Meditation "Ask for nothing, get everything"

Many people feel that asking is not for them. Their concept of thinking is as follows: if God wants, he will give me the benefits that are due to me. Maybe in some way they are right. Nevertheless, man is made in such a way that he always strives for the best. That's why some people are disingenuous when they say that they never ask for anything. It is for such a category of individuals that there is a meditation called "Without asking for anything, receive everything."
The essence of meditation
A person who wants to receive something must think about it always and everywhere - desire must completely capture the whole being... Some teachers teaching various practices insist on repeating a set of words all the time to fulfill a wish. However, such instruction does not always lead to success.
Why? Because thoughtless repetition, namely repetition "without a soul", will not be able to lead to the correct result.
It happens like this: a meditating person says something, but he himself does not hear what he is saying.

When it comes to visualization, then the chances of getting what you want increase significantly.... At the same time, verbal self-adjustments fade into the background. Another important point: you can't get too hung up on your desiresif you want something too much. When there is a fixation on a certain problem, a person stops thinking broadly. Looping is a disastrous factor for solving any issue.
It is necessary to show flexibility of consciousness in all matters and tune oneself to certain advances. You must definitely find any solutions that will lead you to acquire new resources. The meditation "Ask for nothing, get everything" almost always helps to achieve the goal.It is built in such a way that a person does not get stuck mindlessly on any desire, but lives with the thought of how to make it come true as soon as possible. For this, the subject is looking for various resources and tries to use them to the fullest.
This is the kind of meditation can prevent stress because it combines the premises of positive thinking. When an individual is in a positive mood, he always finds many solutions to realize his wildest ideas. When the meditation "Ask for nothing, get everything" is applied in practice, the person gradually gets rid of old beliefs, anxiety decreases. A person simply has no time to think about risks. He is completely absorbed in the process, which inevitably leads him to the goal. The boundaries of thinking are expanding, and this is a direct path to success.

Beginners who decide to practice on their own very often refuse to practice because they do not know where to start. These activities cannot be equated with reading letters or doing any work. During such events, a person cannot and should not quickly switch his attention to another activity or object. During meditation, one should not be distracted.
However, it is the practice of meditation contribute to the development of attention... To fulfill the first condition, you need to do several workouts. To do this, take a comfortable posture, turn on soft music and try to distract your mind from extraneous sounds. Next, you need to fulfill the following conditions.
- Decide on a place conducting practices. In a large house, this condition is quite simple to fulfill: find the most secluded space and equip it. If you have a small apartment, then the task becomes more difficult. However, it is quite doable. Separate some space with pretty curtains in the room. Place a shaggy rug on the floor and a comfortable sofa. Soft pillows add a cozy atmosphere.
- Clothes should be as comfortable as possible.
- So that you are not disturbed by extraneous noises, play soft, soothing music... You can wear headphones if you like.
- Choose a convenient time. Morning and evening hours are best for meditation. Experts say that you can meditate at any time of the day - when it is convenient for you.
- remember, that you cannot meditate immediately after you have eaten a heavy meal... If you are hungry, then "starve the worm", eat an apple or a peach. Meditation promotes complete relaxation of the body. On a full stomach, you can fall asleep quickly and your meditation will not work.
- People who go into a trance often have no control over the passage of time. That's why set an alarm or timer. Such devices will help you keep control of your actions.
- Do not chase the result. Meditation is a natural process. It often happens that a person's nose or leg starts to itch during meditation. This attack should not be tolerated. You need to stop the process and fix the problem. Then return to practice again.
- The essence of meditation is that you turn off your consciousness and stop thinking. Wherein you need to focus on your feelings.
- Remember that meditation should be regular. Many impatient people drop out just because they can't get results right away. This cannot be done. On the contrary, you need to engage in meditation as often as possible and increase their duration each time.

Execution technique
The order of performing meditation.
- You can sit down or lie down, or you can apply a special pose. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.
- Breathe in deeply and exhale. Feel lightness and reunion with space.
- Imagine your consciousness being filled with strength and confidence.
- Drive away bad thoughts.
- Breathe in deeply. Feel how light energy fills you from within. She gives you new sensations and progress.
- As you exhale, observe how all the bad energy is displaced by the light energy. Imagine this process visually: your consciousness is enveloped in a white, luminous fog. It goes from top to bottom, filling your entire being with positive, joy and happiness. In this case, all grievances are squeezed out and fade into the background.
- With each new exhalation, your consciousness leaves laziness, negative habits and everything that prevents you from living fully.
- Trust the Universe completely, let it control your thoughts. Let her take you into her arms and fill your consciousness with positive.
- Breathe deeply and evenly. Let the thought that now everything will be fine does not leave you. Life will become harmonious and calm.
Let this state not leave you even after you come out of the trance.

Recommendations for beginners
The ability to meditate is not achieved immediately. This is quite natural. Therefore, for a start, you can use the mantra for the strongest meditation. It can be done anywhere and anytime. If you have experienced a panic attack or are in a state of stress, then this is the option you can use. So what to do.
- Concentrate on your breathing. Hold this state for a while and begin to slowly lower your focus to your abdomen. He should soften considerably.
- While exhaling, say: "Smiling." Repeat this word until the relief is over and the bad mood is gone.
- At the same time, try to lift the corners of your lips as if you are smiling.
This exercise will allow you to get out of negativity and start moving on.