Chakra Opening Meditation

Doing meditation is the path to healing your mind and body. But not all people believe in it. Nevertheless, this topic is very serious and relevant. After all, you can make yourself a healthy and happy person. But first you need to read the details.

What is it and why is it needed?
So, first, let's define: "What is meditation?" It is an action of the mind that directs the practitioner into a state of very strong concentration. The benefits of meditation for any individual are invaluable. Consider this issue in more detail.
- Meditation is needed to charge a person with energy. During the practice, a huge amount of multidirectional energy enters the body.
- They are needed to completely cure a person from various diseases.
- Chakra opening meditations can charge certain points with the necessary energy, which will give impetus to your new development. For example, if you develop the Svadhisthana chakra, then sexual energy will accumulate in it. Thanks to her, you can find yourself the right partner, become a leader, etc.
- Meditation is a very powerful pumping of the whole consciousness. Using this technique, you can get rid of various unnecessary blocks that you have set for yourself.
- It is also a powerful pumping of energy channels. By doing it, your energy field will become very strong. You will not be afraid of either the evil eye, or damage, or curses.
- Morning meditation can wake up a person and give him a new impetus to do new things.
- Meditation at night is done to clairvoyance.
If you want to see your future or hear a hint from the Higher Mind, then you need to start meditating.

What is the right way to meditate?
First of all, you need to learn how to relax as much as possible during the practice in order to concentrate the energy flow on a certain center. But first of all, you need to choose the practice that is right for you. The information below will help you with this.
To open the chakras
This is a very necessary practice, after which you will feel a surge of strength. Follow the directions to complete it.
- Find a separate and secluded spot in your apartment.
- Dim the lights and play the appropriate music. Sit on a special rug in the lotus position.
- Relax and try to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. If they visit you, then ignore them.
- Choose the energy center you want to awaken.
- If you want to awaken all the chakras, then start with Muladhara. And then slowly move up.
- Breathe deeply and calmly.
- Imagine what the chakra you want to wake up looks like: its color, shape, image, etc. By and large, all centers are like a lotus. If you find it difficult to do detailed visualization of each chakra, then just imagine the lotus and how it opens.
- Each center must be allocated a certain time - 15 minutes.
- Breathe evenly and calmly at all times. As you come out of the meditative state, take a deep breath in and out.
After finishing the practice, sit for a while and be aware of what happened to you.

To cleanse the chakras
Cleansing the chakras helps to harmonize everything that surrounds you. This practice can be done in the morning or in the evening. Let's consider the first option. Osho's breath contributes to the complete restoration of all energy centers. To do the above exercise, you need to cover your eyes with a dark bandage. And then act according to a certain algorithm.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and at the same time straighten your spine well.
- Imagine the sound of a bell. Begin to take deep breaths in and out, paying all your attention to the 1st chakra (located in the tailbone region).
- Try to intensify the ringing of the bell in your consciousness and switch your consciousness to the 2nd chakra (located in the region of the reproductive system). Breathe actively and deeply.
- Then move from the bottom up through the chakras and alternately transfer your consciousness from one point to the next. The ringing of the bell should only intensify in your consciousness.
- The movement should be as follows: from the lowest points you go to the solar plexus, to the heart, then move to the cervical fossa. Next, you move to the middle of the forehead. The meditation on the crown of the head ends.
- Then we repeat the above described path 2 more times (in total it turns out 3 times). The lesson should be 45 minutes long. After which you will feel a surge of energy.
- Finish your meditation. To do this, sit down and relax. Turn off thoughts and feel peace throughout your body. This lesson should take another 15 minutes.

With chakra sounds
The practice is used along with music. To complete it, proceed as described below.
- We allocate 45 minutes for the first stage. It is performed while sitting, lying or standing. If you are standing, then close your eyes, bend your knees.
- We breathe through the stomach. The sound goes through a half-open mouth.
- Listen to music, visualize the color of each chakra, and chant mantras.
- Start at the bottom chakra and work your way up. Increase the sound of your chant with each step you take.
- Having reached the very top, return gradually downward.
- Repeat this cycle three times.
Note. Each chakra has its own sound and its own color: the 1st chakra is red and has the sound of LAM, the 2nd chakra is orange and has the sound of YOU, the 2nd chakra is yellow and the sound of RAM is inherent in it, the 4th chakra is emerald and it the sound YAM is inherent, the 5th chakra is blue and the sound HAM is inherent in it, the 6th chakra is blue and the sound AUM is inherent in it, the 7th chakra is violet and the sound OM is inherent in it.

With affirmation
This practice can be done for self-love (for women) and for the people around. So, let's take a closer look at each chakra.
- Muladhara. It can be developed with the help of such phrases: “I am strong and capable”, “I love life”, etc.
- Svadhisthana. The following phrases can contribute to its development: "I attract good luck", I am lucky, etc. "
- Manipura. Here you can say: "I can do anything!", "I am open to the world and they love me."
- Anahata. Its development will be facilitated by the following words: “I love myself”, “I am the best”, etc.
- Vishuddha. It can be developed with the help of such a phrase: “I am expecting only good things,” etc.
- Ajna develops with the help of such words: "I do what I love and love what I do."
- Sahasrara. Its development is facilitated by the following words: "I enjoy life!"
With visualization
Do your meditation in this way:
- choose the energy center that you want to develop;
- find a secluded place and sit comfortably;
- turn off all thoughts, start breathing deeply and calmly;
- imagine how your center comes alive with the energy that comes down directly from heaven;
- let this energy fill the point that you would like to fill with energy, and then let it spread throughout your body;
- Come out of meditation slowly, do not get up immediately after practice, stay in a peaceful state for a few more minutes.

Individual meditations
The best option, since when you execute it, you will be able to pay attention to each center. And such actions contribute to the correct development.
The first chakra is very important because it is united. You can restore it by performing certain actions.
- Get into a comfortable position. Sit on a chair or special rug. Then relax. To do this, you must breathe deeply and calmly.
- Focus on a point in the center of your chest. And imagine your "I". Affirm your "I".
- Next, place your feet on the floor. Feel the pull of the Earth. Let the idea appear in your consciousness that your feet have touched the very center of the Earth. Warmth went down your feet. Now draw this warmth to the point where the 1st chakra is located.
- Pay particular attention to the left leg. It is through her that the energy must flow into your body. Visualize this process. Let this energy spread through all vital channels: through the heart, through the kidneys, into the digestive tract, etc. Then let all the energy go into Muladhara and accumulate in it. Feel how this point is being filled.
- After you feel the full filling of Muladhara, you need to start directing this energy again to the center of the Earth through your right leg. Try to send your bad energy (fears, negativity, aggression) to the center of the Earth through this flow. Let this energy transform into positive and return again. Thus, you can not only cleanse all your active points, but also replenish them with new and purified energy.
- After going through such a procedure, for which you need to allocate at least half an hour, you will feel complete relief and peace.
- Feel also the cleanliness and order in your Mulahadra. Imagine how it glows and shines.
- Become aware of this process and end your meditation.

This point is considered the place where the person resides. Having cleared this point, you will clear your "I". So let's get down to meditation.
- Practice before bed. Sit in a chair. The back should be straight. You can do this practice with chakra candles.
- Breathe evenly, calmly, and deeply to completely relax. Get to such an inner state that will allow you to feel your "I".
- As you inhale, imagine the orange ray passing through your feet and moving towards the very top of your head.
- After exhaling, imagine this orange color enveloping your body from the outside. An aura forms around your body.
- Next, concentrate on Svadhisthana. Let the orange energy build up in it. Feel the vibration from such a strong activation.
- Feel how the restoration of Svadhisthana took place.

Follow these steps:
- sit on a chair and straighten your back, rest your feet on the floor;
- take a few breaths and breaths;
- focus on your spine;
- then imagine the energy emanating from the Earth in the form of a spiral, let this spiral energy pass through the left foot along the spine and envelop every part of it, and then it moves into the heart, into the hands, into the head, this flow collects all your fears and anger together;
- now imagine how all this energy is removed through the right leg and goes back to the Earth;
- breathe evenly and calmly, then visualize a powerful stream that comes directly from the Cosmos, it moves towards you and penetrates your body, filling it to the brim;
- you feel the life force enveloping your body;
- now all this energy is starting to accumulate in Manipur;
- you are happy and joyful;
- your Manipura starts to glow and becomes a very bright point;
- life force overwhelms you;
- you already know for sure that you got rid of diseases and received a very large charge of energy;
- feel this state again;
- warmth in the area of the spine behind the solar plexus means that your energy center has received a powerful impetus to develop.

Act like this, then the development and unblocking of the center will take place:
- sit straight on a chair or tuck your legs under you;
- relax;
- focus your attention on the heart chakra, let all your beautiful thoughts converge in this place;
- after which a white color should form in the chakra, visualize this process;
- then raise your consciousness up and say (this can be done in the form of singing): "Let there be peace and harmony";
- do this procedure three times in this way: from top to bottom, and then from right to left (you should get a cross);
- now imagine how the light in Anahata expands and fills all space, you feel good and calm;
- stay in this state for a while and get out of meditation.
Proceed in this way:
- to develop the throat chakra, apply aromatherapy, light an aroma candle and sit on the sofa in a comfortable position;
- visualize blue sky, sea, warm sand, etc .;
- immerse yourself in paradise and enjoy the beautiful views;
- then focus on Vishuddha and feel the warmth, this warmth spreads throughout the body, a feeling of joy comes;
- remember this state;
- then quit meditation;
- bandage your throat with a blue linen scarf, you can leave the bandage on during the day, or you can take it off after 15 minutes.

There is one specific sacred thing - the chakra rod. Use it to awaken Ajna. And then proceed like this:
- sit upright on a chair, start swinging the chakra rod with your right hand, carefully watch its movements;
- breathe evenly and imagine how the energy fills your sacred point, it expands and becomes very large;
- now it begins to glow with a blue light, and this light spreads to your entire body;
- as a result, your body is inside a blue ball, you are warm and comfortable to be inside it;
- stay in this state for a while (as long as you want);
- then slowly begin to come out of meditation, then sit and be aware of the process that has happened to you.
Sahaja Yoga helps a person to self-actualize. This practice contributes to the fulfillment of true desires with the help of the Kundalini energy, and also contributes to the acquisition of one's true identity. So let's get down to practice:
- sit on the rug and cross your legs;
- put your hands, palms up, on your knees, fold your fingers into Gyan Mudra;
- direct your gaze to the tip of the nose;
- start chanting the mantra (it is chakra): ANG SANG WAHEY GURU, its translation reads like this: "The energy of the Universe and God in every cell" (performed within 30 minutes);
- at the end of the practice, take a deep breath in and out, repeat this procedure 3 times.