Energy Recovery Meditations

People often get tired of work. This is a completely natural phenomenon that can be easily corrected. To do this, get enough sleep. When the energy balance of a person is exuded, the situation is much more serious. As a result of the negative process, drowsiness and weakness occur. It turns out that in this case you cannot get off with a simple rest. Then what to do? There is an exit. Mental mood is easily restored with the help of special meditations.
Execution rules
Meditations that will help restore the aura are performed with pleasant music. It is advisable to carry them out before bedtime. Once you start with these practices, you can do the following.
- To recover the strength that was spent on any activity.
- Get rid of mental exhaustion.
- Restore your energy balance.
- Lift your spirits for the near future and get positive outside support.
- Your emotions will become positive.
- Let go of negative thoughts.
- Get your energy back.

Now let's look at the basic conditions under which meditation will be effective.
- Techniques for restoring the energy balance can be performed any time of the day. It is especially recommended to do them when you feel a very severe loss of strength.
- Know that these meditations need to be done in the most comfortable position. If you are not in your best shape, then even the recumbent position will suit you. To do this, install a comfortable sofa in a dedicated room. You will also need to buy a couple of pillows. They can be tucked under your back for comfort.
- Yoga asanas also suitable for energy rebalancing classes. They only at first glance seem inconvenient and difficult to implement.In fact, if you adapt to them, you will not feel discomfort. On the contrary, thanks to such postures, you will always have excellent physical shape.
- To keep your meditation on track, you need to relax well. So drink a cup of green tea with lemon before starting.
- Do not gorge yourself before meditation. If you are hungry, then eat some exotic fruit.
- They will also help you relax well. lighted scented candles and the right light. It should be soft and warm.
- Breath Is a special part of meditation. Thanks to measured and correct breathing, a person can easily enter a trance. To breathe properly, you may be advised to do the 4x4x4 exercise. First, inhale and count to 4, then hold your breath for 4 seconds, then exhale and count to 4.
- After which it is necessary focus on sensations... Feel the acquired energy.
- Feel freedom and flightas well as the onset of self-confidence.
- You can easily do everything, if you believe in yourself.
Perform all the manipulations so that you feel comfortable and convenient. Then you can restore your peace of mind on your own.

There are many techniques on Earth. They have been developed by wise people for centuries. The techniques can be very complex or they can be very simple. However, in order for all practices to always work out, a person needs to relax well. Observe all-round rest for complete relaxation. To do this, retire in a separate room. Let no one bother you. The room should be very quiet. If it is impossible to create complete silence, then put on your headphones and turn on relaxing music.
Remember that the room in which you are going to practice the technique must be spotlessly clean and well ventilated. The large amount of oxygen and the absence of dust have a good effect on the complete relaxation of the whole body. Do not gorge yourself before meditation. Otherwise you will fall asleep and practice will become impossible. In addition, you need to establish a specific diet long before starting to exercise. Food should be light and healthy.
Remember that you cannot practice if your state of mind is not in the best shape. For example, if you had a fight with a neighbor on the site, then you need to calm down first, and only then start meditation.

Description of techniques
Replenishment of vital energy is the main point so that a person can fully live and work. Filling the body with vitality through meditation will happen only when you really want it.
Meditations with mantras require a special approach. First of all, correct pronunciation is necessary here. Singing and reciting mantras is very beneficial for the body. These sounds normalize the general condition and restore energy balance. You need to know that the mantras "So ham" and "Krishna" are suitable for everyone, without exception. They are pronounced like this: the first syllable is inhalation, the second is exhalation. Such sounds create a special aura around the meditator.
The question arises: "How many times to recite a mantra?" Reading mantras should be limited by the amount of time or by the number of words.... For convenience, beads are used. They have 108 beads. It turns out that one rep is one circle. How many circles can you do? It all depends on your preparation and desire. Start with three circles and gradually increase the number of pronunciations over time. The position of the body in this case should be seated. The mantra must be chanted in the depths of your mind with your eyes closed. A quick recitation of a mantra will activate all your vital points, while a slow recitation can calm your mind.
The speed depends on the length of the mantra. Therefore, experiment with pronunciation, and gradually you will succeed.It is important to note that the volume of the voice when pronouncing a mantra depends on your physiological capabilities. If you are used to speaking loudly, then say the mantra loudly. Breathing must be synchronized with the pronunciation of the mantra. If you are just listening to the recitation of a mantra, then try to perceive such sounds with all the strength of your mind. Let the mantra symbolize a beautiful word or feeling, such as love.
Try not to force yourself to do the meditation. Let this process be natural.

Natural elements
They play an important role in replenishing a person's energy balance. So let's take a look at them in order.
- In order to cleanse negative fatigue, you need to use fire... To do this, light a candle and start looking at the flame. Imagine that this fire burns your problems, fatigue, resentment, etc. They burn in it, and not a trace remains of them. There comes a complete renewal and restoration of mental balance.
- In order to become a spiritually strong person, you need to get up under running water... In this case, you need to close your eyes and feel how the life-giving moisture flows down the skin. First it hits your face, then it washes your body. Together with a clean stream, the negative state goes away. Your thoughts are cleared and your energy level rises.
- Land use meditation performed in nature in complete seclusion... To do this, lay a rug on the ground, remove your shoes and sit in a comfortable position. Breathe deeply. Get all thoughts out of your head. Imagine how earthly energy flows into your body and fills it. This powerful force fills you from within, and from this you become stronger and more beautiful. Thus, a biofield is formed around you. It protects you.
- Nothing rejuvenates like fresh air filled with oxygen. Therefore, open a wide window and expose your face to the stream of air that rushes into your room. Breathe deeply and imagine your body filling with purity. This freshness gives you new strength and possibilities. You are getting stronger.
You can be in this state exactly as long as you want.

Other energy recovery techniques
For a long time people have come up with more and more new ways that raise the energy level. For example, meditation. They can help. Let's take a look at some of them. For the first practice, you need to sit in a comfortable position and imagine how your body relaxes and is filled with light energy. Each cell of the body is also filled with energy. Consider how this process makes your internal organs healthy. The skin is smoothed and the face brightens.
- Once you have completed the first part of the meditation, imagine that a beautiful golden cup has appeared at the level of your chest. It is filled to the brim with clear water. At the very bottom, there is a golden ball under the water. Your job is to keep the water from overflowing.
- Then imagine a golden ball soaking up water.... After which it begins to slowly rise upward, sparkling and radiating heat.
- Reaching the top of your head the ball slowly descends and seeps inward. It travels through your entire body from top to bottom and back.
- Imagine, how in the region of the heart it begins to disintegrate, and the energy spreads throughout your body. Light and powerful energy fills you.
- Enjoy your new state and feel energized.
- Open your eyes and smile. Peace and order reign within you and around you.
Another practice will help restore your energy level and the energy level of your entire family. To do this, sit comfortably. Close your eyes and imagine that all your dearest and closest people are gathered around you.
- They smile at you, greet you and say that they are ready to support you in difficult times. You reciprocate them.Then imagine that a huge ball appears in the middle above your head - this is the energy of your kind. The ball expands, and all of its energy goes to each member of your family.
- Together you exchange this energy... Now everyone is calm and confident. All of your relatives are smiling, and you feel boundless love and security.
- Open your eyes and be aware of the process which happened to you.
Through meditation, you can cleanse your aura. To do this, sit in the Lotus position. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine that you are in a cocoon - this is your energy.
- Perhaps it is damaged and stained in some places. Mentally wipe the dirt off the cocoon and mend the holes.
- See what your cocoon now looks like. It is pure and shining.
- Your thoughts brighten and your depression goes away.

the effect
Often we ourselves do not notice how people who are considered vampires feed on our energy. They imperceptibly "drink" our power. After which we become weaker. If you do this energy-boosting practice, you will feel tremendous power. She will protect you, and you will gain protection from enemies.
Remember that physical health is also lost as a result of the weakening of the aura. Therefore, if you are unreasonably tormented by headaches, weakness, muscle pain, then you have undergone an energy attack. Special practices will help you restore the biofield. After their application, all of the above negative factors will disappear. In addition, other positive changes will occur to you.
- You will find freedom and stop looking back at the past.
- You will become much kinder and more confident in your abilities.
- Your health will become much better.
- Your sleep will improve and you will be able to fall asleep much faster.
- Your beauty will shine with renewed vigor. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, and bags under the eyes will become a thing of the past.
- Your brain will start working differently. You will have a craving for life, and you will stop thinking about bad things.
- After practicing meditation, many people develop positive thinking. This factor always has a very good effect on further progress in life.
- You will begin to be loved and respected. Those people who have positive energy are always liked by those around them.
I want to communicate with them, since such communication is easy and natural.