down everything you dream of.
Study the list carefully. Imagine that all of this has already come true. Listen to your emotions. If you feel real joy and happiness, you have to take it. If not, then feel free to cross the desire off the list and move on to the next item. The next day, return to your "seven-flower" and do the same. As a result, you should have only one desire that you really need.
There is another way. It will take less time and possibly be even more efficient. Imagine that you have only one day left to live - what would you really like? This is your main dream. You can start asking the Universe for it.
Ventilate the area where you are going to do the meditation. The air must be fresh. Better yet, create a pleasant scent in the room. Scented candles can be used for this. Turn off all devices that might distract you. No extraneous sound should disturb. Phone, computer, intercom - feel free to turn off everything, nothing should interfere.
If you are distracted by the sound of the radio from a nearby apartment, use earplugs. Remember, you are moving towards your main goal. Everything else will wait.

During meditation, imagine not only your dream, but also the time when it should come true. It's good if you name a specific date, date. If this is not the case, then determine at least a month or a season. When you imagine how your dream is coming true, mentally transfer yourself to the conditions of this time.
If you want a car to appear in your winter, dress in your imagination in the appropriate clothes. If you want a summer wedding, imagine yourself in a summer outfit and surrounded by green trees.
Seat selection
The same applies to the place where your dream should come true. You don't need to ask the Universe for a vacation. It is necessary to describe in detail what it should be. Otherwise, you will find yourself not on the seashore that you dreamed of, but on a pond of dubious cleanliness on the outskirts of your city in a tent.
If you dream of Dubai, explore this place. During your meditation, take yourself to the famous singing fountains, and not to some Turkish shore. You must understand exactly what you want.

Execution technique
For meditation to be effective, it must be done correctly. So, let's take a look at this point by point.
- Take the position that is most comfortable for you: lying, sitting or in the lotus position - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the back is straight, the body remains motionless. Only in this way can the streams of energy penetrate into you. Get into a comfortable lying or sitting position. You can use a chair, sofa, bed, or floor.
- Relax your body. Relax it from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.You should feel weightless.
- To throw all unnecessary thoughts out of my head, repeat the most simple and well-known mantra "Om" or play some soothing music.
- Breathe evenly. Start examining yourself from the top of your head, mentally scanning your entire body, ending with your toes. As a result of this practice, the boundaries of the body seem to dissolve in space, you feel weightless.
- Now you can start actually with the desire. Your task is to imagine as clearly as possible what you want to get. For example, this is a trip to the sea. Imagine getting on a plane. Coming out of it, you already feel the sea air. You are going to a hotel or a villa, you will decide. Exit to the balcony. You have a wonderful sea view. You run to him. Enjoy the sun. Plunge into salt water. The waves caress your body.
- Fix your condition. If you dream of a young man proposing to you, imagine how it will be. Draw in your imagination the exact place and time, even the wedding ring presented to you must be seen in your imagination in all its glory. And in details: in which box it will lie, what will be the number of diamonds on it.
- Draw yourself as seen in a state of bliss... Roll an airplane out of paper with a drawing and launch it into the sky. Follow him until he disappears from view.
- Now feel free to return to the harsh reality and forget about your dream for a while. Give the Universe the opportunity to organize and execute everything.

Another way to discover the path to your cherished dream is through fairytale meditation. After your consciousness is ready to move in time and space, imagine that you are standing in front of a magical gate. One kind of them is beautiful - gold, inlaid with precious stones. And so they swing open in front of you. Behind them is a wonderful garden, you feel bliss.
All around there are wonderful flowers and trees with unprecedented fruits. A boy is standing somewhere in the distance. He is calling you. You come up to him and understand that this is an angel. He offers to write or draw his cherished desire on a magic board. You take a feather from his hand. And write your request. Depict in full detail. You know exactly how everything will be. Are you happy.
And then you notice how your picture begins to shrink. The angel places her in a balloon. You let him go together. This is your letter to the universe. You can imagine how you get a response from the addressee. Your wish comes true again in your imagination. Say "thank you" to your new friend. And you return to the gate. Time to go home. Open your eyes and wait. Soon the dream will come true.

Listen carefully to your inner voice, it will tell you exactly what you want. Don't ask the Universe for the impossible. You will not become the mistress of the sea, like the old Pushkin woman, but it is quite possible to spend a vacation in a luxury hotel on the Cote d'Azur.
During meditation, nothing should distract you - neither extraneous thoughts, nor unnecessary sounds. When you imagine how your dream is coming true, remember everything that you will feel - from the smell of air to the state of mind. You should be filled with happiness and joy.
Whichever meditation technique you choose, it should be remembered that they are all based on several points that you must definitely follow. The algorithm is most often like this.
- Relax your body completely.
- Get away from the surrounding reality.
- Focus on your inner self.
- Drive away all unnecessary thoughts.
- Let your consciousness come out. Remove all borders and frames.
- Describe your desire as fully as possible, down to every sound and smell.
But first, remember the fisherman and the fish, or rather re-read Pushkin's tale. Do not demand things you do not need from the Universe. Don't exaggerate your needs. Otherwise, you will simply waste your time without bringing your dream any closer.
Be honest with yourself and the universe. She does not like deception and can take cruel revenge - and the old trough will be only a small fraction of this revenge.