How to do love meditation?

Every woman dreams of meeting a loved one, and a man is a faithful companion. The search for your soul mate can be accelerated by a special meditation practice.
What is it for?
Love is a universal source, the power of which cleanses the soul and body from dark energy. Thanks to love, the surrounding space is filled with joy, tenderness, lightness and happiness. Dense dark energy gradually dissolves in the field of human consciousness.
Meditation drives out fear from the heart, charges a person with life-giving power, which attracts children, adults, and animals. Members of the opposite sex also respond to a source of warmth, light and love.
One day you will feel that the feeling of loneliness has left you forever.

Love does not come from outside, it is born inside a person. The effectiveness of meditation on attracting a beloved man or a desired companion to life depends on the observance of certain rules.
- Achieving harmony with oneself is of no small importance. It is achieved through self-knowledge and understanding of one's spiritual being. Learn to live a fulfilling and happy life, and love will find you on its own.
- First you need to love yourself with all your advantages and disadvantages, feel an attractive person in yourself. Full acceptance of oneself as a person and a representative of the stronger or weaker sex, healthy love for oneself help to attract a beloved partner into life.
- It is important to fill every cell of your body with love. A soul filled with love light attracts other people. The abundance of love gives the necessary message to the representative of the opposite sex, attracts his attention.
- The power of attraction increases self-confidence. High self-esteem, far from arrogance and overconfidence, increases the chance of attracting the right person into your life.
- In no case should you transform your desires into despair. Instead, you need to express your gratitude and gratitude to God for the events taking place in your life and increase your vibration while imagining your own desires.
- It is not recommended to carry out a meditative technique to attract a specific person. You need to mentally imagine the desired image, but not a specific man or a specific girl. Even if you have an object of passion, you shouldn't dwell on it.
Maybe a completely different person is prepared for you from above. Regular sessions will attract a partner that's right for you.

Necessary choose a comfortable open position on a chair or on the floor. Beginners are advised not to perform the spiritual techniques while lying down, as a relaxed state can lead to sleep. At the next stage, you need to close your eyes, take several deep and even breaths in and out, focus on breathing and heart rate. For some, it is appropriate to conduct meditation techniques in complete silence, while others need to use light, relaxing music.
Then follows abstract away, switch from everyday hustle and bustle to a measured way. Necessary to achieve the appearance of a smooth and soft movement of thought. And only after that you can start the active phase of meditation, during which the energy flow of light and love fills every cell of the human body. Remember all your loved ones, imbued with a wholesome feeling for them. Imagine filling your soul with enchanting light. Positive energy helps you accept yourself with all your existing shortcomings, guides your heart in the right direction.
Tune in to the fact that you can not only get rid of all your own difficulties, but also acquire the ability to truly love other people. The body and mind are now ready for meditation.

After applying meditation practices, your aura begins to radiate peace, joy and love. All living things respond to enchanting energy. Soon you will notice that relationships with people around you improve many times over, and representatives of the opposite sex feel an attractive partner in you.
- There is a very simple but effective technique for women to attract their beloved man into life. After taking a comfortable position, you need to close your eyes, concentrate on breathing, count first to 10, then in reverse order. This procedure helps the mind to achieve a calm state. During the complete relaxation of the body and mind, you need to mentally imagine the image of a man.
Next, you should visualize happy events: you and him gently look at each other, hold hands, hug, kiss, walk in the park, go to the theater, look at the exhibits in the museum together, sit on the banks of the river and watch its stormy stream. Then you need to imagine your strong feelings for this young man, try to feel his love for you. Imagine your conversations, discussions, joint trips with him.
Every day, in the moments of awakening and before going to bed, mentally send the energy of love to your beloved man. Think about it periodically throughout the day. After filling your heart with a stream of love energy, a meeting with your significant other can take place in real life very soon.
- The Flame of Love meditation is about attracting joy and well-being. You need to sit down, relax, focus on your feelings. Then you need to feel a gently burning light in your soul. Mentally direct the rays of energy to it, feel how the light gradually intensifies. Feel its warmth.
Hold your breath for a while, then you need to slowly exhale the air. The warmth remaining in your chest is that necessary energy that attracts love and happiness into your life.
- Klaus Joul's unique meditation technique for opening the flow of love is aimed at attracting happy events into a person's life. First, it is recommended to completely relax your body, to let go of the world around you. You need to thank all the events left in the past and focus on the present moment. A person should feel himself here and now. Breathe slowly and deeply.
Then you should try to radiate all the power of your love, broadcast it to the world. Be sure to pay attention to the smallest joys and the smallest pleasant things. Your gratitude will allow them to transform into magical events.
- Meditation on unconditional love is aimed at sending a stream of light into the Universe and filling yourself with love energy. To perform this technique, you must sit in an open position. The heart and mind should be illuminated with an extraordinary light. Imagine his movement, imagine how he fills your entire body.
After that, the light flux gradually passes into the space that extends around you. All your surroundings are filled with magic light. You begin to live in unlimited love for the world, thereby attracting only positive events to yourself.
- The Secret Marriage meditation practice helps to attract a loved one. Its implementation requires complete relaxation. You need to lie on the bed or on the floor, to feel complete calmness and tranquility. Then you have to imagine yourself on a sandy beach. Imagine a clear sky, a turquoise sea, hear the sound of the surf. Feel how your body is warmed up by the sun's rays to every bone.
Imagine yourself on the beach in complete seclusion. Look closely at the path, try to see a person on it approaching you. Let your significant other appear in your mind. A stranger may not live up to your ideal and cause rejection. This means that you have unknowingly placed a blockage on contact with the opposite sex.
Accept a stranger or a stranger, connect with this person, try to open the light of your soul, direct the flow of love energy to the image. Imagine: hug a still unfamiliar to you, run with him along the sand, walk together along the shore, swim in the sea. After you accept your soul mate, an energy exchange will surely take place, which will fill you with new wonderful emotions. After the dissolution of the chosen one in your imagination, you should not regret and be sad.
- Effective technique "In the land of dreams" fills a person with love energy and attracts a representative of the opposite sex to him. Meditation should be done at least once a week. Imagine yourself at the entrance to a mysterious cave, on both sides of which there are graceful peacocks with luxurious bright tails. They invite you to come inside. In the cave, you feel a light pleasant aroma and gentle light emanating from wall torches.
In a very cozy room, you can see the crystal vaulted ceiling. They shimmer with lilac and pink tones. In the center of the cave is the owner, who takes you by the hand and leads you to the fountain. This is the source of love energy. You are very comfortable watching its endless streams. You feel how your heart is filled with lightness and incredible joy. You are washed by the magic stream of the source of love.
Feel how this flow of love is directed directly to the heart of your chosen one. You see an airy pink trail leading you to your loved one. You gradually approach him, hug, feel the thrill of his body. You exchange your energy with him, you feel that this is a mutual process. Immeasurable happiness envelops you.Having experienced great joy and complete bliss, you can return to your room and open your eyes.