Osho Meditations: Features and Techniques

Solve accumulated problems in movement and dance. This is possible if you follow the teachings of the Indian guru who took the name Osho for himself. It is translated from Hindi as: "blessed, who is god", went down in history and gave the name to an unusual way of meditation.
Features of meditation
During the life of the teacher, the attitude towards Osho was very ambiguous. In some countries of the world, including our country, which was then still the great and mighty Soviet Union, teaching was prohibited. But as is often the case, after the death of the teacher in 1990, his ideas were recognized as great and spread widely, especially in India and Nepal.
Among Osho's meditations were sexual practices. In this connection, some call him "sex guru". However, his other methods are better known. Osho turned the concept of meditation as a process, the purpose of which is pacification and harmony. He was convinced that it was possible to deal with stress and setbacks with the help of movement.

In addition, the guru was categorically against the idea that meditation should be aimed at a specific result, as it is commonly believed.
His practices are not aimed at any specific goal, they themselves lead a person to what he needs. They help to throw off the shackles. Look at yourself and the world around you as if from the outside, or even rather from above. One of the attractive aspects of the method is that no special training is required to apply it. All that is needed is a little space and a desire to find freedom, including from the pursuit of material values.
Practice options
Perhaps the only thing that can stop most of us from total worship of Osho's teachings is the length of meditation. They are designed for every day. They need to be performed twice a day. Both evening and morning sessions last an hour.
Of course, the guru also came up with abbreviated versions for his very busy followers, but ideally, each meditation should take exactly 60 minutes. If you are ready to take this time out of your busy schedule to find complete peace of mind, then you can proceed. In total, the master invented 112 methods of meditation. We offer a description of the most common, popular and effective ones.

This evening meditation. It is aimed at suppressing all the negative emotions of the past day, relaxing the body and soul. For more effective performance, it is recommended to use music as the accompaniment. The technique is divided into 4 fifteen-minute sections.
During first quarter allow your body to move involuntarily for hours. You need to start with the legs and arms, in which the nerve endings are concentrated. At first, you will force them to swing, over time, the movements will become involuntary. The whole body will gradually be at the mercy of real shaking. From the outside it will resemble a madman's dance, however, this should not worry you. The task is to embark on an absolutely uncontrollable dance.
15 minutes later incomprehensible body movements should be replaced by a real dance. This should already be a deliberate action. Watch your body, listen to it, what kind of pas it wants to perform. However, again, do not think about the beauty and attractiveness of your performance.

It is not intended for the public. You will receive "applause" only from your own organism, soul and mind.
In half an hour from the beginning of meditation, we go to the third part... First you need to stop abruptly. For the next 15 minutes, you will be stationary. Stand or sit, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to direct your thoughts deep into yourself all this time. Don't judge what is happening. Just watch what is happening to you as if from the outside.
The last 15 minutes of meditation are done lying down.... Lie on your bed, on the floor, or on your lawn. The location is not important. The only task is to detach from everything that happens both around and inside you. Complete silence of even thoughts - and no movement. This time, like the previous segment, should be spent with your eyes closed, while the first two stages can be passed as you like. After an hour has passed since the beginning of the meditation, we open our eyes. You have received your sight both externally and internally. Kundalini meditation is over.
It is believed that it is - Osho basic meditationon which all the others are based. It can be done both independently and in a group. Moreover, in the second case, it will be more effective, since it will unite the energy of several people. It happens with closed eyes, it is better to tie a bandage on them at all. But there should be a minimum of other clothes. Nothing should constrain your body. Another condition is that you can do it only on an empty stomach. Duration - about an hour, these are five intervals of 10-15 minutes each. Ready? Then let's get started.
On first stage focus only on your breathing. Take deep breaths in and out. They should be as frequent as possible. If at this time the body wants to move, do not hold it back. Waves of hands, turns of the head - let your body take over your mind. You control only breathing - deep and intense.
After 10 minutes, go to the next stage... This stage is like a bolt from the blue. No one can predict in advance how it will look. You have to surrender to the will of your own feelings, which will cause dynamic breathing. It can be anything - crying and even sobbing, or, conversely, laughter up to irrepressible laughter. You may want to jump or swing your arms to simulate a punch. Do whatever your soul and body desires.You absolutely should not care what it looks like from the outside, even if you become like a city madman. Feel free to release the accumulated energy inside.

At this stage, the mantra "Huu" is used. Start jumping in place. Accompany each one with the pronunciation of a mantra. Do this out loud and silently. It is important to land on your feet. The sound on contact with the floor should resemble the word "Huu". Jumping should be intense.
They should drive you to the point of exhaustion. At the same time, you should keep your hands up.
After 10 minutes we stop abruptly. We remain in this position for a quarter of an hour. You should literally freeze for this time. Stop your involuntary urges to scratch your nose or straighten your clothes. Your body is a statue. Your mind is directed deep into your soul. Listen to her and observe the changes taking place in her. All the energy that was thrown out with the outward movements enters you again.
Next 15 minutes dedicated to the victory dance. With our performance, we thank ourselves and the universe for the pleasure we have received. This is a dance of bliss, surrender yourself completely to its power, and at the end of the meditation you will feel an extraordinary surge of strength, including sexual.
This technique is broken down into 3 stages. Main part again dedicated to the dance. It will take a longer period of meditation time, which will last a little over an hour. First step lasts 40 minutes. It will be ideal if you put the music on at this particular time. Its end will be like an alarm clock for you. But more on that later. First, let's dive into the dance. You don't need to perform the correct movements, even if you are a Bolshoi ballerina or world champion in ballroom dancing. This is the dance of the inner world. Do whatever your soul commands you. Even if the dance will more resemble a sumo training, nothing should scare you or even more so stop you. You can stop all movements only after 40 minutes.

As soon as the music is over, we brake sharply and lie down on the floor. Next 20 minutes you have to spend in complete silence and without the slightest movement. All sounds and energy received as a result of the dance penetrate into the deepest layers of the body. We get up and dance again. As in the previous dynamic technique, this is a dance of gratitude, pleasure, pleasure. You give it to yourself and the universe, receiving new light forces from it in return.

This technique was known long before the appearance of Oshi. It was practiced by Tibetan monks. They did it at night. Usually around three o'clock from midnight. Then they went to bed again. The Indian guru recommended doing it just before bed or in the morning. In the second case, after meditation, you will need at least fifteen minutes of rest. In principle, you can resort to it during the day, just remember that you will still need to set aside time for rest.
You can do it even while doing some work that requires only hand movements. In addition, it is designed for both individual performance and group performance. For the best effect, you can use earplugs so that ambient sounds do not distract you. Another condition is an empty stomach.
Otherwise, it will be difficult for the inner sound to penetrate deeply.

First step will last half an hour. It is to be carried out with closed eyes. Next, you should begin to pronounce a sound similar to the whistle of a steam locomotive. It doesn't matter how you reach it - huming, howling or buzzing. The main thing is that your mouth is closed and the sound you make is loud enough. If you wish, you can change the tone, do some movements. A beep is an inhalation, a beep is an exhalation. After a while, you will be left alone with this sound. It will penetrate deep into you and clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and emotions.
Second fifteen minute stage divided into 2 parts. In the first, you need to perform circular movements with your hands. The palms should be facing outward.You kind of draw the outer circles. After 7 minutes, we change directions. We lower our palms down and begin to draw circles in the opposite direction. In the first stage, you release energy outward, in the second, you collect it inward. The last 15 minutes of meditation should be spent in complete silence and without a single movement. After a quarter of an hour, it ends.
Your head has become light, you are filled with energy.
This technique will take an hour that you are accustomed to. It is divided into 4 parts, 15 minutes each. In the first stage, you run in place with your knees raised high. With every minute you need to speed up the pace of movement of the legs. It is recommended that you use music whose tempo also increases over time. You must surrender completely to these movements. Breathing is even, deep, but not tense. Thus, it will be possible to free the mind from all thoughts, for a while to renounce any thoughts. Thus, you will give the opportunity to penetrate the necessary energy body and soul deep inside. It will start flowing from below.
We sit down, close our eyes and begin to swing the body from side to side, right and left. We do it in a circle. The movements are soft. You are the embodiment of tenderness. The energy rises in your body to the level of your navel. We lie down and open our eyes. We begin to make them circular movements in a clockwise direction. We do these movements smoothly at first, then faster and faster. Thus, you get rid of negative energy, which accumulates in large quantities on the back wall of the eye socket and at the same time lift the positive one up. It reaches the level of the bridge of the nose and stops at the third eye, opening the inner eye. We close our eyes. We remain motionless for the next 15 minutes.
All tension is finally relieved, the body is filled with energy.

The name of the meditation translates as "divine voice". Your body becomes the mouthpiece of God. The practice also takes an hour and is divided into 4 equal parts. Turn on the music and sit back. For the first 15 minutes, you just sit and listen to music.
Try to let the divine voice inside you. Start repeating the meaningless "la-la-la". After some time, you will realize that you are pronouncing previously unknown words, which after several sessions will begin to form into sentences. And now you are already fluent in a hitherto unknown language. The voice comes from a forgotten part of the brain. The one that worked when you were a baby was acting on a subconscious level.
Get up. Continue to speak the speech sent to you from above, but now also let in your body not only voice, but also sounds. After a while, warm and light rays of divine energy begin to penetrate into the body. Lie down. Relax your body completely.
Let the divine energy penetrate into every cell of your body, soul and mind.

Tips for beginners
As noted above, to perform Osho meditations, no special training is needed, which means that novice followers of such a technique do not exist in principle. The only advice the guru gives is to become an observer of your thoughts and desires, not only during practice sessions. To look at everything that happens inside and around from the outside - then it is easy to achieve harmony with yourself and the whole world around you.